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1) List the kingdoms of life. Which ones are microscopic and which ones are
2) What is an organism?
3) What is a tissue?
4) What is an organ?
5) What is an organ system?
6) What do you call an organism that cannot be seen with the naked eye?
7) Which kingdoms have organisms that are large enough to be seen without a
8) Which are the characteristics (4 characteristics) common to all living beings
(what make them living things)?
9) How can you classify organisms according to the number of cells they are
composed of?
10) Describe how a single-celled organism is organized, grows and reproduces.
11) What is DNA?
12) What must happen before a single-celled organism can divide?
13) What is binary fission?
14) List some conditions in the environment that all living things responds to.
15) How living things get energy?
16) What three shapes can bacteria have?
17) What is the name of the process by which bacteria reproduces?
18) Where is the bacterium's DNA located?
19) Why do you think a bacterial cell needs both a cell wall and a cell membrane?
20) How does a bacterial cell compare in size with other cells?
21) Why is water so important to living things?
22) Name three things that living things must obtain to survive.
23) Name two features that all bacteria share.
24) Make a comment about the places bacteria can be found.
25) What do you call the conversion of nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds?
26) What are the two parts that every virus has?
27) Why are viruses not considered to be living things?
28) Explain how copies of viruses are produced.
29) Describe the basic structure of viruses.
30) How does the size of a virus compare with the size of a bacteria?
31) List two characteristics of viruses that make them similar to living things.
32) List two characteristics shared by all living things that are not exhibited by
33) What is the function of the protein coat of a virus?
34) What are host cells?
35) How does virus DNA get into the host cell?
36) Summarize the steps by which a bacteriophage makes new viruses.
37) Are bacteria more or less complex than viruses?
38) Are all protists single-celled?
39) Why are protists condidered the most diverse group of organisms?
40) How do bacteria get food?
41) Explain why bacteria are classified as living things but viruses are not.
42) What two groups of organisms are single-celled and have no nuclei?