Full Text - Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psych Physiology
... The current study aimed to classify and identify psychiatric disorders with higher validity; that is, with a rigor that “clears the bar” and allows them to be confidently diagnosed as medical disorders. The goal was to create a rubric similar to (or even better than) the periodic table to allow the ...
... The current study aimed to classify and identify psychiatric disorders with higher validity; that is, with a rigor that “clears the bar” and allows them to be confidently diagnosed as medical disorders. The goal was to create a rubric similar to (or even better than) the periodic table to allow the ...
... smells, or feels something that does not really exist. The most common form of hallucination is auditory in nature. Persons with auditory hallucinations often report hearing voices. In some cases those voices will tell a person to do a specific act. This type of auditory hallucination is called a co ...
... smells, or feels something that does not really exist. The most common form of hallucination is auditory in nature. Persons with auditory hallucinations often report hearing voices. In some cases those voices will tell a person to do a specific act. This type of auditory hallucination is called a co ...
What Is It like to Be a Person with Schizophrenia... the Social World? A First-Person Perspective Study
... Lack of Established Procedural Criteria. The main aim of phenomenological research in psychopathology is seeking for the invariances in anomalous experiences and attempting to disclose the essential feature(s) of a given type of phenomenon. The standard way to obtain this is by means of imaginative ...
... Lack of Established Procedural Criteria. The main aim of phenomenological research in psychopathology is seeking for the invariances in anomalous experiences and attempting to disclose the essential feature(s) of a given type of phenomenon. The standard way to obtain this is by means of imaginative ...
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Clinical assessment and
... for bipolar disorder 2 73-77. Although the prognosis is generally favorable and women fully recover, they are at risk of developing further puerperal and non puerperal episodes of bipolar affective disorder 78. Recent evidence from epidemiological and clinical studies suggests that symptoms of perin ...
... for bipolar disorder 2 73-77. Although the prognosis is generally favorable and women fully recover, they are at risk of developing further puerperal and non puerperal episodes of bipolar affective disorder 78. Recent evidence from epidemiological and clinical studies suggests that symptoms of perin ...
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Migraine With Medication
... mechanisms underlying CM and the occurrence of medication overuse.6-11 Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a condition in which headaches become increasingly frequent as a patient begins to use more and more acute headache medications.6 The presence of a comorbid psychiatric disorder and a greater ...
... mechanisms underlying CM and the occurrence of medication overuse.6-11 Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a condition in which headaches become increasingly frequent as a patient begins to use more and more acute headache medications.6 The presence of a comorbid psychiatric disorder and a greater ...
Full Text - Journal of Current Psychiatry Ain Shams Uni.
... problematic for caregivers of these children. They may also give some information that help in the understanding of neurophysiology and etiology of this disorder. One of the best methods to study sleep for AD is polysomnogrphy. That is why in our work preferred this way to study the neurophysiology ...
... problematic for caregivers of these children. They may also give some information that help in the understanding of neurophysiology and etiology of this disorder. One of the best methods to study sleep for AD is polysomnogrphy. That is why in our work preferred this way to study the neurophysiology ...
NAMI SWI Resource Guide NAMI SWI Resource Guide 2016
... illness and services available. We have compiled information in this guide from many different sources in the hope that it will be helpful to others as they find ways to understand and cope with mental illness in their family. The descriptions of mental illness and their symptoms, medications, and c ...
... illness and services available. We have compiled information in this guide from many different sources in the hope that it will be helpful to others as they find ways to understand and cope with mental illness in their family. The descriptions of mental illness and their symptoms, medications, and c ...
Coming Off Psych Drugs Harm Reduction Guide
... their faith in science and doctors. These words are in fact much more complicated and unclear. Biological factors (such as nutrition, rest, and food allergies) affect everything we experience: biological cause or “basis” plants the belief that there is one root or key cause of our problem. To say so ...
... their faith in science and doctors. These words are in fact much more complicated and unclear. Biological factors (such as nutrition, rest, and food allergies) affect everything we experience: biological cause or “basis” plants the belief that there is one root or key cause of our problem. To say so ...
Sometimes more competent, but always less warm
... trained at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. I have been practicing for more than 20 years and I specialize in assisting adults between the ages of 19 and 85 who are suffering from [disorder]. I believe that mental illnesses are disorders of thoughts and emotions. I recognize that understanding a pe ...
... trained at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. I have been practicing for more than 20 years and I specialize in assisting adults between the ages of 19 and 85 who are suffering from [disorder]. I believe that mental illnesses are disorders of thoughts and emotions. I recognize that understanding a pe ...
Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management of Schizoaffective Disorder Introduction
... of SAD exert different influences on perception, cognition, affect, mood, and physiological functioning. Knowledge about the clinical features, differential diagnosis, clinical course, and management of SAD has been shaped by diversity of opinion more than by consensus within the field, precluding e ...
... of SAD exert different influences on perception, cognition, affect, mood, and physiological functioning. Knowledge about the clinical features, differential diagnosis, clinical course, and management of SAD has been shaped by diversity of opinion more than by consensus within the field, precluding e ...
Word - The Open University
... Kraepelin depicted abnormal states in the way a botanist would classify plants. But this was not just about classification, because assumptions about genetic causation came with the descriptions. These assumptions brought with them, and justified, the need for medical control over patients. They als ...
... Kraepelin depicted abnormal states in the way a botanist would classify plants. But this was not just about classification, because assumptions about genetic causation came with the descriptions. These assumptions brought with them, and justified, the need for medical control over patients. They als ...
Efficacy and Safety of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Acute
... unblinded and used as the known active coil to determine motor thresholds. The other two coils differed in that the sham coil had an embedded magnetic shield. The latter limited the magnetic energy reaching the cortex to 10% or less than the active coil but nevertheless allowed the active and sham c ...
... unblinded and used as the known active coil to determine motor thresholds. The other two coils differed in that the sham coil had an embedded magnetic shield. The latter limited the magnetic energy reaching the cortex to 10% or less than the active coil but nevertheless allowed the active and sham c ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Refugee
... in criminal and civil litigation to obtain more favourable legal outcomes. In Canada, individuals suffering from PTSD during the commission of a crime may receive lenient sentences or be found Not Criminally Responsible (NCR). In the United States similar trends are noted. For example, in a recent c ...
... in criminal and civil litigation to obtain more favourable legal outcomes. In Canada, individuals suffering from PTSD during the commission of a crime may receive lenient sentences or be found Not Criminally Responsible (NCR). In the United States similar trends are noted. For example, in a recent c ...
... Baer J, Althoff RR, Rettew DC, Harder VS, Ayer LA, Albaugh MD, Kuny AV, Hudziak JJ. Associations Among Child Temperament, Parenting Behavior, and Child Social Functioning as Measured by the Child Behavior Checklist. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol-In review. Ayer LA, Jansen PW, Hudziak JJ, Jaddoe VWV, ...
Quality-of-Life Impairment in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders
... Degree of Impairment in Quality of Life All diagnostic groups had lower mean Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire percentage scores than the community normative mean percentage score (Figure 1). The mean Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire percentage scores r ...
... Degree of Impairment in Quality of Life All diagnostic groups had lower mean Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire percentage scores than the community normative mean percentage score (Figure 1). The mean Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire percentage scores r ...
DSM-5 and Psychotic and Mood Disorders
... heading “Specify Current Severity”; clinicians are referred to the instrument after the statement “quantitative assessment of the primary symptoms of psychosis . . . may be rated for its current severity . . . on a 5-point scale” (Ref. 1, p 91). This tool appears to be easy to use, could easily be a ...
... heading “Specify Current Severity”; clinicians are referred to the instrument after the statement “quantitative assessment of the primary symptoms of psychosis . . . may be rated for its current severity . . . on a 5-point scale” (Ref. 1, p 91). This tool appears to be easy to use, could easily be a ...
Psychiatric disorders in low functioning
... The failure to find differences in psychopathology between these two groups requires some comment. This study took place in a naturalistic clinical environment, and the sample size was quite large, if not larger than most previous studies, including also standardised methods of data collection using ...
... The failure to find differences in psychopathology between these two groups requires some comment. This study took place in a naturalistic clinical environment, and the sample size was quite large, if not larger than most previous studies, including also standardised methods of data collection using ...
Evidence and implications for early intervention in bipolar disorder
... will be described later in this paper. Just as is described in oncology, not all patients follow a clear path, and there are individuals who manifest a malignant course with for example rapid cycling from the outset. Nevertheless, on aggregate, the staging model describes a temporal flow that can be ...
... will be described later in this paper. Just as is described in oncology, not all patients follow a clear path, and there are individuals who manifest a malignant course with for example rapid cycling from the outset. Nevertheless, on aggregate, the staging model describes a temporal flow that can be ...
The Correlates of Comorbid Antisocial Personality Disorder in
... information was collected from files and collaterals. Patients from general psychiatric hospitals in the same geographical region who had the same sex, similar age (±5 years), and the same principal diagnosis were identified and also invited to participate in the study. If the principal diagnosis wa ...
... information was collected from files and collaterals. Patients from general psychiatric hospitals in the same geographical region who had the same sex, similar age (±5 years), and the same principal diagnosis were identified and also invited to participate in the study. If the principal diagnosis wa ...
... and conflict do exist--in fact, are intrinsic to the human condition-but they are not diseases in the pathological sense.” Thomas S. Szasz (MD), Mental Disorders Are Not Diseases. USA Today (Magazine) January 2000 ...
... and conflict do exist--in fact, are intrinsic to the human condition-but they are not diseases in the pathological sense.” Thomas S. Szasz (MD), Mental Disorders Are Not Diseases. USA Today (Magazine) January 2000 ...
Original Paper
... civilians, and how cultural and emotional considerations were taken into account to increase their acceptability and utility. Examples include: the Dirty War Index, the Civilian Battle Damage Assessment Ratio (CBDAR), and the Civilian Targeting Index. RESULTS The Dirty War Index was well-received by ...
... civilians, and how cultural and emotional considerations were taken into account to increase their acceptability and utility. Examples include: the Dirty War Index, the Civilian Battle Damage Assessment Ratio (CBDAR), and the Civilian Targeting Index. RESULTS The Dirty War Index was well-received by ...
Psychiatric Nursing
... It is often said that we are all ‘a bit abnormal’ is this true or nonsense? This question may be easier if the word ‘normal’ replaced by ‘healthy’ but the question remains whether it is normal to be a little unhealthy. The difficulty which arises in answering these questions lies in the fact that ‘n ...
... It is often said that we are all ‘a bit abnormal’ is this true or nonsense? This question may be easier if the word ‘normal’ replaced by ‘healthy’ but the question remains whether it is normal to be a little unhealthy. The difficulty which arises in answering these questions lies in the fact that ‘n ...
Mood Stabilizers and Mood Swings: In Search of a Definition
... quite freely, especially with patients who have labile affect, and are basically making the diagnosis on a hunch. Although the considerations above regarding risk/benefit ratio still apply, ordinarily I would have no difficulty with a clinician following a clinical intuition and diagnosing atypical ...
... quite freely, especially with patients who have labile affect, and are basically making the diagnosis on a hunch. Although the considerations above regarding risk/benefit ratio still apply, ordinarily I would have no difficulty with a clinician following a clinical intuition and diagnosing atypical ...
Psychiatric Nursing
... It is often said that we are all ‘a bit abnormal’ is this true or nonsense? This question may be easier if the word ‘normal’ replaced by ‘healthy’ but the question remains whether it is normal to be a little unhealthy. The difficulty which arises in answering these questions lies in the fact that ‘n ...
... It is often said that we are all ‘a bit abnormal’ is this true or nonsense? This question may be easier if the word ‘normal’ replaced by ‘healthy’ but the question remains whether it is normal to be a little unhealthy. The difficulty which arises in answering these questions lies in the fact that ‘n ...
anxiety and stress disorders: course over the lifetime
... by Jerome Kagan and colleagues has led to the identification of a temperament, ‘‘behavioral inhibition’’ (BI), that appears to be related to the subsequent onset of anxiety disorders. BI involves reacting to unfamiliar or novel situations with behavioral restraint and physiologic arousal (5). When c ...
... by Jerome Kagan and colleagues has led to the identification of a temperament, ‘‘behavioral inhibition’’ (BI), that appears to be related to the subsequent onset of anxiety disorders. BI involves reacting to unfamiliar or novel situations with behavioral restraint and physiologic arousal (5). When c ...
Anti-psychiatry is the view that psychiatric treatments are often more damaging than helpful to patients, and a movement opposing such treatments for almost two centuries. It considers psychiatry a coercive instrument of oppression due to an unequal power relationship between doctor and patient, and a highly subjective diagnostic process.Anti-psychiatry originates in an objection to what some view as dangerous treatments. Examples include electroconvulsive therapy, insulin shock therapy, brain lobotomy, and the over-prescription of potentially dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. An immediate concern is the significant increase in prescribing psychiatric drugs for children. There were also concerns about mental health institutions. Every society, including liberal Western society, permits involuntary treatment or involuntary commitment of mental patients.In the 1960s, there were many challenges to psychoanalysis and mainstream psychiatry, where the very basis of psychiatric practice was characterized as repressive and controlling. Psychiatrists involved in this challenge included Jacques Lacan, Thomas Szasz, Giorgio Antonucci, R. D. Laing, Franco Basaglia, Theodore Lidz, Silvano Arieti, and David Cooper. Others involved were Michel Foucault and Erving Goffman. Cooper coined the term ""anti-psychiatry"" in 1967, and wrote the book Psychiatry and Anti-psychiatry in 1971. Thomas Szasz introduced the definition of mental illness as a myth in the book The Myth of Mental Illness (1961), Giorgio Antonucci introduced the definition of psychiatry as a prejudice in the book I pregiudizi e la conoscenza critica alla psichiatria (1986).Contemporary issues of anti-psychiatry include freedom versus coercion, mind versus brain, nature versus nurture, and the right to be different. Some ex-patient groups have become anti-psychiatric, often referring to themselves as ""survivors"" rather than patients.