Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice: A Guidebook for
... Many jurisdictions, juvenile justice agencies, and practitioners have adopted risk assessment as a part of their practice, while others have not yet done so. We have constructed this Guide to be useful to current risk assessment users and potential future users. In our experience working with jurisd ...
... Many jurisdictions, juvenile justice agencies, and practitioners have adopted risk assessment as a part of their practice, while others have not yet done so. We have constructed this Guide to be useful to current risk assessment users and potential future users. In our experience working with jurisd ...
parental involvement practices of juvenile courts
... Far too many courts, as well as family and youth service agencies, have either undervalued or ignored the role parents play in their children’s severe misbehavior and what can and should be done about it. -- from “No Consequences—Re-examining Parental Responsibility Laws,” 7:1 Stanford Law & Policy ...
... Far too many courts, as well as family and youth service agencies, have either undervalued or ignored the role parents play in their children’s severe misbehavior and what can and should be done about it. -- from “No Consequences—Re-examining Parental Responsibility Laws,” 7:1 Stanford Law & Policy ...
inquiry into strategies to prevent high volume offending and
... training/work is a most important factor in keeping people out of the justice system. Therefore we have looked at strategies that relate to children at a very early age, up to strategies for offenders. The cost of these must be less than the cost of incarcerating people, both for the State and for t ...
... training/work is a most important factor in keeping people out of the justice system. Therefore we have looked at strategies that relate to children at a very early age, up to strategies for offenders. The cost of these must be less than the cost of incarcerating people, both for the State and for t ...
The Socioeconomic Impact of Pretrial Detention
... draconian a State or individual can make. A decision made in an instant by the arresting officer can have a severe, lasting, and adverse impact. Whether or not it is justified, and regardless of whether due process is followed, the arrest is likely to have a traumatic effect on the detainee and thos ...
... draconian a State or individual can make. A decision made in an instant by the arresting officer can have a severe, lasting, and adverse impact. Whether or not it is justified, and regardless of whether due process is followed, the arrest is likely to have a traumatic effect on the detainee and thos ...
Immigration Enforcement - American Civil Liberties Union
... U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the enforcement bureau within DHS, in addition to prison facilities owned and operated by private prison contractors and over 300 local and county jails that ICE rents beds from on a reimbursable basis. 3 Only half of these immigrants held in detention ...
... U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the enforcement bureau within DHS, in addition to prison facilities owned and operated by private prison contractors and over 300 local and county jails that ICE rents beds from on a reimbursable basis. 3 Only half of these immigrants held in detention ...
rules of juvenile court procedure
... COURT is the Court of Common Pleas, a court of record, which is assigned to hear juvenile delinquency matters. Court shall include masters when they are permitted to hear cases under these rules and magisterial district judges when issuing an arrest warrant pursuant to Rule 210. Juvenile Court shall ...
... COURT is the Court of Common Pleas, a court of record, which is assigned to hear juvenile delinquency matters. Court shall include masters when they are permitted to hear cases under these rules and magisterial district judges when issuing an arrest warrant pursuant to Rule 210. Juvenile Court shall ...
PART I - Florida Courts
... (b) To provide for the care, safety, and protection of children in an environment that fosters healthy social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development; to ensure secure and safe custody; and to promote the health and well-being of all children under the state's care. (c) To ensure the prot ...
... (b) To provide for the care, safety, and protection of children in an environment that fosters healthy social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development; to ensure secure and safe custody; and to promote the health and well-being of all children under the state's care. (c) To ensure the prot ...
Mentoring and Crime: A Review of the Literature
... different groups that partake in mentoring: the community, schools, government and the faith-based community. While this list is not exhaustive, it is the four main groups that this paper will discuss. Faith in their Futures is a mentoring program run out of the Kings County District Attorney’s Offi ...
... different groups that partake in mentoring: the community, schools, government and the faith-based community. While this list is not exhaustive, it is the four main groups that this paper will discuss. Faith in their Futures is a mentoring program run out of the Kings County District Attorney’s Offi ...
Books - SAPEN
... Justice Services ($39,106). 1998 – Principal Investigator, Training on the Youthful Level of Service Inventory to Court Staff. Funded by the Ohio Department of Youth Services. ($34,761) 1998 – Principal Investigator, Evaluation of a School-based Intervention Program (Project Oasis). Funded by the Oh ...
... Justice Services ($39,106). 1998 – Principal Investigator, Training on the Youthful Level of Service Inventory to Court Staff. Funded by the Ohio Department of Youth Services. ($34,761) 1998 – Principal Investigator, Evaluation of a School-based Intervention Program (Project Oasis). Funded by the Oh ...
vitae - University of Cincinnati
... Justice Services, ($105,420). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting, Training, Development, and Evaluation Services. Funded by the Ohio Department of Youth Services ($536,600). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting and Training to Convert the Erie County Community Correctional Facility to CB ...
... Justice Services, ($105,420). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting, Training, Development, and Evaluation Services. Funded by the Ohio Department of Youth Services ($536,600). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting and Training to Convert the Erie County Community Correctional Facility to CB ...
vitae - University of Cincinnati
... Justice Services, ($105,420). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting, Training, Development, and Evaluation Services. Funded by the Ohio Department of Youth Services ($536,600). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting and Training to Convert the Erie County Community Correctional Facility to CB ...
... Justice Services, ($105,420). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting, Training, Development, and Evaluation Services. Funded by the Ohio Department of Youth Services ($536,600). 2010 – Principal Investigator, Consulting and Training to Convert the Erie County Community Correctional Facility to CB ...
Youth Justice Secure Residences - Ministry of Social Development
... 2. The right mix of services within youth justice secure residences that would: a. improve short and long term outcomes and b. ensure a safe and positive residential environment for children/young people and staff. This should include, but is not limited to, the kinds of physical environment that ...
... 2. The right mix of services within youth justice secure residences that would: a. improve short and long term outcomes and b. ensure a safe and positive residential environment for children/young people and staff. This should include, but is not limited to, the kinds of physical environment that ...
Underage Drinking: Intervention Principles and Practice Guidelines
... This section examines some of the legal issues related to supervising underage drinking offenders. The legal issues surrounding underage drinking are delicate, and states should be cognizant of them. This is particularly true for juveniles who are charged with underage drinking, since the act is typ ...
... This section examines some of the legal issues related to supervising underage drinking offenders. The legal issues surrounding underage drinking are delicate, and states should be cognizant of them. This is particularly true for juveniles who are charged with underage drinking, since the act is typ ...
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
... opinions; (2) view forensic and psychological testing as valuable; (3) look for similar but not identical characteristics in juvenile and adult competence evaluations; and (4) consider opinions about maturity to be an important component of competence evaluations in juvenile court. Courts often requ ...
... opinions; (2) view forensic and psychological testing as valuable; (3) look for similar but not identical characteristics in juvenile and adult competence evaluations; and (4) consider opinions about maturity to be an important component of competence evaluations in juvenile court. Courts often requ ...
Quick Reference Guide to the Juvenile Justice System in South
... The purpose of the Training and Resource Manual for Juvenile Defenders is to provide juvenile defense attorneys with a comprehensive overview of the juvenile justice system and the legal and collateral issues that arise in juvenile delinquency proceedings in South Carolina’s family courts. The infor ...
... The purpose of the Training and Resource Manual for Juvenile Defenders is to provide juvenile defense attorneys with a comprehensive overview of the juvenile justice system and the legal and collateral issues that arise in juvenile delinquency proceedings in South Carolina’s family courts. The infor ...
Immigration-Related Detention: Current Legislative Issues [January
... As Congress considers addressing some of the problems in the nation’s immigration system, the detention of noncitizens in the United States may be an issue as Congress may chose to reevaluate detention priorities (i.e., who should be detained) and resources. Under the law, there is broad authority t ...
... As Congress considers addressing some of the problems in the nation’s immigration system, the detention of noncitizens in the United States may be an issue as Congress may chose to reevaluate detention priorities (i.e., who should be detained) and resources. Under the law, there is broad authority t ...
Preparing the young offender for return to society
... behavior, proceeded by dialog with and observation of teenagers already adjudicated to be juvenile delinquents. It was premised on those parts of sociological theory that could provide explanation of and suggest treatment for juvenile delinquency. This study tested the tenets of several perspectives ...
... behavior, proceeded by dialog with and observation of teenagers already adjudicated to be juvenile delinquents. It was premised on those parts of sociological theory that could provide explanation of and suggest treatment for juvenile delinquency. This study tested the tenets of several perspectives ...
Re-thinking Juvenile Gangs - Center for Court Innovation
... East Harlem, each year.19 East Harlem has among the highest concentrations of male exoffenders in the state. The Justice Mapping Center identified a seven block corridor in East Harlem where 1 in 20 males have been to prison, unemployment was 15 percent, 40 percent of 14 NYC Department of Health Com ...
... East Harlem, each year.19 East Harlem has among the highest concentrations of male exoffenders in the state. The Justice Mapping Center identified a seven block corridor in East Harlem where 1 in 20 males have been to prison, unemployment was 15 percent, 40 percent of 14 NYC Department of Health Com ...
B l u e p r i n t ... A C o m p r e h... I d e n t i f i c a...
... Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................vii ...
... Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................vii ...
With Liberty and Juvenile Justice for All: Extending the Right to a
... were encouraged to use their discretion when imposing sentences in order to maximize the possibility of rehabilitating the criminal offenders.18 Through indeterminate sentencing, judges hoped to break the cycle of crime by giving offenders "whatever skills or opportunities were necessary to prevent ...
... were encouraged to use their discretion when imposing sentences in order to maximize the possibility of rehabilitating the criminal offenders.18 Through indeterminate sentencing, judges hoped to break the cycle of crime by giving offenders "whatever skills or opportunities were necessary to prevent ...
Restitution, Rehabilitation, Prevention, and
... adult jails. [FN6] Youthful offenders routinely emerge from incarceration less prepared for adult life and more likely to recidivate. [FN7] Juveniles who are discharged or placed on probation are at greater risk for future incarceration because they rarely are provided with the services that will he ...
... adult jails. [FN6] Youthful offenders routinely emerge from incarceration less prepared for adult life and more likely to recidivate. [FN7] Juveniles who are discharged or placed on probation are at greater risk for future incarceration because they rarely are provided with the services that will he ...
juvenile transfer to criminal court study: final report
... Transferred youth were especially critical and mistrustful of public defenders. They frequently believed that public defenders were “part of the state” and were an adversary rather than an advocate. They generally viewed criminal proceedings as being more complex than juvenile ones and were cynical ...
... Transferred youth were especially critical and mistrustful of public defenders. They frequently believed that public defenders were “part of the state” and were an adversary rather than an advocate. They generally viewed criminal proceedings as being more complex than juvenile ones and were cynical ...
Best Interests Equals Zealous Advocacy: a Not So Radical View of
... prison term by presenting mitigating evidence at sentencing, such as: the client's mother is a junkie, there is no food at home, and the client grew up in a chaotic household.' The probation department recommends a two-year prison sentence. Although the defendant's record demonstrates that he will u ...
... prison term by presenting mitigating evidence at sentencing, such as: the client's mother is a junkie, there is no food at home, and the client grew up in a chaotic household.' The probation department recommends a two-year prison sentence. Although the defendant's record demonstrates that he will u ...
Adolescent Criminal Responsibility, Proportionality, and Sentencing
... and waive jurisdiction if she finds that a youth is not amenable to treatment or poses a threat to public safety." Legislatures may exclude serious offenses from juvenile court jurisdiction and youths charged with those crimes are tried in criminal court without any hearing. A dozen states give pros ...
... and waive jurisdiction if she finds that a youth is not amenable to treatment or poses a threat to public safety." Legislatures may exclude serious offenses from juvenile court jurisdiction and youths charged with those crimes are tried in criminal court without any hearing. A dozen states give pros ...
The Globalization of Juvenile Justice
... justice has become quite punitive (Goldson & Muncie, 2006). Although the country’s juvenile court system was founded in 1899 based on the idea that juveniles are fundamentally different than adults and should therefore be treated differently when they break the law, punitive reforms throughout the 1 ...
... justice has become quite punitive (Goldson & Muncie, 2006). Although the country’s juvenile court system was founded in 1899 based on the idea that juveniles are fundamentally different than adults and should therefore be treated differently when they break the law, punitive reforms throughout the 1 ...
Youth detention center
In American criminal justice systems a youth detention center, also known as a juvenile detention center (JDC), juvenile hall or, more colloquially as juvy, is a secure residential facility for young people, often termed juvenile delinquents, awaiting court hearings and/or placement in long-term care facilities and programs. Juveniles go through a separate court system, the juvenile court, which sentences or commits juveniles to a certain program or facility.