![National report](http://s1.studyres.com/store/data/014479656_1-9a13a977a899e16d9f58c2c06c265d0b-300x300.png)
National report
... Although they can exacerbate difficulties, cities can also provide their own solutions, by strengthening the role and capacities of local authorities. This is why it is important to continue efforts to control land management and prevent urban sprawl (60% of urban spaces expected in 2030 have not ye ...
... Although they can exacerbate difficulties, cities can also provide their own solutions, by strengthening the role and capacities of local authorities. This is why it is important to continue efforts to control land management and prevent urban sprawl (60% of urban spaces expected in 2030 have not ye ...
The role of functional prototyping in the development process
... Prototyping as a key for successful system analysis The success or failure of a project lies not with the elegance of its code but in its analysis of the system and end user requirements. System analysts have the difficult job of eliciting knowledge from stakeholders and domain experts, and communic ...
... Prototyping as a key for successful system analysis The success or failure of a project lies not with the elegance of its code but in its analysis of the system and end user requirements. System analysts have the difficult job of eliciting knowledge from stakeholders and domain experts, and communic ...
... and about whether or not laws of nature actually exist. But to assume that laws of nature do not exist, even if it were true, would be to assume that natural phenomena cannot be rationally explained. The primary task of science is not to differentiate the true from the false. It is to solve scientif ...
... and about whether or not laws of nature actually exist. But to assume that laws of nature do not exist, even if it were true, would be to assume that natural phenomena cannot be rationally explained. The primary task of science is not to differentiate the true from the false. It is to solve scientif ...
ICLS Occasional Paper 6.1 Families and Children Study 2006 – 2008.
... that effect going in? Positive effects on work entry: We can see the biggest one was their intention to work. So not a great surprise; for people who say they’re intending to work in the future, there is a positive relationship for work entry. Interestingly the use of formal childcare had a direct i ...
... that effect going in? Positive effects on work entry: We can see the biggest one was their intention to work. So not a great surprise; for people who say they’re intending to work in the future, there is a positive relationship for work entry. Interestingly the use of formal childcare had a direct i ...
On the units of geographical economics
... concentrate production at a limited number of locations prefer, other things equal, to choose locations with good access to markets’ (Krugman, 1993a, p. 131). Thus, in support of this intuition the second series of equations in the basic model for geographical economics are dedicated to describing t ...
... concentrate production at a limited number of locations prefer, other things equal, to choose locations with good access to markets’ (Krugman, 1993a, p. 131). Thus, in support of this intuition the second series of equations in the basic model for geographical economics are dedicated to describing t ...
... actually works, or even as prescriptions of how scientists ought to work in each and every case. But lest this be misunderstood, he would quickly add that science is in general an oversimplification, and that the issue is not whether you oversimplify but whether or not you oversimplify well. This e ...
... actually works, or even as prescriptions of how scientists ought to work in each and every case. But lest this be misunderstood, he would quickly add that science is in general an oversimplification, and that the issue is not whether you oversimplify but whether or not you oversimplify well. This e ...
Validated simulation tool for crisis management
... conceptualises the shared commonalities of all CRISMA reference scenarios. The CRISMA conceptual model (meta model) for crisis management describes conceptually how different types of world (environment) models, incident models, and response models are related and connected to each other for decisio ...
... conceptualises the shared commonalities of all CRISMA reference scenarios. The CRISMA conceptual model (meta model) for crisis management describes conceptually how different types of world (environment) models, incident models, and response models are related and connected to each other for decisio ...
- City Research Online
... compared to the entire stock. Moreover, recent efforts towards setting up large-scale strengthening (also referred to as retrofit) programmes of school buildings, such as that in British Columbia (Ventura et al. 2012) are useful in that they introduce concepts like performance based assessment and c ...
... compared to the entire stock. Moreover, recent efforts towards setting up large-scale strengthening (also referred to as retrofit) programmes of school buildings, such as that in British Columbia (Ventura et al. 2012) are useful in that they introduce concepts like performance based assessment and c ...
... for structures where higher mode effects are significant. 2) In most cases it will be necessary to perform the analysis with displacement rather than force control, since the target displacement may be associated with very small positive or even a negative lateral stiffness because of the developmen ...
... for structures where higher mode effects are significant. 2) In most cases it will be necessary to perform the analysis with displacement rather than force control, since the target displacement may be associated with very small positive or even a negative lateral stiffness because of the developmen ...
Bridging the gap between predictive and prescriptive analytics
... variables. The user feeds the tool with data on x and y, and specifies the bounds on the optimization variable x and on the output factors y, and specifies one of the output variables yi as objective function. Next, the user presses the button ‘optimize’ and the tool develops predictive models for y ...
... variables. The user feeds the tool with data on x and y, and specifies the bounds on the optimization variable x and on the output factors y, and specifies one of the output variables yi as objective function. Next, the user presses the button ‘optimize’ and the tool develops predictive models for y ...
Construction of Digital Elevation Models
... values where the position of each matrix element is implicitly associated with planar spatial coordinates. Therefore, DEMs contain three-dimensional (3D) information based on a 2D structure that can be stored in different formats. Among these, the raster image is a convenient format as it is commonl ...
... values where the position of each matrix element is implicitly associated with planar spatial coordinates. Therefore, DEMs contain three-dimensional (3D) information based on a 2D structure that can be stored in different formats. Among these, the raster image is a convenient format as it is commonl ...
The Urban Sociology of Manuel Castells: A Critical
... my critique must either dhallenge the facts (i.e., my exegesis of Castells's work) or my criteria of what constitutes a rigorous and cogent analysis. My critique is that the theoretical core of Castells's work, contrary to his claims, tells us virtually nothing about either cities or historical mate ...
... my critique must either dhallenge the facts (i.e., my exegesis of Castells's work) or my criteria of what constitutes a rigorous and cogent analysis. My critique is that the theoretical core of Castells's work, contrary to his claims, tells us virtually nothing about either cities or historical mate ...
Systems Thinking and Sustainable Urban Development
... Figure 24: The Oslofjord region and its surrounding urban centers ..................................................... 69 Figure 25: Annual population growth in Oslo 1800-2011 ..................................................................... 70 Figure 27: Population development in Oslo 1800-201 ...
... Figure 24: The Oslofjord region and its surrounding urban centers ..................................................... 69 Figure 25: Annual population growth in Oslo 1800-2011 ..................................................................... 70 Figure 27: Population development in Oslo 1800-201 ...
1 - Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
... with the MNP kernel, when combined with additional normal random components, are much easier to estimate because of the conjugate addition property of the normal distribution (which puts the structure resulting from the addition of normal components to the MNP kernel back into an MNP form). On the o ...
... with the MNP kernel, when combined with additional normal random components, are much easier to estimate because of the conjugate addition property of the normal distribution (which puts the structure resulting from the addition of normal components to the MNP kernel back into an MNP form). On the o ...
Unit 25 Urbanization 25.1 Introduction 25.2 Urban, Urbanism
... them as urban. Such settlements have been termed as outgrowths, and may cover a whole village, or part of a village. Two or more towns may also be contiguous to each other. Such towns together with their outgrowths have been treated as one urban unit and called ‘urban agglomeration’. Box 25.2 Type o ...
... them as urban. Such settlements have been termed as outgrowths, and may cover a whole village, or part of a village. Two or more towns may also be contiguous to each other. Such towns together with their outgrowths have been treated as one urban unit and called ‘urban agglomeration’. Box 25.2 Type o ...
Political analysis and public choice
... the Social Sciences. Materials for these programmes are developed by academics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). For more information, see: www.londoninternational.ac.uk ...
... the Social Sciences. Materials for these programmes are developed by academics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). For more information, see: www.londoninternational.ac.uk ...
Economics Rules
... practices of sumo wrestlers to cheating by public school teachers, using careful empirical analysis and incentive-based reasoning.2 Some critics suggest that this line of work trivializes economics. It eschews the big questions of the field—when do markets work and fail, what makes economies grow, h ...
... practices of sumo wrestlers to cheating by public school teachers, using careful empirical analysis and incentive-based reasoning.2 Some critics suggest that this line of work trivializes economics. It eschews the big questions of the field—when do markets work and fail, what makes economies grow, h ...
Construction of Digital Elevation Models for a
... values where the position of each matrix element is implicitly associated with planar spatial coordinates. Therefore, DEMs contain three-dimensional (3D) information based on a 2D structure that can be stored in different formats. Among these, the raster image is a convenient format as it is commonl ...
... values where the position of each matrix element is implicitly associated with planar spatial coordinates. Therefore, DEMs contain three-dimensional (3D) information based on a 2D structure that can be stored in different formats. Among these, the raster image is a convenient format as it is commonl ...
- LSE Research Online
... benefits and bid up the prices of houses near Wright houses, the benefit will be capitalised in property prices. To assess whether such a premium exists, we conducted a spatial hedonic property price analysis, guided by a simple bid-rent model. Previewing our findings, the study will conclude that ...
... benefits and bid up the prices of houses near Wright houses, the benefit will be capitalised in property prices. To assess whether such a premium exists, we conducted a spatial hedonic property price analysis, guided by a simple bid-rent model. Previewing our findings, the study will conclude that ...
The Vitality and Turmoil of Urban Life, 1877– 1920
... at the limiting impact of sexism and racism. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, ethnic enclaves or immigrant districts emerged in America’s urban areas as migrants and the “new” immigrants poured into the country. Within these districts there was constant cultural interaction betw ...
... at the limiting impact of sexism and racism. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, ethnic enclaves or immigrant districts emerged in America’s urban areas as migrants and the “new” immigrants poured into the country. Within these districts there was constant cultural interaction betw ...
Rational-Choice Hermeneutics
... understand a poem or the instructions on a tube of toothpaste: we attempt to understand the purpose of the act (whether written or otherwise) in terms of the internal perceptions and beliefs of the person who performed it. Inasmuch as standard rational-choice theory appears -- at least from some ana ...
... understand a poem or the instructions on a tube of toothpaste: we attempt to understand the purpose of the act (whether written or otherwise) in terms of the internal perceptions and beliefs of the person who performed it. Inasmuch as standard rational-choice theory appears -- at least from some ana ...
... enumerative statistics. It is often the case that the researcher wishes to collate data which have been organized in terms of two or more different kinds of administrative units. When the administrative units of concern are not spatially coterminous the researcher must employ some sort of fitting or ...
... enumerative statistics. It is often the case that the researcher wishes to collate data which have been organized in terms of two or more different kinds of administrative units. When the administrative units of concern are not spatially coterminous the researcher must employ some sort of fitting or ...
Bayesian Inference for Exponential Random Graph Models
... correlated. For this reason, we also propose to use a population-based MCMC approach so as to improve the mixing and local moves on the high posterior density region reducing the chain’s autocorrelation significantly. An R package called Bergm, which accompanies this paper, contains all the procedur ...
... correlated. For this reason, we also propose to use a population-based MCMC approach so as to improve the mixing and local moves on the high posterior density region reducing the chain’s autocorrelation significantly. An R package called Bergm, which accompanies this paper, contains all the procedur ...
Land-use forecasting
Land-use forecasting undertakes to project the distribution and intensity of trip generating activities in the urban area. In practice, land-use models are demand-driven, using as inputs the aggregate information on growth produced by an aggregate economic forecasting activity. Land-use estimates are inputs to the transportation planning process.The discussion of land-use forecasting to follow begins with a review of the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS) effort. CATS researchers did interesting work, but did not produce a transferable forecasting model, and researchers elsewhere worked to develop models. After reviewing the CATS work, the discussion will turn to the first model to be widely known and emulated: the Lowry model developed by Ira S. Lowry when he was working for the Pittsburgh Regional Economic Study. Second and third generation Lowry models are now available and widely used, as well as interesting features incorporated in models that are not widely used.Today, the transportation planning activities attached to metropolitan planning organizations are the loci for the care and feeding of regional land-use models. In the US, interest in and use of models is growing rapidly, after an extended period of limited use. Interest is also substantial in Europe and elsewhere.Even though the majority of metropolitan planning agencies in the US do not use formal land-use models, we need to understand the subject: the concepts and analytic tools shape how land-use/transportation matters are thought about and handled; there is a good bit of interest in the research community where there have been important developments; and a new generation of land-use models such as LEAM and UrbanSim has developed since the 1990s that depart from these aggregate models, and incorporate innovations in discrete choice modeling, microsimulation, dynamics, and geographic information systems.