World Investment Report 2006. FDI from Developing and Transition
... This year ’s World Investment Report highlights the changing role of developing countries and transition economies in global foreign direct investment and the international production system. It examines their emergence as significant sources of foreign direct investment as well as the underlying fa ...
... This year ’s World Investment Report highlights the changing role of developing countries and transition economies in global foreign direct investment and the international production system. It examines their emergence as significant sources of foreign direct investment as well as the underlying fa ...
Lidocaine/Prilocaine Plethora : EPAR - Public - EMA
... upper age limit, due to the low number of elderly subjects enrolled, there are limited data on the efficacy and safety of Lidocaine/Prilocaine Plethora in patients 65 years and over. The metabolism of lidocaine and prilocaine results in the formation of 2,6-xylidine and o-toluidine, respectively, am ...
... upper age limit, due to the low number of elderly subjects enrolled, there are limited data on the efficacy and safety of Lidocaine/Prilocaine Plethora in patients 65 years and over. The metabolism of lidocaine and prilocaine results in the formation of 2,6-xylidine and o-toluidine, respectively, am ...
Transition Report 2002
... EBRD’s transition indicators. A number of countries that had been lagging in reform, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Russia, have made significant progress over the past year as a result of favourable political and economic developments. At the same time, sever ...
... EBRD’s transition indicators. A number of countries that had been lagging in reform, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Russia, have made significant progress over the past year as a result of favourable political and economic developments. At the same time, sever ...
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
... build 3-way consensus for EITI - at start of process and throughout build multi-stakeholder structures to design and manage EITI provide technical and financial support for EITI implementation ensure EITI process lead to EITI “compliant” status (validation) At global level, World Bank mana ...
... build 3-way consensus for EITI - at start of process and throughout build multi-stakeholder structures to design and manage EITI provide technical and financial support for EITI implementation ensure EITI process lead to EITI “compliant” status (validation) At global level, World Bank mana ...
... has not yet been adopted by official compendia as an efficacy-indicating test, it is necessary to define a general scientific framework, including basic ALENCE methodology, ethical principles as well as regulatory aspects for the conduct of bioavailability studies, so that optimal and relevant data ...
... has not yet been adopted by official compendia as an efficacy-indicating test, it is necessary to define a general scientific framework, including basic ALENCE methodology, ethical principles as well as regulatory aspects for the conduct of bioavailability studies, so that optimal and relevant data ...
Executive Summary - EDA Incubator Tool
... have helped new business owners access the resources and assistance they need to grow successful firms. For more than 50 years, these programs have played an important role in improving struggling economies, creating jobs, and encouraging innovation. Business incubation programs are designed to acce ...
... have helped new business owners access the resources and assistance they need to grow successful firms. For more than 50 years, these programs have played an important role in improving struggling economies, creating jobs, and encouraging innovation. Business incubation programs are designed to acce ...
1 How does the country location, social and cultural background
... FDI theories originate since the 1960ties and were aimed to understand the international capital and trade flows after the Second World War on a firm level (Buckey (2002)). There are three main theories that explain the motivations behind multinational corporations (MNCs): 1) the monopolistic: Hyme ...
... FDI theories originate since the 1960ties and were aimed to understand the international capital and trade flows after the Second World War on a firm level (Buckey (2002)). There are three main theories that explain the motivations behind multinational corporations (MNCs): 1) the monopolistic: Hyme ...
Is Zimbabwe More Productive Than the United States? Some
... studies that compare productivity levels across countries. For example, Puerto Rico stands out as the most productive country in 1998 in Hall and Jones (1999), in which Hall and Jones (1999) use the PWT 5.6. Hall and Jones (1999, footnote 8) note that an overstatement of real output in Puerto Rico m ...
... studies that compare productivity levels across countries. For example, Puerto Rico stands out as the most productive country in 1998 in Hall and Jones (1999), in which Hall and Jones (1999) use the PWT 5.6. Hall and Jones (1999, footnote 8) note that an overstatement of real output in Puerto Rico m ...
strategies for sustainable long term economic
... associated with higher productivity of labor force, and improving “investment attractiveness” and the business environment -, we find that there is no “fatality” in Curacao’s low GDP growth. Simulations show that average annual rates above 2.5% or 3.0% for Curacao’s GDP can be achieved by moving tow ...
... associated with higher productivity of labor force, and improving “investment attractiveness” and the business environment -, we find that there is no “fatality” in Curacao’s low GDP growth. Simulations show that average annual rates above 2.5% or 3.0% for Curacao’s GDP can be achieved by moving tow ...
Does Corporate Governance Matter in Competitive Industries?∗
... agency problems.1 Views differ, however, when it comes to the issue of how “perfect” managerial incentives are in competitive industries. Some, like Leibenstein (1966), argue that competition reduces managerial slack but stop short of arguing that it resolves all (X-) inefficiencies. Others, like Alchi ...
... agency problems.1 Views differ, however, when it comes to the issue of how “perfect” managerial incentives are in competitive industries. Some, like Leibenstein (1966), argue that competition reduces managerial slack but stop short of arguing that it resolves all (X-) inefficiencies. Others, like Alchi ...
Fraud at Investigator Sites - P. Below Consulting
... Define what ICH is and what role the ICH guidelines play in clinical research ...
... Define what ICH is and what role the ICH guidelines play in clinical research ...
PDF Download
... The latter caused hard economic adaptation processses, also in Germany and the euro zone, since stock markets attained a stronger importance in the 1990s here as well. Private households increasingly turned to stocks as an investment option, and enterprises increasingly financed themselves by initia ...
... The latter caused hard economic adaptation processses, also in Germany and the euro zone, since stock markets attained a stronger importance in the 1990s here as well. Private households increasingly turned to stocks as an investment option, and enterprises increasingly financed themselves by initia ...
World Economic Outlook
... will be maintained (for specific assumptions about fiscal and monetary policies for selected economies, see Box A1 in the Statistical Appendix); that the average price of oil will be $58.14 a barrel in 2015 and $65.65 a barrel in 2016 and will remain unchanged in real terms over the medium term; tha ...
... will be maintained (for specific assumptions about fiscal and monetary policies for selected economies, see Box A1 in the Statistical Appendix); that the average price of oil will be $58.14 a barrel in 2015 and $65.65 a barrel in 2016 and will remain unchanged in real terms over the medium term; tha ...
International Risk Sharing in the EMU
... i wi = 1 for i = 1, ..., N . Moreover, let X1 be the K × 1 vector of our variables of interest for euro area member states before the introduction of the euro. Similarly, let X0 be the K × N matrix values of the same K variables of interest for all N non euro area countries in our counterfactual poo ...
... i wi = 1 for i = 1, ..., N . Moreover, let X1 be the K × 1 vector of our variables of interest for euro area member states before the introduction of the euro. Similarly, let X0 be the K × N matrix values of the same K variables of interest for all N non euro area countries in our counterfactual poo ...
Zambia Human Development Report 2016
... region. It can also diversify the economy and increase productivity and labour while helping the private sector to increase and sustain economic output through value creation. It can generate direct or indirect employment if there are strong forward and backward linkages with other sectors of the ec ...
... region. It can also diversify the economy and increase productivity and labour while helping the private sector to increase and sustain economic output through value creation. It can generate direct or indirect employment if there are strong forward and backward linkages with other sectors of the ec ...
Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index
... as the most critical driver of global manufacturing competitiveness (Figure 6, page 17). • Cost competitiveness (number two), productivity (number three), and supplier network (number four) are also key: In an era of sluggish economic growth, containing costs and increasing productivity to boost pr ...
... as the most critical driver of global manufacturing competitiveness (Figure 6, page 17). • Cost competitiveness (number two), productivity (number three), and supplier network (number four) are also key: In an era of sluggish economic growth, containing costs and increasing productivity to boost pr ...
Using Questionnaire Design to Fight Nonresponse Bias in Web
... surveys may be translated to web surveys because both methods are self-administered, others require specific treatment in the Internet context because the technical features of the Internet allow a respondent-survey interaction that is distinct from that of paper questionnaires (Couper, Traugott, & ...
... surveys may be translated to web surveys because both methods are self-administered, others require specific treatment in the Internet context because the technical features of the Internet allow a respondent-survey interaction that is distinct from that of paper questionnaires (Couper, Traugott, & ...
Technology Diffusion in the Developing World
... year’s report looked at the recent acceleration in growth among developing countries and its sustainability over the longer term. This year we take a closer look at technology, a critical determinant of sustainable growth and poverty reduction. We do so by directly measuring the extent to which coun ...
... year’s report looked at the recent acceleration in growth among developing countries and its sustainability over the longer term. This year we take a closer look at technology, a critical determinant of sustainable growth and poverty reduction. We do so by directly measuring the extent to which coun ...
Information Economy Report 2011
... that are not OECD members (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania), plus Andorra, Israel, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino. Countries with economies in transition: South-East Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Developing economies: in general, all the economies th ...
... that are not OECD members (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania), plus Andorra, Israel, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino. Countries with economies in transition: South-East Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Developing economies: in general, all the economies th ...
Using Expert Opinion And Perceptual Mapping: To Develop Biodiversity Indicators
... and expert opinion through the Delphi approach. The indicators obtained were incorporated into a matrix according to scaling criteria. Incorporating biodiversity indicators in forest management, however, is constrained by a number of factors such as cost, certification requirements, and feasibility ...
... and expert opinion through the Delphi approach. The indicators obtained were incorporated into a matrix according to scaling criteria. Incorporating biodiversity indicators in forest management, however, is constrained by a number of factors such as cost, certification requirements, and feasibility ...
re-thinking investment in jordan
... between the years 2000 and 2008, it has risen sharply in the past few years (equaling 80.1% of GDP in 2013 compared with 56.7% in 2008)7. Fiscal policy has, at times, had a negative impact on Jordan’s macroeconomic stability and been costly for growth. Factors which, have negatively impacted the eff ...
... between the years 2000 and 2008, it has risen sharply in the past few years (equaling 80.1% of GDP in 2013 compared with 56.7% in 2008)7. Fiscal policy has, at times, had a negative impact on Jordan’s macroeconomic stability and been costly for growth. Factors which, have negatively impacted the eff ...
Financial Regulatory Events March to April 2017
... Close of PRA consultation (CP47/16) on maintenance of the ‘transitional measure on technical provisions’ under Solvency II. ...
... Close of PRA consultation (CP47/16) on maintenance of the ‘transitional measure on technical provisions’ under Solvency II. ...
The implementation of the revised country classification and terms of
... For the purpose of classifying countries in the respective group, per capita GDP using the UN’s GDP (constant prices) data should be used as the main indicator and the following per capita income bands should apply: Group 3 ...
... For the purpose of classifying countries in the respective group, per capita GDP using the UN’s GDP (constant prices) data should be used as the main indicator and the following per capita income bands should apply: Group 3 ...
geography rules too! economic development
... spatially independent countries that matter. So, for the income of country j only the geography in terms of its own climate or its access to the sea is thought to be important but not whether or not this country is surrounded by countries with a high income level and/or good institutions nor whether ...
... spatially independent countries that matter. So, for the income of country j only the geography in terms of its own climate or its access to the sea is thought to be important but not whether or not this country is surrounded by countries with a high income level and/or good institutions nor whether ...
IFC Jobs Study - Asessing Private Sector Contributions to Job
... sector, it’s a top priority. Most of the world’s 200 million unemployed are women and young people living in developing countries. Without work, they can’t care for themselves or their families. The result: poverty, and social and economic unrest. The private sector, which provides nine out of 10 jo ...
... sector, it’s a top priority. Most of the world’s 200 million unemployed are women and young people living in developing countries. Without work, they can’t care for themselves or their families. The result: poverty, and social and economic unrest. The private sector, which provides nine out of 10 jo ...