Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Human Security
... the right of people to live in freedom and dignity; people-centered, comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses; human security recognizes interlinkages between peace, development and human rights, and equally considers civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; h ...
... the right of people to live in freedom and dignity; people-centered, comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses; human security recognizes interlinkages between peace, development and human rights, and equally considers civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; h ...
Interpol - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
... Drug trafficking and the problems associated with it affect much of the world, with continued challenges in all regions. No INTERPOL member country is unaffected. A number of macro-trends have emerged which constitute the primary drivers behind the modern-day law enforcement response to drug traffic ...
... Drug trafficking and the problems associated with it affect much of the world, with continued challenges in all regions. No INTERPOL member country is unaffected. A number of macro-trends have emerged which constitute the primary drivers behind the modern-day law enforcement response to drug traffic ...
U.S. Follow up report on CERD ()
... criminal civil rights laws of the United States, which prohibit willful acts of misconduct by law enforcement officers and other public officials, as well as hate crimes. Over the last few years, the Department has achieved a remarkable prosecution record in enforcing the United States’ civil rights ...
... criminal civil rights laws of the United States, which prohibit willful acts of misconduct by law enforcement officers and other public officials, as well as hate crimes. Over the last few years, the Department has achieved a remarkable prosecution record in enforcing the United States’ civil rights ...
Military Commissions Act 2009
... the previous law did. The test, in both laws, is whether a person has "purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States.” This is the law's second ground for eligibility for trial before a military commission; The first ground is that the person actually engaged in hostili ...
... the previous law did. The test, in both laws, is whether a person has "purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States.” This is the law's second ground for eligibility for trial before a military commission; The first ground is that the person actually engaged in hostili ...
Name/Title - The Lint Center for National Security Studies
... a review of the comparability of protective force duties and operations at DOE and NRC Naval nuclear fuel cycle facilities. October 1977 – January 1988. Security Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Duties and Responsibilities. Performed a range of duties in the Protective Force to inc ...
... a review of the comparability of protective force duties and operations at DOE and NRC Naval nuclear fuel cycle facilities. October 1977 – January 1988. Security Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Duties and Responsibilities. Performed a range of duties in the Protective Force to inc ...
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth
... proved impossible. Unfortunately, although a great deal of progress was also made during the negotiations on dealing with Northern Ireland’s past, it was not possible to achieve final agreement on those matters at that time. The new Prime Minister and the new Secretary of State for Northern Ireland ...
... proved impossible. Unfortunately, although a great deal of progress was also made during the negotiations on dealing with Northern Ireland’s past, it was not possible to achieve final agreement on those matters at that time. The new Prime Minister and the new Secretary of State for Northern Ireland ...
Public-Safety-Agenda-3-30-17 - League of California Cities
... safety. This is consistent with a strategy considered by the District Attorneys Association as far back as December. Given the Democratic two-thirds majority in both houses of the Legislature, change in this area via legislation is uncertain, although we are supporting bills in this area. However, c ...
... safety. This is consistent with a strategy considered by the District Attorneys Association as far back as December. Given the Democratic two-thirds majority in both houses of the Legislature, change in this area via legislation is uncertain, although we are supporting bills in this area. However, c ...
Learning Lessons from India - Northwestern University School of
... As opposed to specifically targeting gaps in the way the criminal justice system currently handled the menace of terrorism, the expansion of the powers of general law enforcement investigatory tools seemed to dominate the provisions of the PATRIOT Act.18 While initially used in probes related to bat ...
... As opposed to specifically targeting gaps in the way the criminal justice system currently handled the menace of terrorism, the expansion of the powers of general law enforcement investigatory tools seemed to dominate the provisions of the PATRIOT Act.18 While initially used in probes related to bat ...
Manage War on Terrorism Coalition
... transformational view (states still important, but they must operate differently than before). Strategy was to further globalization in the understanding it meant Americanization and the spread of American values. Operated on the basis of a generally inclusive and multilateral approach to spreadin ...
... transformational view (states still important, but they must operate differently than before). Strategy was to further globalization in the understanding it meant Americanization and the spread of American values. Operated on the basis of a generally inclusive and multilateral approach to spreadin ...
Dwight Nelson Broadcast may 8
... Minister of the British Virgin Islands has urged his people and I echo the thought today- “One cannot simply sit and watch the country being destroyed by criminal elements. If we are to fight this disease, then we must get involved. It is the duty of every citizen and to enroll in the fight against ...
... Minister of the British Virgin Islands has urged his people and I echo the thought today- “One cannot simply sit and watch the country being destroyed by criminal elements. If we are to fight this disease, then we must get involved. It is the duty of every citizen and to enroll in the fight against ...
0611statedela (deljis retreat)
... integrated information management system, DELJIS, comprised of all its representative agencies, commits to ...
... integrated information management system, DELJIS, comprised of all its representative agencies, commits to ...
The Role of Government in Establishing a Modern Copyright
... Secondly, the government has to respect the obligations in respect of enforcement. There are few specific enforcement obligations in the Berne Convention of which the Sudan is presently a member. The situation will change when it becomes a member of the World Trade Organization and the obligations u ...
... Secondly, the government has to respect the obligations in respect of enforcement. There are few specific enforcement obligations in the Berne Convention of which the Sudan is presently a member. The situation will change when it becomes a member of the World Trade Organization and the obligations u ...
Prevent Channel Referral Form - West Sussex Safeguarding
... Notes: A Channel referral places an individual into a multi-agency assessment and support process which aims to reduce their vulnerability to extremist related activity. Each referral is screened for suitability. Further information will be sought from partner agencies before any support mechanisms ...
... Notes: A Channel referral places an individual into a multi-agency assessment and support process which aims to reduce their vulnerability to extremist related activity. Each referral is screened for suitability. Further information will be sought from partner agencies before any support mechanisms ...
Integral Mission Today
... causing havoc around the world. Global capitalism is in deep crisis because it has placed money at the centre of life. The main beneficiaries of this system the policies and procedures of the established order are the wealthy nations and the local oligarchic elites, but for the large majority of the ...
... causing havoc around the world. Global capitalism is in deep crisis because it has placed money at the centre of life. The main beneficiaries of this system the policies and procedures of the established order are the wealthy nations and the local oligarchic elites, but for the large majority of the ...
foreign policy
... invaded Afghanistan, where Taliban regime sheltered and aided core leadership of al Qaeda, including UBL. Bush created Dept. of Homeland Security to coordinate efforts, prevent future attacks. • Since 2002, US has funded many wars on terror being fought by governments in Asia, Africa, Europe, and La ...
... invaded Afghanistan, where Taliban regime sheltered and aided core leadership of al Qaeda, including UBL. Bush created Dept. of Homeland Security to coordinate efforts, prevent future attacks. • Since 2002, US has funded many wars on terror being fought by governments in Asia, Africa, Europe, and La ...
in English
... states. In a multiethnic state it is important to have a vision of the future that embraces all parts of the population. It is important that society has alert mechanisms that can alert it to potential signs of difficulty. It is important that the society has safety valves for addressing grievances. ...
... states. In a multiethnic state it is important to have a vision of the future that embraces all parts of the population. It is important that society has alert mechanisms that can alert it to potential signs of difficulty. It is important that the society has safety valves for addressing grievances. ...
The following lists provide examples of job duties School Resource
... 6. Serve as a member of the school Student Services Committee and will be familiar with all community agencies which offer assistance to youths and their families such as mental health clinics, drug treatment centers, etc., and may make referrals when appropriate. 7. Confer with the principal to dev ...
... 6. Serve as a member of the school Student Services Committee and will be familiar with all community agencies which offer assistance to youths and their families such as mental health clinics, drug treatment centers, etc., and may make referrals when appropriate. 7. Confer with the principal to dev ...
Major General Cameron Ross (Report on Intelligence Agencies)
... the NIA will be able to satisfy all the requirements of security intelligence as well as criminal intelligence. A vibrant National Intelligence Agency will ensure effective net working among local stakeholder agencies or regional neighbors and international partners. Further, a consolidated approac ...
... the NIA will be able to satisfy all the requirements of security intelligence as well as criminal intelligence. A vibrant National Intelligence Agency will ensure effective net working among local stakeholder agencies or regional neighbors and international partners. Further, a consolidated approac ...
Firearms - Amazon Web Services
... assure that licenses are issued only to individuals who are eligible under state law to possess firearms. It is vitally important that this information be accurate and kept up to date for use by law enforcement to investigate criminal activity, and to arrest and prosecute individuals who violate sta ...
... assure that licenses are issued only to individuals who are eligible under state law to possess firearms. It is vitally important that this information be accurate and kept up to date for use by law enforcement to investigate criminal activity, and to arrest and prosecute individuals who violate sta ...
Cross-Border Cooperation
... • Agenda set based on joint priorities • Strong secretariat, long-term and ad hoc working groups to drive agenda • Ensure broad spectrum of stakeholders • Coordination and cooperation need not be expensive ...
... • Agenda set based on joint priorities • Strong secretariat, long-term and ad hoc working groups to drive agenda • Ensure broad spectrum of stakeholders • Coordination and cooperation need not be expensive ...
US Foreign Policy
... Department of Homeland Security • Cabinet department created after the 9/11 attacks for domestic U.S. security • Janet Napolitano http://www.dhs.gov/ ...
... Department of Homeland Security • Cabinet department created after the 9/11 attacks for domestic U.S. security • Janet Napolitano http://www.dhs.gov/ ...
FUNCTION: US Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force
... potential interstate and international investigations beyond local or limited federal jurisdictions and resources. ...
... potential interstate and international investigations beyond local or limited federal jurisdictions and resources. ...
role of feds.pmd - National Governors Association
... support of the Constitutional mandate “to ensure domestic tranquility”. In recent years, the Federal government has been backing away from this critical partnership, endangering significant efforts to deal with challenging crime problems and to improve the quality of justice in America. Homeland sec ...
... support of the Constitutional mandate “to ensure domestic tranquility”. In recent years, the Federal government has been backing away from this critical partnership, endangering significant efforts to deal with challenging crime problems and to improve the quality of justice in America. Homeland sec ...
Food industry players need to.understand security concerns
... Economist Intelligence Unit's 2015 Global Food Security Index, Malaysia is placed at 34th out of 109 countries, but was far behind Singapore, ranked second-most food secure country in the world. It is timely that the agenda of ...
... Economist Intelligence Unit's 2015 Global Food Security Index, Malaysia is placed at 34th out of 109 countries, but was far behind Singapore, ranked second-most food secure country in the world. It is timely that the agenda of ...
... the authorities to detain people for seven days in the absence of strong legal evidence that the person may have committed terrorist acts. Intelligence reports can be used as prima facie evidence after being approved by a court of law with the approval process taking no longer than three days. ...
... the authorities to detain people for seven days in the absence of strong legal evidence that the person may have committed terrorist acts. Intelligence reports can be used as prima facie evidence after being approved by a court of law with the approval process taking no longer than three days. ...

Counter-terrorism (also called anti-terrorism) incorporates the practice, military tactics, techniques, and strategy that government, military, police, violent non-state actors and business organizations use to combat or prevent terrorism.If terrorism is part of a broader insurgency, counter-terrorism may employ counter-insurgency measures. The United States Armed Forces use the term foreign internal defense for programs that support other countries in attempts to suppress insurgency, lawlessness, or subversion or to reduce the conditions under which these threats to security may develop.