Applications of MaxSAT in Automotive Configuration - CEUR
... handled with proof tracing to explain a conflict for an invalid configuration. The second problem can be handled with MaxSAT and its extensions. We explain this approach in the next section in detail. ...
... handled with proof tracing to explain a conflict for an invalid configuration. The second problem can be handled with MaxSAT and its extensions. We explain this approach in the next section in detail. ...
Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason
... This text focuses primarily on the physiological process underlying the spontaneous generation of psychedelic information, and how that information influences both personal and cultural identity. The fact that psychedelic information makes its way into popular culture is proof that humans find psych ...
... This text focuses primarily on the physiological process underlying the spontaneous generation of psychedelic information, and how that information influences both personal and cultural identity. The fact that psychedelic information makes its way into popular culture is proof that humans find psych ...
Children`s solutions of logical versus empirical problems: What`s
... determinate problems, which are true with logical necessity. Any valid logical argument is logically determinate if its truth-value can be determined based on its logical form. For example, in the argument of the form “If A then B. A”, the conclusion that “B is the case” is true with logical necessi ...
... determinate problems, which are true with logical necessity. Any valid logical argument is logically determinate if its truth-value can be determined based on its logical form. For example, in the argument of the form “If A then B. A”, the conclusion that “B is the case” is true with logical necessi ...
A thalamic reticular networking model of consciousness
... in the control of TRN output. This switch mechanism, in the TRN-mediated model, may play a gating role in progress to conscious awareness. As mentioned in the Background section, the thalamus is not a simple relay station in sensory signal processing but is instead involved in many dynamic processes ...
... in the control of TRN output. This switch mechanism, in the TRN-mediated model, may play a gating role in progress to conscious awareness. As mentioned in the Background section, the thalamus is not a simple relay station in sensory signal processing but is instead involved in many dynamic processes ...
... Some view A.L.I.C.E. and AIML as a simple extension of the old ELIZA psychiatrist program. The comparison is fair regarding the stimulus-response architecture. But the A.L.I.C.E. bot has at present more than 40,000 categories of knowledge, whereas the original ELIZA had only about 200. Another innov ...
... Some view A.L.I.C.E. and AIML as a simple extension of the old ELIZA psychiatrist program. The comparison is fair regarding the stimulus-response architecture. But the A.L.I.C.E. bot has at present more than 40,000 categories of knowledge, whereas the original ELIZA had only about 200. Another innov ...
Paying attention to consciousness - What is Neuro
... approach presented here is based on this support. It tries to organize the results, from the numerous attention studies, under the aegis of engineering control. This latter approach has great flexibility, at the same time allowing specific functions to be searched for. Such a framework also leads to ...
... approach presented here is based on this support. It tries to organize the results, from the numerous attention studies, under the aegis of engineering control. This latter approach has great flexibility, at the same time allowing specific functions to be searched for. Such a framework also leads to ...
Hybrid Reasoning Model for Strengthening the problem solving
... However, many domains, such as some medical specialties, most design problems, or many financial applications, lack a well-defined scientific theory. Model-based approaches cannot be used in such cases. 3) High complexity. Model-based reasoning generally operates at a level of detail that leads to s ...
... However, many domains, such as some medical specialties, most design problems, or many financial applications, lack a well-defined scientific theory. Model-based approaches cannot be used in such cases. 3) High complexity. Model-based reasoning generally operates at a level of detail that leads to s ...
Proteus: Visual Analogy in Problem Solving
... only the retrieval, transfer and evaluation subtasks (since the mappings between different letters are already stored in the system). A second goal of our work is to build a unified theory of visual analogy that not only addresses all major subtasks of analogy, but also uses a uniform knowledge repr ...
... only the retrieval, transfer and evaluation subtasks (since the mappings between different letters are already stored in the system). A second goal of our work is to build a unified theory of visual analogy that not only addresses all major subtasks of analogy, but also uses a uniform knowledge repr ...
Grammatical Evolution Hyper-heuristic for Combinatorial
... builder to solve the bin packing problem. Our work differs from [21], where we use GE as an online solver builder, and is a much more general methodology that is able to address two problem domains, and produce best known results. In addition, the GE in [21] has been specifically designed and tested ...
... builder to solve the bin packing problem. Our work differs from [21], where we use GE as an online solver builder, and is a much more general methodology that is able to address two problem domains, and produce best known results. In addition, the GE in [21] has been specifically designed and tested ...
The play within the play
... In an Indian temple there is a large room with three posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks. According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. If the legend ...
... In an Indian temple there is a large room with three posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks. According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle will be completed, the world will end. If the legend ...
Structured development of problem solving methods
... cannot be represented independently of how it will be used in reasoning. Vice versa, a problem-solving method and its specific variants cannot be constructed independently of assumptions about the available domain knowledge. In other words, developing a reusable problem-solving method requires the e ...
... cannot be represented independently of how it will be used in reasoning. Vice versa, a problem-solving method and its specific variants cannot be constructed independently of assumptions about the available domain knowledge. In other words, developing a reusable problem-solving method requires the e ...
The Unconscious Mind as a Means for Authentication - E
... enough variation in measureable responses to distinguish one individual from another. In contrast to the approach taken by cognitive psychology, social psychology defines the unconscious mind in terms of cognitive processes that control behaviour without the individual’s awareness of those processes ...
... enough variation in measureable responses to distinguish one individual from another. In contrast to the approach taken by cognitive psychology, social psychology defines the unconscious mind in terms of cognitive processes that control behaviour without the individual’s awareness of those processes ...
and Reflective Learning Practices
... their bodies, they found they did not make the best decisions, and even may have caused harm to their clients. (Sodhi, 2006, p. 203) My third example of the emergent potential of reflection comes from my reading of a dissonance evident in Illeris's (2007) deflnition of reflection as an "afterthought ...
... their bodies, they found they did not make the best decisions, and even may have caused harm to their clients. (Sodhi, 2006, p. 203) My third example of the emergent potential of reflection comes from my reading of a dissonance evident in Illeris's (2007) deflnition of reflection as an "afterthought ...
Final Course Review
... Knowledge-Based Agents A knowledge-based agent is composed of a knowledge base and an inference mechanism. • A knowledge-base is simply a repository of domainspecific things (or sentences about the world) that you know represented in some useful way. A knowledge-based agent operates by storing ...
... Knowledge-Based Agents A knowledge-based agent is composed of a knowledge base and an inference mechanism. • A knowledge-base is simply a repository of domainspecific things (or sentences about the world) that you know represented in some useful way. A knowledge-based agent operates by storing ...
Heuristics, Planning and Cognition
... Planners are general problem solvers aimed at solving an infinite collection of problems automatically. The problems are instances of various classes of models all of which are intractable in the worst case. In order to solve these problems effectively thus, a planner must automatically recognize an ...
... Planners are general problem solvers aimed at solving an infinite collection of problems automatically. The problems are instances of various classes of models all of which are intractable in the worst case. In order to solve these problems effectively thus, a planner must automatically recognize an ...
The Neurobehavioral Nature of Fishes and the
... observing the actions of other organisms where the actions appear to resemble our own, often it is assumed that these non-human organisms have intentions and experiences similar to ours. This human tendency to attribute mental states to others is called “theory of mind” and is probably the basis fo ...
... observing the actions of other organisms where the actions appear to resemble our own, often it is assumed that these non-human organisms have intentions and experiences similar to ours. This human tendency to attribute mental states to others is called “theory of mind” and is probably the basis fo ...
The Problem of Logical-Form Equivalence
... a reasoner to drive the generation through choice points in the various systems. The recursively structured bundle of answers to the various questions serves as a virtual logical form for the system. See Sections 7 and 9 for further discussion of systemic and functional approaches to generation. On ...
... a reasoner to drive the generation through choice points in the various systems. The recursively structured bundle of answers to the various questions serves as a virtual logical form for the system. See Sections 7 and 9 for further discussion of systemic and functional approaches to generation. On ...
Meaning in Artificial Agents: The Symbol Grounding Problem
... phenomenological or experiential component: ‘‘[we] all know what it FEELS like to mean X, to understand X, to be thinking about X’’ (Harnad 1992). However, for Harnad this fact, far from being a simple curiosity, is tightly bond with the property, characteristically exhibited by some of our internal ...
... phenomenological or experiential component: ‘‘[we] all know what it FEELS like to mean X, to understand X, to be thinking about X’’ (Harnad 1992). However, for Harnad this fact, far from being a simple curiosity, is tightly bond with the property, characteristically exhibited by some of our internal ...
ppt - CSE, IIT Bombay
... the artificial-intelligence community'. The different models of conceptbased perception are suggested as attempts at solving this problem. A machine with a developed concept-based perception can be rightly taken as a 'thinking machine'. The second problem is-'experience barrier' as I would call it-o ...
... the artificial-intelligence community'. The different models of conceptbased perception are suggested as attempts at solving this problem. A machine with a developed concept-based perception can be rightly taken as a 'thinking machine'. The second problem is-'experience barrier' as I would call it-o ...
The State of SAT - Cornell Computer Science
... could be much improved upon for random 3-SAT. In particular, the there was the possibility that the best DPLL methods were obtaining search trees that were close to minimal in terms of the number of backtrack points [9]. Dubois and Dequen [10], however, showed that there was still room for improveme ...
... could be much improved upon for random 3-SAT. In particular, the there was the possibility that the best DPLL methods were obtaining search trees that were close to minimal in terms of the number of backtrack points [9]. Dubois and Dequen [10], however, showed that there was still room for improveme ...
Problem Solving and Memory: Investigating the Solvability and
... meaning, a concept known as clustering. More complex knowledge may be further classified via multilevel conceptual hierarchies. Likewise, schemas—clusters of knowledge on a particular object based on previous experience—also influence organization of memory (Koriat, Goldsmith, & Panksy, 2000). A gre ...
... meaning, a concept known as clustering. More complex knowledge may be further classified via multilevel conceptual hierarchies. Likewise, schemas—clusters of knowledge on a particular object based on previous experience—also influence organization of memory (Koriat, Goldsmith, & Panksy, 2000). A gre ...