Chapter 24: Nutrition, Metabolism, and Temperature regulation
... Nitrogen for nonprotein nitrogen-containing substances ...
... Nitrogen for nonprotein nitrogen-containing substances ...
A universal approach to predicting temperature response of metallic
... type of metallic surface used in the measurements. A summary of the Mudawar and Valentine correlations is given in Table 1. The authors of the present study performed extensive measurements of the heat transfer coefficient across a nonunifo~ spray field, Fig. Z(a), using a local heat flux measuremen ...
... type of metallic surface used in the measurements. A summary of the Mudawar and Valentine correlations is given in Table 1. The authors of the present study performed extensive measurements of the heat transfer coefficient across a nonunifo~ spray field, Fig. Z(a), using a local heat flux measuremen ...
Short term thermal energy storage
... at the beginning and end of a time interval during which sensible heating occurs, and Li-j is the latent heat required to change the substance from an existing phase « i » to a new phase o j », where o i » and o j » represent the solid, liquid or vapor phases. To understand the physical arguments be ...
... at the beginning and end of a time interval during which sensible heating occurs, and Li-j is the latent heat required to change the substance from an existing phase « i » to a new phase o j », where o i » and o j » represent the solid, liquid or vapor phases. To understand the physical arguments be ...
Design of Thermoresponsive Polymers with
... Stimulus-responsive polymers, a class of smart materials, have influenced many fundamental and applied research fields as diverse as nanotechnology, sensors, catalysis, coatings, and biomedicine.1−4 Polymers that exhibit temperature responsiveness, especially in aqueous solution, are particularly vers ...
... Stimulus-responsive polymers, a class of smart materials, have influenced many fundamental and applied research fields as diverse as nanotechnology, sensors, catalysis, coatings, and biomedicine.1−4 Polymers that exhibit temperature responsiveness, especially in aqueous solution, are particularly vers ...
cOmplete, Mini, EDTA-free - Sigma
... the proteolytic activity in 10 ml extraction solution. If very high proteolytic activity is present, one tablet should be used for 7 ml extraction buffer. The tablets can be added directly to the extraction medium. Alternatively a stock solution (7 × conc.) can be prepared. If it is necessary to inh ...
... the proteolytic activity in 10 ml extraction solution. If very high proteolytic activity is present, one tablet should be used for 7 ml extraction buffer. The tablets can be added directly to the extraction medium. Alternatively a stock solution (7 × conc.) can be prepared. If it is necessary to inh ...
Comparison of the electronic structures of four crystalline phases of
... “olivine” have been used to describe this orthorhombic form of iron phosphate which has the space group symmetry P nma (No. 62 in the International Tables for Crystallography2 ). Although the olivine structure has by far the best electrochemical properties, FePO4 is known to crystallize in several d ...
... “olivine” have been used to describe this orthorhombic form of iron phosphate which has the space group symmetry P nma (No. 62 in the International Tables for Crystallography2 ). Although the olivine structure has by far the best electrochemical properties, FePO4 is known to crystallize in several d ...
Heat conduction in carbon nanotube materials
... and temperature gradient is applied in the horizontal direction. Individual nanotubes are colored by their temperatures calculated with kT ¼ 200 W m1 K1. Despite the relatively small conductivity of individual CNTs adopted in the simulation, the temperature variations along CNTs are fairly small a ...
... and temperature gradient is applied in the horizontal direction. Individual nanotubes are colored by their temperatures calculated with kT ¼ 200 W m1 K1. Despite the relatively small conductivity of individual CNTs adopted in the simulation, the temperature variations along CNTs are fairly small a ...
Elastic-Plastic-Creep Analyses of Brazed Carbon
... are not more significant is that the total strains developed in the OFHC tube are about the same whether achieved by an elastic-plastic path or a combined elastic- plastic-creep path. This is due to the low yield stress and nearly flat-top stressstrain curve of annealed OFHC. It is theorized that it ...
... are not more significant is that the total strains developed in the OFHC tube are about the same whether achieved by an elastic-plastic path or a combined elastic- plastic-creep path. This is due to the low yield stress and nearly flat-top stressstrain curve of annealed OFHC. It is theorized that it ...
A cathodoluminescence study of CdTe thin
... This paper will focus on the known structural properties of CdTe (not necessarily specific to thin-films) and on a couple of the experimental techniques that are used to investigate them: electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Section 1.3 presents a gene ...
... This paper will focus on the known structural properties of CdTe (not necessarily specific to thin-films) and on a couple of the experimental techniques that are used to investigate them: electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Section 1.3 presents a gene ...
Analysis of process-induced residual stresses in tape placement
... velocity vx. A steady state was thus assumed to exist within the Eulerian control volume moving with the roller away from an edge. CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONS In the analysis, linear constitutive relations were used. Displacement gradients ui, j are much smaller than unity. In several studies [3,6], curv ...
... velocity vx. A steady state was thus assumed to exist within the Eulerian control volume moving with the roller away from an edge. CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONS In the analysis, linear constitutive relations were used. Displacement gradients ui, j are much smaller than unity. In several studies [3,6], curv ...
Aggregation and Adsorption at Interfaces
... packing of head groups, whichever is greater. Therefore, surfactant films can be tightly or loosely packed resulting in very different interfacial properties. For instance, straight chains and large head groups (relative to the tail cross ...
... packing of head groups, whichever is greater. Therefore, surfactant films can be tightly or loosely packed resulting in very different interfacial properties. For instance, straight chains and large head groups (relative to the tail cross ...
feature article
... increases until, at a sufficiently high amphiphile concentration, the mixture becomes homogeneous. As experiment shows, the distribution of the amphiphiles between the aqueous and the oil-rich phase changes with temperature: at ambient temperatures, nonionic amphiphiles are more soluble in the (lowe ...
... increases until, at a sufficiently high amphiphile concentration, the mixture becomes homogeneous. As experiment shows, the distribution of the amphiphiles between the aqueous and the oil-rich phase changes with temperature: at ambient temperatures, nonionic amphiphiles are more soluble in the (lowe ...
Chemistry 180-213B Introductory Physical
... The energy content of the room is thus independent of the temperature, solely determined by the state of the barometer. The whole of the energy imported by the heating escapes through the pores of the walls of the room to the outside air. I fetch a bottle of claret from the cold cellar and put it to ...
... The energy content of the room is thus independent of the temperature, solely determined by the state of the barometer. The whole of the energy imported by the heating escapes through the pores of the walls of the room to the outside air. I fetch a bottle of claret from the cold cellar and put it to ...
Glass transition
The glass–liquid transition or glass transition for short is the reversible transition in amorphous materials (or in amorphous regions within semicrystalline materials) from a hard and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber-like state. An amorphous solid that exhibits a glass transition is called a glass. Supercooling a viscous liquid into the glass state is called vitrification, from the Latin vitreum, ""glass"" via French vitrifier.Despite the massive change in the physical properties of a material through its glass transition, the transition is not itself a phase transition of any kind; rather it is a laboratory phenomenon extending over a range of temperature and defined by one of several conventions. Such conventions include a constant cooling rate (20 K/min) and a viscosity threshold of 1012 Pa·s, among others. Upon cooling or heating through this glass-transition range, the material also exhibits a smooth step in the thermal-expansion coefficient and in the specific heat, with the location of these effects again being dependent on the history of the material. However, the question of whether some phase transition underlies the glass transition is a matter of continuing research.The glass-transition temperature Tg is always lower than the melting temperature, Tm, of the crystalline state of the material, if one exists.