... the local clinoptilolite rich mineral and its surfactant modified forms and to investigate potential applications of clinoptilolite rich mineral, surfactant modified clinoptilolite rich mineral and bacteria loaded forms in Cr (VI) sorption. Characterizations of clinoptilolite rich mineral and its mo ...
... the local clinoptilolite rich mineral and its surfactant modified forms and to investigate potential applications of clinoptilolite rich mineral, surfactant modified clinoptilolite rich mineral and bacteria loaded forms in Cr (VI) sorption. Characterizations of clinoptilolite rich mineral and its mo ...
Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X-Brochure EN
... A sketch of the effective PSF gives live feedback on how instrument parameters influence the obtained resolution. Super-resolution imaging has never been more flexible. Tailor your effective PSF to your needs – online during a live scan. ...
... A sketch of the effective PSF gives live feedback on how instrument parameters influence the obtained resolution. Super-resolution imaging has never been more flexible. Tailor your effective PSF to your needs – online during a live scan. ...
Raman microscopy in an electron microscope: combining chemical
... frequency νν, scattered by a randomly oriented molecule, follows: I mn = KI 0 (v0 − vv ) 4 ∑ (α ij ) mn ...
... frequency νν, scattered by a randomly oriented molecule, follows: I mn = KI 0 (v0 − vv ) 4 ∑ (α ij ) mn ...
III. Polyelectrolyte Phenomena (Dautzenberg et al., Polyelectrolytes
... levels of approximation by mode-coupling theories. From this perspective, the linear Huggins equation fails at low cs because the primary interactions between chains are electrostatic, not hydrodynamic as this equation assumes; the interpretation is also consistent with the appearance and c dependen ...
... levels of approximation by mode-coupling theories. From this perspective, the linear Huggins equation fails at low cs because the primary interactions between chains are electrostatic, not hydrodynamic as this equation assumes; the interpretation is also consistent with the appearance and c dependen ...
STED Microscopy
... state). However, the STED wavelength can also induce other transitions. Of these, excitation from the electronic ground state has to be especially emphasized. Even though the STED beam does not overlap with the peak of the excitation spectrum, its high intensity can compensate for a low excitation c ...
... state). However, the STED wavelength can also induce other transitions. Of these, excitation from the electronic ground state has to be especially emphasized. Even though the STED beam does not overlap with the peak of the excitation spectrum, its high intensity can compensate for a low excitation c ...
"Fundamentals of Rotation--Vibration Spectra" in
... Born–Oppenheimer approximation (see Bauder 2011: Fundamentals of Rotational Spectroscopy, Wörner and Merkt 2011: Fundamentals of Electronic Spectroscopy and Marquardt and Quack 2011: Global Analytical Potential Energy Surfaces for High-resolution Molecular Spectroscopy and Reaction Dynamics, this h ...
... Born–Oppenheimer approximation (see Bauder 2011: Fundamentals of Rotational Spectroscopy, Wörner and Merkt 2011: Fundamentals of Electronic Spectroscopy and Marquardt and Quack 2011: Global Analytical Potential Energy Surfaces for High-resolution Molecular Spectroscopy and Reaction Dynamics, this h ...
Conformation and Intermolecular Interactions of SA2 Peptides Self
... Previously we have shown that the recombinantly produced SA2 amphiphilic oligopeptide (Ac-Ala-Ala-ValVal-Leu-Leu-Leu-Trp-Glu-Glu-COOH) self-assembles into nanovesicles (van Hell et al. 2007). In this study, the intermolecular interactions that contribute to the formation of such peptide vesicles are ...
... Previously we have shown that the recombinantly produced SA2 amphiphilic oligopeptide (Ac-Ala-Ala-ValVal-Leu-Leu-Leu-Trp-Glu-Glu-COOH) self-assembles into nanovesicles (van Hell et al. 2007). In this study, the intermolecular interactions that contribute to the formation of such peptide vesicles are ...
NMR studies of the amyloid β -peptide
... cleaved from a transmembrane protein, the amyloid precursor protein (APP). In vivo, the Aβ concentration is nanomolar. In vitro the cleaved Aβ occurs a monomer at low concentrations, ≤ 30 µM, and at physiological pH and room temperature. Mainly, the Aβ-peptide is in random coil conformation at these ...
... cleaved from a transmembrane protein, the amyloid precursor protein (APP). In vivo, the Aβ concentration is nanomolar. In vitro the cleaved Aβ occurs a monomer at low concentrations, ≤ 30 µM, and at physiological pH and room temperature. Mainly, the Aβ-peptide is in random coil conformation at these ...
Multiple-image digital photography
... • φ(x) = scalar irradiance at point x • Qn(x) = nth-order volume source distribution, i.e. ...
... • φ(x) = scalar irradiance at point x • Qn(x) = nth-order volume source distribution, i.e. ...
Integrated Optic/Nanofluidic Detection Device with Plasmonic Readout
... This thesis represents the culmination of eleven years at MIT. In those eleven years, I have accomplished and learned much. The most important accomplishment may be meeting the woman who I will soon get to marry. I cannot thank Sarah enough for the support that she has given me during this thesis pr ...
... This thesis represents the culmination of eleven years at MIT. In those eleven years, I have accomplished and learned much. The most important accomplishment may be meeting the woman who I will soon get to marry. I cannot thank Sarah enough for the support that she has given me during this thesis pr ...
Inverse Problems In Multiple Light Scattering
... output. (b) Moving a diffuser in front of object. ............................................................................. 9 Figure 2-2: Material parameters Γ n , δ n , and ρ n for point scatterers versus the number of scattering events n . ...................................................... ...
... output. (b) Moving a diffuser in front of object. ............................................................................. 9 Figure 2-2: Material parameters Γ n , δ n , and ρ n for point scatterers versus the number of scattering events n . ...................................................... ...
Aims - Publikationsserver der Universität Regensburg
... The spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors is determined by the absorption region of the active chromophores. Specially four classes of blue light photoreceptors have been identified, they are PYP, BLUF-proteins, phototropins, and cryptochromes. BLUF-proteins, phototropins, and cryptochromes are ...
... The spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors is determined by the absorption region of the active chromophores. Specially four classes of blue light photoreceptors have been identified, they are PYP, BLUF-proteins, phototropins, and cryptochromes. BLUF-proteins, phototropins, and cryptochromes are ... FR646-Acid - Publikationsserver der Universität Regensburg
... is fairly predictable from its molecular structure. The chemical structure of cyanine dyes can be represented in general form by structure X(-CH=CH)n-CH=Y, where X and Y typically are nitrogen containing heterocycles like those shown in table 1.1. One of the two substitutents (here X) has to be pres ...
... is fairly predictable from its molecular structure. The chemical structure of cyanine dyes can be represented in general form by structure X(-CH=CH)n-CH=Y, where X and Y typically are nitrogen containing heterocycles like those shown in table 1.1. One of the two substitutents (here X) has to be pres ...
Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors and Fiber-Optic Bio-Sensors
... parameters can include the refractive index, concentration of chemical or biological elements, pH, pressure and temperature. The introduction of OF in the sensor system has brought a number of advantages such as miniaturization of the device, geometrical flexibility, measurement of small sample volu ...
... parameters can include the refractive index, concentration of chemical or biological elements, pH, pressure and temperature. The introduction of OF in the sensor system has brought a number of advantages such as miniaturization of the device, geometrical flexibility, measurement of small sample volu ...
claudia patricia valdés escobar
... Blood flow and its regulation, as well as hemodynamics in general, are important for the health of tissues, and hence, the measurement of these quantities has many applications in research and clinical environments. Various optical techniques are attractive for the measurement of blood flow since th ...
... Blood flow and its regulation, as well as hemodynamics in general, are important for the health of tissues, and hence, the measurement of these quantities has many applications in research and clinical environments. Various optical techniques are attractive for the measurement of blood flow since th ...
Optical fluctuations on the transmission and reflection of mesoscopic
... experimental set-up is described, and the precautions taken to ensure that the measured fluctuations result from interference effects inside the disordered sample only are discussed. We present measurements of the short-range correlation, and deduce the diffusion constant of the light from them. It is ...
... experimental set-up is described, and the precautions taken to ensure that the measured fluctuations result from interference effects inside the disordered sample only are discussed. We present measurements of the short-range correlation, and deduce the diffusion constant of the light from them. It is ...
Resolution enhancement techniques in microscopy
... tuberculosis, cholera, and plague. By this, diagnosis, therapy and hygiene were put on completely new foundations, with decisive consequences for the life conditions of mankind. In addition, microscopes were used more and more to increase knowledge also in other fields, such as geology, or even physi ...
... tuberculosis, cholera, and plague. By this, diagnosis, therapy and hygiene were put on completely new foundations, with decisive consequences for the life conditions of mankind. In addition, microscopes were used more and more to increase knowledge also in other fields, such as geology, or even physi ...
... fluorescence (TPEF) imaging of one the most widely used fluorescent markers in bioimaging research: the green fluorescent protein. The system operating parameters and its emission wavelength enables to demonstrate how matching the employed fluorescent marker two-photon action cross-section is crucia ...
... fluorescence (TPEF) imaging of one the most widely used fluorescent markers in bioimaging research: the green fluorescent protein. The system operating parameters and its emission wavelength enables to demonstrate how matching the employed fluorescent marker two-photon action cross-section is crucia ...
The Mole - Bakersfield College
... 23.72% sulfur, and 47.35% oxygen. The experimental molar mass of 270.0 g/mol. What are the empirical and molecular formulas of potassium persulfate? To find the molecular formula: Calculate the MM of KSO4 = (1 mol K x 39.10 g/mol K) + (1 mol S x 32.07 g/mol S) + (4 mol O x 16.00 g/mol O) = 135.17 g/ ...
... 23.72% sulfur, and 47.35% oxygen. The experimental molar mass of 270.0 g/mol. What are the empirical and molecular formulas of potassium persulfate? To find the molecular formula: Calculate the MM of KSO4 = (1 mol K x 39.10 g/mol K) + (1 mol S x 32.07 g/mol S) + (4 mol O x 16.00 g/mol O) = 135.17 g/ ...
cmc by uv 2
... water, surfactant solution (~0.03 mol L{1), and additive (if any) to give a total final volume of 3 mL, and to obtain the final surfactant concentrations shown in Figure 3. (If it is not possible to measure a small aliquot of the methanolic solution, the solvent should be allowed to evaporate before ...
... water, surfactant solution (~0.03 mol L{1), and additive (if any) to give a total final volume of 3 mL, and to obtain the final surfactant concentrations shown in Figure 3. (If it is not possible to measure a small aliquot of the methanolic solution, the solvent should be allowed to evaporate before ...
Finding a needle in a haystack - Centre for Process Systems
... confocal Raman mode. The laser spot was positioned at the area that produced a strong SWCNT signal to ensure that some of the SWCNTs were illuminated within the laser spot. The illuminated area of the sample was then scanned by the gold coated AFM tip across the laser spot in contact mode. Whenever ...
... confocal Raman mode. The laser spot was positioned at the area that produced a strong SWCNT signal to ensure that some of the SWCNTs were illuminated within the laser spot. The illuminated area of the sample was then scanned by the gold coated AFM tip across the laser spot in contact mode. Whenever ...
Chapter 1 Introduction: Matter and Measurement
... • Rutherford postulated a very small, dense nucleus with the electrons around the outside of the atom. • Most of the volume of the atom is empty space. ...
... • Rutherford postulated a very small, dense nucleus with the electrons around the outside of the atom. • Most of the volume of the atom is empty space. ...
Ozone imaging and detection using photofragmentation laser
... to the fluorescence signal from oxygen in ambient air. Thus, PF-LIF of ozone is a species specific technique where the detected fluorescence signal is due to the vibrationally excited O2 fragment originating from the dissociated ozone. The fluorescence signal of the oxygen fragment was spectroscopic ...
... to the fluorescence signal from oxygen in ambient air. Thus, PF-LIF of ozone is a species specific technique where the detected fluorescence signal is due to the vibrationally excited O2 fragment originating from the dissociated ozone. The fluorescence signal of the oxygen fragment was spectroscopic ...
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a correlation analysis of fluctuation of the fluorescence intensity. The analysis provides parameters of the physics under the fluctuations. One of the interesting applications of this is an analysis of the concentration fluctuations of fluorescent particles (molecules) in solution. In this application, the fluorescence emitted from a very tiny space in solution containing a small number of fluorescent particles (molecules) is observed. The fluorescence intensity is fluctuating due to Brownian motion of the particles. In other words, the number of the particles in the sub-space defined by the optical system is randomly changing around the average number. The analysis gives the average number of fluorescent particles and average diffusion time, when the particle is passing through the space. Eventually, both the concentration and size of the particle (molecule) are determined. Both parameters are important in biochemical research, biophysics, and chemistry.FCS is such a sensitive analytical tool because it observes a small number of molecules (nanomolar to picomolar concentrations) in a small volume (~1μm3). In contrast to other methods (such as HPLC analysis) FCS has no physical separation process; instead, it achieves its spatial resolution through its optics. Furthermore, FCS enables observation of fluorescence-tagged molecules in the biochemical pathway in intact living cells. This opens a new area, ""in situ or in vivo biochemistry"": tracing the biochemical pathway in intact cells and organs.Commonly, FCS is employed in the context of optical microscopy, in particular Confocal microscopy or two-photon excitation microscopy. In these techniques light is focused on a sample and the measured fluorescence intensity fluctuations (due to diffusion, physical or chemical reactions, aggregation, etc.) are analyzed using the temporal autocorrelation. Because the measured property is essentially related to the magnitude and/or the amount of fluctuations, there is an optimum measurement regime at the level when individual species enter or exit the observation volume (or turn on and off in the volume). When too many entities are measured at the same time the overall fluctuations are small in comparison to the total signal and may not be resolvable – in the other direction, if the individual fluctuation-events are too sparse in time, one measurement may take prohibitively too long. FCS is in a way the fluorescent counterpart to dynamic light scattering, which uses coherent light scattering, instead of (incoherent) fluorescence.When an appropriate model is known, FCS can be used to obtain quantitative information such as diffusion coefficients hydrodynamic radii average concentrations kinetic chemical reaction rates singlet-triplet dynamicsBecause fluorescent markers come in a variety of colors and can be specifically bound to a particular molecule (e.g. proteins, polymers, metal-complexes, etc.), it is possible to study the behavior of individual molecules (in rapid succession in composite solutions). With the development of sensitive detectors such as avalanche photodiodes the detection of the fluorescence signal coming from individual molecules in highly dilute samples has become practical. With this emerged the possibility to conduct FCS experiments in a wide variety of specimens, ranging from materials science to biology. The advent of engineered cells with genetically tagged proteins (like green fluorescent protein) has made FCS a common tool for studying molecular dynamics in living cells.