... when the UCS is unexpected (Dunsmoor et al., 2008; Knight et al., 2010). Additionally, graded increases in UCS expectancy are paralleled by graded decreases in unconditioned SCR magnitude (Dunsmoor et al., 2008; Knight et al., 2010). These findings suggest that associative learning processes and con ...
... when the UCS is unexpected (Dunsmoor et al., 2008; Knight et al., 2010). Additionally, graded increases in UCS expectancy are paralleled by graded decreases in unconditioned SCR magnitude (Dunsmoor et al., 2008; Knight et al., 2010). These findings suggest that associative learning processes and con ...
Sensors for impossible stimuli may solve the stereo correspondence
... of transparent luminance gratings whose distance from the observer is a function of their spatial frequency (Fig. 1a), a situation that never occurs naturally, and that we therefore characterize as ‘impossible’, even though it can be simulated in the laboratory. Recent physiological experiments supp ...
... of transparent luminance gratings whose distance from the observer is a function of their spatial frequency (Fig. 1a), a situation that never occurs naturally, and that we therefore characterize as ‘impossible’, even though it can be simulated in the laboratory. Recent physiological experiments supp ...
Local Field Potentials Related to Bimanual Movements in the
... neighborhood of the electrode (Arieli et al., 1995). Current source density analyses of LFP can be used to determine the cortical layers in which synaptic currents are generated, and, in primary sensory cortices, such analyses have provided an interesting picture of the spatio-temporal events underl ...
... neighborhood of the electrode (Arieli et al., 1995). Current source density analyses of LFP can be used to determine the cortical layers in which synaptic currents are generated, and, in primary sensory cortices, such analyses have provided an interesting picture of the spatio-temporal events underl ...
Theta phase shift in spike timing and modulation of gamma oscillation
... task events in the nose-poke paradigm. The sequence starting from the top represents a LEFT-TO-RIGHT (LR) trial [starting from the bottom: RIGHT-TO-LEFT (RL) trial]. ITI, intertrial interval. B: raster plots and spike histograms from six examples of the sequence-dependent fixation cell (black lines: ...
... task events in the nose-poke paradigm. The sequence starting from the top represents a LEFT-TO-RIGHT (LR) trial [starting from the bottom: RIGHT-TO-LEFT (RL) trial]. ITI, intertrial interval. B: raster plots and spike histograms from six examples of the sequence-dependent fixation cell (black lines: ...
PDF - Bentham Open
... dlPFC, dmPFC, PCC, and IPL activity such that, as trait anxiety level increased the threat-related fMRI signal response within these brain areas increased [17]. These studies suggest that anxiety level influences the magnitude of anticipatory and threat-related brain activation, which in turn influe ...
... dlPFC, dmPFC, PCC, and IPL activity such that, as trait anxiety level increased the threat-related fMRI signal response within these brain areas increased [17]. These studies suggest that anxiety level influences the magnitude of anticipatory and threat-related brain activation, which in turn influe ...
Introducing a New Product
... when K+ channels open, allowing outward diffusion of K+; process is known as repolarization ...
... when K+ channels open, allowing outward diffusion of K+; process is known as repolarization ...
Rewarding properties of sildenafil citrate in mice
... other was white with a textured floor to create equally preferred compartments. Place conditioning was conducted using an unbiased procedure. The CPP paradigm took place in nine consecutive days, which consisted of three phases: familiarization and preconditioning, conditioning, and postconditioning ...
... other was white with a textured floor to create equally preferred compartments. Place conditioning was conducted using an unbiased procedure. The CPP paradigm took place in nine consecutive days, which consisted of three phases: familiarization and preconditioning, conditioning, and postconditioning ...
Effort and Valuation in the Brain
... did not perform well at test, they were explicitly calculated time to reach asymptote (msec) and time to start squeezing informed about the contingencies and then completed another short (reaction time [RT] in milliseconds). Similarly, we converted time to learning block (10 trials per condition) an ...
... did not perform well at test, they were explicitly calculated time to reach asymptote (msec) and time to start squeezing informed about the contingencies and then completed another short (reaction time [RT] in milliseconds). Similarly, we converted time to learning block (10 trials per condition) an ...
Can the negative deflections found with EEG on frontocentral
... mentioned above. Comparative Studies The visual inspection of the scalp distribution, source localization suggest that all the ERP components might indeed be the same process. And some fMRI experiments validated the dipoles at the locus of the process to be the ACC. However these comparisons are bas ...
... mentioned above. Comparative Studies The visual inspection of the scalp distribution, source localization suggest that all the ERP components might indeed be the same process. And some fMRI experiments validated the dipoles at the locus of the process to be the ACC. However these comparisons are bas ...
Chapter 9 The Nervous System
... • List the organs and divisions of the nervous system and describe the generalized functions of the system as a whole • Identify the major types of cells in the nervous system and discuss the function of each • Identify the anatomical and functional components of a three-neuron reflex arc. Compare a ...
... • List the organs and divisions of the nervous system and describe the generalized functions of the system as a whole • Identify the major types of cells in the nervous system and discuss the function of each • Identify the anatomical and functional components of a three-neuron reflex arc. Compare a ...
Chapter 9 The Nervous System
... • List the organs and divisions of the nervous system and describe the generalized functions of the system as a whole • Identify the major types of cells in the nervous system and discuss the function of each • Identify the anatomical and functional components of a three-neuron reflex arc. Compare a ...
... • List the organs and divisions of the nervous system and describe the generalized functions of the system as a whole • Identify the major types of cells in the nervous system and discuss the function of each • Identify the anatomical and functional components of a three-neuron reflex arc. Compare a ...
... • Delicate layer of connective tissue around each axon Neurilemma • Thin membrane between the myelin sheath and the endoneurium ...
... • Delicate layer of connective tissue around each axon Neurilemma • Thin membrane between the myelin sheath and the endoneurium ...
Prefrontal Phase Locking to Hippocampal Theta Oscillations
... (A and B) Rayleigh’s Z computed as a function of temporal offset τ between the hippocampal theta trace and the spike train of a hippocampal (A) and a prefrontal cortical (B) neuron (τ > 0 indicates shifting the spike train back in time or equivalently shifting the theta trace forward). Behind in gra ...
... (A and B) Rayleigh’s Z computed as a function of temporal offset τ between the hippocampal theta trace and the spike train of a hippocampal (A) and a prefrontal cortical (B) neuron (τ > 0 indicates shifting the spike train back in time or equivalently shifting the theta trace forward). Behind in gra ...
Chapter 14 PowerPoint - IHMC Public Cmaps (2)
... Swelling and dispersal of the Nissl substance Cell increases in metabolic activity, protein synthesis, and mitochondrial activity New terminal sprouts project from the proximal segment Process limited to myelinated axons ...
... Swelling and dispersal of the Nissl substance Cell increases in metabolic activity, protein synthesis, and mitochondrial activity New terminal sprouts project from the proximal segment Process limited to myelinated axons ...
Neural correlates of odor learning in the honeybee antennal lobe
... throughout the text, recognizing that such ‘units’ may well receive spikes from more than one neuron, possibly two (and in rare cases even three) very closely attached neurons. We included into our analysis only such recordings that were stable with respect to the spike waveforms over the whole time ...
... throughout the text, recognizing that such ‘units’ may well receive spikes from more than one neuron, possibly two (and in rare cases even three) very closely attached neurons. We included into our analysis only such recordings that were stable with respect to the spike waveforms over the whole time ...
... Each one of its billions of cells performs some activity that is a part of this function. Control of the body’s billions of cells is accomplished in part by two body-wide communication systems: the nervous system and the endocrine system. Both systems transmit information from one part of the ...
... Each one of its billions of cells performs some activity that is a part of this function. Control of the body’s billions of cells is accomplished in part by two body-wide communication systems: the nervous system and the endocrine system. Both systems transmit information from one part of the ...
Laminar Cortical Dynamics of Cognitive and Motor Working Memory
... The model predicts how different experimental paradigms lead to different cognitive selection strategies, which result in different rehearsal and recall patterns. This theme should be of interest to all scientists who are interested in the temporal organization of behavior. In particular, LIST PARSE ...
... The model predicts how different experimental paradigms lead to different cognitive selection strategies, which result in different rehearsal and recall patterns. This theme should be of interest to all scientists who are interested in the temporal organization of behavior. In particular, LIST PARSE ...
First-in-first-out item replacement in a model of
... described a method by which items in the buffer could be replaced as new input appears, that proposal was not evaluated in simulations and their proposed method relied on an even distribution of item reactivation spikes throughout a theta cycle. The mechanism proposed here performs the ordered repla ...
... described a method by which items in the buffer could be replaced as new input appears, that proposal was not evaluated in simulations and their proposed method relied on an even distribution of item reactivation spikes throughout a theta cycle. The mechanism proposed here performs the ordered repla ...
Oscillatory phase coupling coordinates
... spiking depends on frequency-specific LFP phase in multiple areas. The neuron is located in right primary motor cortex (M1). Colored traces represent different LFPs recorded from left M1 (blue), right M1 (green), or left dorsal premotor area (PMd, red). The strong high β (25–40 Hz)-modulation shown h ...
... spiking depends on frequency-specific LFP phase in multiple areas. The neuron is located in right primary motor cortex (M1). Colored traces represent different LFPs recorded from left M1 (blue), right M1 (green), or left dorsal premotor area (PMd, red). The strong high β (25–40 Hz)-modulation shown h ...
Revealing Past Memories: Proactive Interference
... more away from the “previous” goal location to prevent overlap of previous and “adjacent” errors. On all ketamine or saline treatment trials, this was extended to three arms away from the previous goal location (supplemental Fig. S3, available at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental material). Control ...
... more away from the “previous” goal location to prevent overlap of previous and “adjacent” errors. On all ketamine or saline treatment trials, this was extended to three arms away from the previous goal location (supplemental Fig. S3, available at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental material). Control ...
Prefrontal and parietal cortex mediate the interference
... anticipation period is reflected in a time-varying increase or decrease of the blood-oxygenationlevel-dependent (BOLD) signal in the primary visual cortex, right supramarginal gyrus (SMG), supplementary motor area (SMA), right middle frontal cortex, and cerebellar vermis in humans [4,5]. It has also ...
... anticipation period is reflected in a time-varying increase or decrease of the blood-oxygenationlevel-dependent (BOLD) signal in the primary visual cortex, right supramarginal gyrus (SMG), supplementary motor area (SMA), right middle frontal cortex, and cerebellar vermis in humans [4,5]. It has also ...
Encoding and decoding in fMRI
... encoding and decoding models. We clarify the relationship by invoking an abstract linearizing feature space that describes how stimulus, experimental or task variables are nonlinearly mapped into measured activity. We then present a critical comparison of encoding and decoding models that answers se ...
... encoding and decoding models. We clarify the relationship by invoking an abstract linearizing feature space that describes how stimulus, experimental or task variables are nonlinearly mapped into measured activity. We then present a critical comparison of encoding and decoding models that answers se ...
Material and methods - HAL
... ratio of brain/plasma levels of about 25 when considering either Cmax or AUC values. At low oral doses (2.5-20 mg/kg), it elicited in mice a dose-dependent wakening effect accompanied with a shift towards high frequency waves of the EEG, a sign of cortical activation. DOPAC/dopamine ratios were enha ...
... ratio of brain/plasma levels of about 25 when considering either Cmax or AUC values. At low oral doses (2.5-20 mg/kg), it elicited in mice a dose-dependent wakening effect accompanied with a shift towards high frequency waves of the EEG, a sign of cortical activation. DOPAC/dopamine ratios were enha ...
Reading Words in Discourse: The Modulation of - UNC
... memory of prior episodes in which an item was encountered. These views lead to differing predictions about the effects of factors such as modality of presentation and experimental task, which have been supported to varying degrees across a large number of experiments (see Tenpenny, 1995, for a revie ...
... memory of prior episodes in which an item was encountered. These views lead to differing predictions about the effects of factors such as modality of presentation and experimental task, which have been supported to varying degrees across a large number of experiments (see Tenpenny, 1995, for a revie ...
Free recall and recognition in a network model of the... simulating effects of scopolamine on human memory function
... Cholinergic agonists such as carbachol have been shown to enhance long-term potentiation within the dentate gyrus [65], region CA1 [66] and other cortical structures such as the piriform cortex [67], primary visual cortex [68], and somatosensory cortex [69]. Scopolamine may selectively impair learni ...
... Cholinergic agonists such as carbachol have been shown to enhance long-term potentiation within the dentate gyrus [65], region CA1 [66] and other cortical structures such as the piriform cortex [67], primary visual cortex [68], and somatosensory cortex [69]. Scopolamine may selectively impair learni ...