State of Investigative Journalism in Pakistan
... model of the press. According to this model, the press should make government accountable by publishing information about matters of public interest even if such information reveals abuses or crimes perpetrated by those in authority. From this perspective, investigative journalism is one of the most ...
... model of the press. According to this model, the press should make government accountable by publishing information about matters of public interest even if such information reveals abuses or crimes perpetrated by those in authority. From this perspective, investigative journalism is one of the most ...
Sweat not melodrama
... Woodward and Bernstein’s diligence and hard work unraveling Watergate is a major theme explored in All the President’s Men that has been revisited by journalists, researchers, critics and textbook authors throughout the years. It is their skill and persistence, their ‘tale of journalistic derring-do ...
... Woodward and Bernstein’s diligence and hard work unraveling Watergate is a major theme explored in All the President’s Men that has been revisited by journalists, researchers, critics and textbook authors throughout the years. It is their skill and persistence, their ‘tale of journalistic derring-do ...
How Communication, Culture, and Critique Intersect in the Study of
... reading of events taking shape in the public sphere has been somewhat overlooked, though its practice continues unabated. In their contemporary formations, numerous journalistic forums privilege the offering of criticism on events of the public sphere. Although these forums have tended to emerge fr ...
... reading of events taking shape in the public sphere has been somewhat overlooked, though its practice continues unabated. In their contemporary formations, numerous journalistic forums privilege the offering of criticism on events of the public sphere. Although these forums have tended to emerge fr ...
The future of objectivity
... masked by the fact of active political engagement and contestation. News could be criticised for systematically favouring some perspectives and excluding or marginalising others (trades union or left-Labour views in the Glasgow Media Group’s classic (1995) studies, for example). The question of what ...
... masked by the fact of active political engagement and contestation. News could be criticised for systematically favouring some perspectives and excluding or marginalising others (trades union or left-Labour views in the Glasgow Media Group’s classic (1995) studies, for example). The question of what ...
... how societies are shaped by representations of social reality through journalistic media. Professional conventions and routines, and the articles which flow from them, reflect the cultural and ideological values of a society at a given period. To be respected, journalists have to obey the rules of t ...
... how societies are shaped by representations of social reality through journalistic media. Professional conventions and routines, and the articles which flow from them, reflect the cultural and ideological values of a society at a given period. To be respected, journalists have to obey the rules of t ...
- City Research Online
... finally seemed to be an improvement to Charnley’s method. However, only in a few cases newspapers have such an “official record” as counterpart, and “official records” can, too, be very dubious sources – as most journalists knew even before President Bush went to war claiming that Saddam Hussein had ...
... finally seemed to be an improvement to Charnley’s method. However, only in a few cases newspapers have such an “official record” as counterpart, and “official records” can, too, be very dubious sources – as most journalists knew even before President Bush went to war claiming that Saddam Hussein had ...
Universal Ethical Standards?
... For example, at the outset, we should dispense with the notion that widespread or long-term acceptance of a practice by a particular culture or society is sufficient evidence that the practice is ethical, relatively speaking of course. Racism, genocide, and other evils have been widely practiced and ...
... For example, at the outset, we should dispense with the notion that widespread or long-term acceptance of a practice by a particular culture or society is sufficient evidence that the practice is ethical, relatively speaking of course. Racism, genocide, and other evils have been widely practiced and ...
Chapter 13 The Culture of Journalism: Values, Ethics, and
... – Any event that departs from established social ...
... – Any event that departs from established social ...
Michael Faggett Intro to Journalism Annotated Bibliography URL
... depiction of how time has progressed and black functionaries have become more prominent in television media since the publication of the article. It also is conducive to the research because it gives a focused yet biased perspective on how functionaries influence society. Griffin, Geoff (Ed.) (2005) ...
... depiction of how time has progressed and black functionaries have become more prominent in television media since the publication of the article. It also is conducive to the research because it gives a focused yet biased perspective on how functionaries influence society. Griffin, Geoff (Ed.) (2005) ...
Language and Journalism: towards new research agendas
... Muslims), the interventions of sources have thus far escaped systematic analysis. And third, CDA should pay greater attention to the effects of mediated discourse over specific fields of action (e.g. the political field) and, concomitantly, the influence of such fields upon the practices and product ...
... Muslims), the interventions of sources have thus far escaped systematic analysis. And third, CDA should pay greater attention to the effects of mediated discourse over specific fields of action (e.g. the political field) and, concomitantly, the influence of such fields upon the practices and product ...
Journalism and Anthropology
... future. I used it because I think it is a really functional structure and because I wanted to show how it is really possible to learn from journalism skills that could improve our job and help us in creating a more acting and moving anthropology. Yet, I have to stress that easy generalizations shoul ...
... future. I used it because I think it is a really functional structure and because I wanted to show how it is really possible to learn from journalism skills that could improve our job and help us in creating a more acting and moving anthropology. Yet, I have to stress that easy generalizations shoul ...
Journalism Final
... Journalism of the nineteenth century is often defined by the personalities who dominated the field, people such as James Gordon Bennett and Horace Greeley and, later in the century, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph ...
... Journalism of the nineteenth century is often defined by the personalities who dominated the field, people such as James Gordon Bennett and Horace Greeley and, later in the century, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph ...
Media Ethics - Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism
... “A mechanism to divorce fact from opinion” (Patterson & Wilkins) “A refusal to allow individual bias to influence what is reported or how it is covered” (Patterson & Wilkins) ...
... “A mechanism to divorce fact from opinion” (Patterson & Wilkins) “A refusal to allow individual bias to influence what is reported or how it is covered” (Patterson & Wilkins) ...
of journalism
... rather than just “telling the news,” has a broader mission of helping public life journalists participate in public life rather than being detached observers rather than just describing wrongs, tries to imagine what society COULD be like sees readers not as consumers but as active public citizen ...
... rather than just “telling the news,” has a broader mission of helping public life journalists participate in public life rather than being detached observers rather than just describing wrongs, tries to imagine what society COULD be like sees readers not as consumers but as active public citizen ...
chapter14 - Macmillan Learning
... Rather than just “telling the news,” has a broader mission of helping public life Journalists participate in public life rather than being detached observers Rather than just describing wrongs, tries to imagine what society COULD be like Sees readers not as consumers but as active public citizen ...
... Rather than just “telling the news,” has a broader mission of helping public life Journalists participate in public life rather than being detached observers Rather than just describing wrongs, tries to imagine what society COULD be like Sees readers not as consumers but as active public citizen ...
Development Journalism
... has to reflect this process-more focus on why and how Since development is process, follow up is an integral part of development writing. The journalist may have to visit a subject repeatedly. Development issues are often camouflaged in figures and statisticsneeds to see beyond them and connect ...
... has to reflect this process-more focus on why and how Since development is process, follow up is an integral part of development writing. The journalist may have to visit a subject repeatedly. Development issues are often camouflaged in figures and statisticsneeds to see beyond them and connect ...
Journalistic Style Copy 101
... news items that air on radio and television or are produced in print. News style encompasses not only vocabulary and sentence structure, but also the way in which stories present the information in terms of relative importance, tone, and intended audience. News writing attempts to answer all the bas ...
... news items that air on radio and television or are produced in print. News style encompasses not only vocabulary and sentence structure, but also the way in which stories present the information in terms of relative importance, tone, and intended audience. News writing attempts to answer all the bas ...
Case Study - Prime Research
... As a result of the assessment, the client agreed with PRIME’s findings that there was no systematic or intentional bias; in fact, the journalists preferred the “number two” company in many ways including the quality of their public relations personnel who were found to be responsive, accessible and ...
... As a result of the assessment, the client agreed with PRIME’s findings that there was no systematic or intentional bias; in fact, the journalists preferred the “number two” company in many ways including the quality of their public relations personnel who were found to be responsive, accessible and ...
Megan Cole
... truth was held to the highest possible standard. In the three decades following Watergate, little changed in the world of journalism. Reporters fought to break news, and gathered as much information as possible in hopes of making their stories matter. Editors watched over them, ensuring that their c ...
... truth was held to the highest possible standard. In the three decades following Watergate, little changed in the world of journalism. Reporters fought to break news, and gathered as much information as possible in hopes of making their stories matter. Editors watched over them, ensuring that their c ...
... him. He also claimed that the defendants had made no efforts to ascertain the truth of the contents of the article from the plaintiff. The application was based, broadly, on three grounds — to enable the plaintiff to make the proceedings more effective and complete; to substantiate his case, in part ...
... him. He also claimed that the defendants had made no efforts to ascertain the truth of the contents of the article from the plaintiff. The application was based, broadly, on three grounds — to enable the plaintiff to make the proceedings more effective and complete; to substantiate his case, in part ...
Click here to a text version of this
... But in a journalism world increasingly defined and validated by a collection of “clicks” and “hits” and algorithmic formulas, was it the need to ramp up the drama, to boost the hype, search out what the report called the “single, emblematic college rape case” that ultimately teased these heretofore ...
... But in a journalism world increasingly defined and validated by a collection of “clicks” and “hits” and algorithmic formulas, was it the need to ramp up the drama, to boost the hype, search out what the report called the “single, emblematic college rape case” that ultimately teased these heretofore ...
Yellow Journalism Activity
... Reporting in newspapers and magazines that exaggerates the news in order to make it more exciting. ...
... Reporting in newspapers and magazines that exaggerates the news in order to make it more exciting. ...