Topological Field Theories in 2 dimensions
... objects in the derived category of X. This method has been essentially confirmed for projective toric manifolds by Abouzaid [Ab], who proves the required mirror symmetry (B-side on X is equivalent to A-side on the Landau-Ginzburg model) without a priori reference to exceptional objects (and, in part ...
... objects in the derived category of X. This method has been essentially confirmed for projective toric manifolds by Abouzaid [Ab], who proves the required mirror symmetry (B-side on X is equivalent to A-side on the Landau-Ginzburg model) without a priori reference to exceptional objects (and, in part ...
Identical Particles - Theory of Condensed Matter
... exchange of two particles, while the spin triplet wavefunction is symmetric. For a general state, the total wavefunction for the two electrons in a common eigenstate of S2 , Sz and the Hamiltonian Ĥ then has the form: Ψ(r1 , s1 ; r2 , s2 ) = ψ(r1 , r2 )χ(s1 , s2 ) , where χ(s1 , s2 ) = )s1 , s2 |χ% ...
... exchange of two particles, while the spin triplet wavefunction is symmetric. For a general state, the total wavefunction for the two electrons in a common eigenstate of S2 , Sz and the Hamiltonian Ĥ then has the form: Ψ(r1 , s1 ; r2 , s2 ) = ψ(r1 , r2 )χ(s1 , s2 ) , where χ(s1 , s2 ) = )s1 , s2 |χ% ...
ppt - Harvard Condensed Matter Theory group
... the kinetic energy, perturbation theory breaks down. Many surprising new phenomena occur, including unconventional superconductivity, magnetism, fractionalization of excitations ...
... the kinetic energy, perturbation theory breaks down. Many surprising new phenomena occur, including unconventional superconductivity, magnetism, fractionalization of excitations ...
... the quantum state of the device. This observation formed the basis for much subsequent work on formulating a quantum theory of lasers, parametric amplifiers and photon correlation experiments. The coherent states were known from harmonic oscillator physics, but Glauber introduced them as basic entit ...
Open quantum systems
... Consider a chain of N spin 1/2 particles interacting with eachother by the Heisenberg interaction H = −J ...
... Consider a chain of N spin 1/2 particles interacting with eachother by the Heisenberg interaction H = −J ...
Theoretical Errors in Contemporary Physics
... DA and DB denote the domains of validity of theories A and B, respectively. Now, if DA ⊂ DB and DA 6= DB then one finds that theory B takes a higher hierarchical rank than theory A (see [1], pp. 3-6). Here theory B is regarded as a theory having a more profound status. However, theory A is not “wron ...
... DA and DB denote the domains of validity of theories A and B, respectively. Now, if DA ⊂ DB and DA 6= DB then one finds that theory B takes a higher hierarchical rank than theory A (see [1], pp. 3-6). Here theory B is regarded as a theory having a more profound status. However, theory A is not “wron ...