Quantum typicality: what is it and what can be done... Jochen Gemmer LMU Muenchen, May, Friday 13th, 2014 University of Osnabrück,
... often describable by master equations, Fokker-Planck equations, stochastic processes, etc. ...
... often describable by master equations, Fokker-Planck equations, stochastic processes, etc. ...
PPT File
... When there is no initial correlation between the quantum system and stochastic process, we obtain the time-convolutionless (TCL) quantum master equation ...
... When there is no initial correlation between the quantum system and stochastic process, we obtain the time-convolutionless (TCL) quantum master equation ...
A quantum central limit theorem for sums of IID
... variable A. Similarly, when one considers a commuting family A1 , . . . , An of selfadjoint operators, there exists a spectral measure ξ A1 ,...,An on Rn such that Z (u, f1 (A1 ) . . . fn (An )u) = f1 (a1 ) . . . fn (an ) d(u, ξ A1 ,...,An (a1 , . . . , an )u), for all u ∈ H and for any bounded Bore ...
... variable A. Similarly, when one considers a commuting family A1 , . . . , An of selfadjoint operators, there exists a spectral measure ξ A1 ,...,An on Rn such that Z (u, f1 (A1 ) . . . fn (An )u) = f1 (a1 ) . . . fn (an ) d(u, ξ A1 ,...,An (a1 , . . . , an )u), for all u ∈ H and for any bounded Bore ...
Entanglement, Decoherence and the Quantum/Classical
... Nonlocality in quantum systems consisting of spaExplanations for this “decoherence” phenomenon can tially separated parts is even more puzzling, as Albert be traced back to discussions by the founding fathers of Einstein and collaborators Boris Podolsky and Nathan quantum mechanics, and to 50-year-o ...
... Nonlocality in quantum systems consisting of spaExplanations for this “decoherence” phenomenon can tially separated parts is even more puzzling, as Albert be traced back to discussions by the founding fathers of Einstein and collaborators Boris Podolsky and Nathan quantum mechanics, and to 50-year-o ...
Elements of QFT in Curved Space-Time
... leads to the problem with unitarity, at least at the tree level. In the present case gravity is external and unitarity of the gravitational S-matrix does not matter. The consistency criterium includes: physically reasonable solutions and their stability under small perturbations. ...
... leads to the problem with unitarity, at least at the tree level. In the present case gravity is external and unitarity of the gravitational S-matrix does not matter. The consistency criterium includes: physically reasonable solutions and their stability under small perturbations. ...
Quantum Physics 2005 Notes-4 The Schrodinger Equation (Chapters 6 + 7)
... The general solution vs the specific case The free particle wave -2 • There are an infinite number of possible solutions to the free space Schrodinger equation. All we have found is the relation between the possible time solutions and the possible space solutions. • We need to give more information ...
... The general solution vs the specific case The free particle wave -2 • There are an infinite number of possible solutions to the free space Schrodinger equation. All we have found is the relation between the possible time solutions and the possible space solutions. • We need to give more information ...
Quantum States and Propositions
... Quantum Decoherence : Interaction with the environment leads to a transition into a more classical behavior, in agreement with the common intuition ! ...
... Quantum Decoherence : Interaction with the environment leads to a transition into a more classical behavior, in agreement with the common intuition ! ...