Nixon and the Bay of Pigs
... sent to spy on Democratic Party candidates, headed by the CIA officer Howard Hunt, one of the leaders of the invasion of Cuba in 1961. That episode became the spark that ignited his presidency until he was forced to resign during his second mandate. ...
... sent to spy on Democratic Party candidates, headed by the CIA officer Howard Hunt, one of the leaders of the invasion of Cuba in 1961. That episode became the spark that ignited his presidency until he was forced to resign during his second mandate. ...
Chapter 11: The Peculiar Institution
... taxes, and unions admired the writings of Milton Friedman. A young economist, Friedman in 1962 published Capitalism and Freedom, which identified the free market as the foundation of individual liberty. Friedman gave this rather popular idea an extreme logic. He called for privatizing almost all go ...
... taxes, and unions admired the writings of Milton Friedman. A young economist, Friedman in 1962 published Capitalism and Freedom, which identified the free market as the foundation of individual liberty. Friedman gave this rather popular idea an extreme logic. He called for privatizing almost all go ...
The Future of the American Two-Party System in the Twenty
... current Republican run of at least two terms), one three-term (the Reagan-Bush I years), and one that was confined to a single term (Carter). Going further back in history, since the Republicans and the Democrats became the major parties competing for national power in the 1860s, the average duratio ...
... current Republican run of at least two terms), one three-term (the Reagan-Bush I years), and one that was confined to a single term (Carter). Going further back in history, since the Republicans and the Democrats became the major parties competing for national power in the 1860s, the average duratio ...
Calvert, De León, Cantrell, p. 159.
... The southerner’s view that bureau agents were opportunistic carpetbaggers is not substantiated by recent, balanced studies of the Texas bureau. True, some agents were inept. However, many, such as William G. Kirkman, who was stationed in Bowie County in 1867 (and who was murdered by Cullen Montgomer ...
... The southerner’s view that bureau agents were opportunistic carpetbaggers is not substantiated by recent, balanced studies of the Texas bureau. True, some agents were inept. However, many, such as William G. Kirkman, who was stationed in Bowie County in 1867 (and who was murdered by Cullen Montgomer ...
Chapter Thirteen: The Emergence of Modern Texas Politics
... state politics at the end of the 1960s, the Republican party was beginning to challenge its hegemony, and new political constituencies forced the Democratic leadership to moderate its political stances." Election of 1946 In the gubernatorial election, fear of communist infiltration of labor unions w ...
... state politics at the end of the 1960s, the Republican party was beginning to challenge its hegemony, and new political constituencies forced the Democratic leadership to moderate its political stances." Election of 1946 In the gubernatorial election, fear of communist infiltration of labor unions w ...
Johnson`s trial before the Senate
... His behavior alienated Northern voters and Radical Republicans. ...
... His behavior alienated Northern voters and Radical Republicans. ...
questions about the “varying viewpoints”
... “As long as the baby sleeps with me nights I can’t do much of anything—but I shall do it at last. I shall write it if I live.…” Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896) (Letter to Calvin Stowe, 1850) “I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with ...
... “As long as the baby sleeps with me nights I can’t do much of anything—but I shall do it at last. I shall write it if I live.…” Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896) (Letter to Calvin Stowe, 1850) “I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with ...
Reconstruction (1865-1876)
... the delegates elected were black. • The new state constitutions guaranteed civil rights, allowed poor people to hold political office, and set up a system of public schools and orphanages. • In 1870, southern black men voted in legislative elections for the first time. More than 600 African American ...
... the delegates elected were black. • The new state constitutions guaranteed civil rights, allowed poor people to hold political office, and set up a system of public schools and orphanages. • In 1870, southern black men voted in legislative elections for the first time. More than 600 African American ...
Results of Reconstruction
... 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ...
... 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ...
Democratic Party History
... that period. Franklin D. Roosevelt won the elections of 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944 and became the only man to win the presidency four times. Vice President Harry S. Truman became president after Roosevelt’s death in 1945 and won the election in 1948. Roosevelt was the dominating figure of the years ...
... that period. Franklin D. Roosevelt won the elections of 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944 and became the only man to win the presidency four times. Vice President Harry S. Truman became president after Roosevelt’s death in 1945 and won the election in 1948. Roosevelt was the dominating figure of the years ...
... Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee dominated by “black power” in late 60s separation from nonviolent SCLC No whites involved, violence advocated ‘66- Stokely Carmichael, ‘67- H. Rap Brown ...
... Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee dominated by “black power” in late 60s separation from nonviolent SCLC No whites involved, violence advocated ‘66- Stokely Carmichael, ‘67- H. Rap Brown ...
A Crisis in Confidence
... Helsinki Accords. In this document, the nations of Europe expressed their support of human rights. However, Ford chose to put arms control ahead of human rights. The United States continued disarmament talks with the Soviets. When South Vietnam fell to the communists, hundreds of thousands of Vietna ...
... Helsinki Accords. In this document, the nations of Europe expressed their support of human rights. However, Ford chose to put arms control ahead of human rights. The United States continued disarmament talks with the Soviets. When South Vietnam fell to the communists, hundreds of thousands of Vietna ...
Factors that Affect Public Opinion
... • Singles are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates • Married voters are more likely to support Republicans ...
... • Singles are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates • Married voters are more likely to support Republicans ...
A History of the 15th Amendment
... community joined with white allies in the Southern states to elect the Republican Party to power. At the time, Republicans had a more progressive, liberal agenda than Democrats. They brought about profound changes across the South. By late 1870, all the former Confederate states had been readmitted ...
... community joined with white allies in the Southern states to elect the Republican Party to power. At the time, Republicans had a more progressive, liberal agenda than Democrats. They brought about profound changes across the South. By late 1870, all the former Confederate states had been readmitted ...
Reconstruction 1865-1877 - pams
... both recently liberated slaves and Southern whites. Later, the Freedman’s Bureau would set up schools, and help to resolve disputes between whites and African-Americans in Southern states by establishing its own court system. ...
... both recently liberated slaves and Southern whites. Later, the Freedman’s Bureau would set up schools, and help to resolve disputes between whites and African-Americans in Southern states by establishing its own court system. ...
race and politics since 1933
... from A. Phillip Randolph to organize a civil disobedience campaign against the Selective Service system, Truman issued Executive Order 9981 on February 2, 1948, mandating the desegregation of the armed forces. The results of the 1948 election proved both Moon and Clifford to have been right. South C ...
... from A. Phillip Randolph to organize a civil disobedience campaign against the Selective Service system, Truman issued Executive Order 9981 on February 2, 1948, mandating the desegregation of the armed forces. The results of the 1948 election proved both Moon and Clifford to have been right. South C ...
Chapter 15
... 29. Historical trends that caused the split between North and South 30. The order of southern state secession COMPLETION 1. After 1840, the most important stimulus to economic growth came from [ ...
... 29. Historical trends that caused the split between North and South 30. The order of southern state secession COMPLETION 1. After 1840, the most important stimulus to economic growth came from [ ...
... • Which side had the overall advantage going into this war? Why? *Copperhead- Northern Democrat who wanted peace with the South ...
... • Which side had the overall advantage going into this war? Why? *Copperhead- Northern Democrat who wanted peace with the South ...
Part One - Hillsboro City Schools
... Achieving this goal required active Federal support to protect the African-American voters upon which it depended. Republicans also drew strength from: white, northern, middle-class emigrants called carpetbaggers native southern white Republicans called scalawags who were businessmen and Unionists f ...
... Achieving this goal required active Federal support to protect the African-American voters upon which it depended. Republicans also drew strength from: white, northern, middle-class emigrants called carpetbaggers native southern white Republicans called scalawags who were businessmen and Unionists f ...
Chapter 17 Notes - Merrillville Community School
... Achieving this goal required active Federal support to protect the African-American voters upon which it depended. Republicans also drew strength from: white, northern, middle-class emigrants called carpetbaggers native southern white Republicans called scalawags who were businessmen and Unionists f ...
... Achieving this goal required active Federal support to protect the African-American voters upon which it depended. Republicans also drew strength from: white, northern, middle-class emigrants called carpetbaggers native southern white Republicans called scalawags who were businessmen and Unionists f ...
... The centripetal nature of the Federal government in the North. The international dimension. ...
... The centripetal nature of the Federal government in the North. The international dimension. ...
chapter seventeen
... • As wartime idealism faded and Democrats gained strength in the North, northern Republicans abandoned the freed people and their white allies. • Conservative Democrats (Redeemers) won control of southern states. • Between 1873 and 1883, the Supreme Court weakened enforcement of the Fourteenth and F ...
... • As wartime idealism faded and Democrats gained strength in the North, northern Republicans abandoned the freed people and their white allies. • Conservative Democrats (Redeemers) won control of southern states. • Between 1873 and 1883, the Supreme Court weakened enforcement of the Fourteenth and F ...
AP Political Parties - Kenwood Academy High School
... overwhelming support in the highly populated Northern states while his three opponents divided the anti-Lincoln vote in the North, West, and South 2. When Lincoln was elected President in 1860, the immediate effect was the secession of South Carolina 3. In his famous “Freeport Doctrine” set forth in ...
... overwhelming support in the highly populated Northern states while his three opponents divided the anti-Lincoln vote in the North, West, and South 2. When Lincoln was elected President in 1860, the immediate effect was the secession of South Carolina 3. In his famous “Freeport Doctrine” set forth in ...
Southern strategy

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans.The mid-1960s saw the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and a push for desegregation. During this period of social upheaval, Republican Presidential candidates Senator Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon worked to attract southern white conservative voters to their candidacies and the Republican Party. Goldwater won the five formerly Confederate states of the Deep South (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina) in the 1964 presidential election, but he otherwise won only in his home state of Arizona. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon won Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, all former Confederate states, contributing to the electoral realignment of white voters in some Southern states to the Republican Party. After federal civil rights legislation was gained via bipartisan votes, including the Voting Rights Act of 1965, more than 90 percent of black voters registered with the Democratic Party. The VRA provided tools to end their decades-long disenfranchisement by southern states. Hundreds of cases have been litigated to change election systems, such as at-large voting, that have prevented even significant minorities from electing candidates (of their own races) for city and county positions.As the twentieth century came to a close, most white voters in the South had shifted to the Republican Party. It began to try to appeal again to black voters and rebuild the political relationship that had lasted through the 1920s, though with little success. In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.