How to Address Kings: BuddHist Letters to indiAn ruLers
... and the early Pāla kings. It is not that lekhas do not exist from this interim period, but they are not addressed to Indian kings. The correspondence with kings finally picks up again in the late 10th century with Jitāri’s letter, whose addressee has been tentatively identified as Mahīpāla I (10th–1 ...
... and the early Pāla kings. It is not that lekhas do not exist from this interim period, but they are not addressed to Indian kings. The correspondence with kings finally picks up again in the late 10th century with Jitāri’s letter, whose addressee has been tentatively identified as Mahīpāla I (10th–1 ...
... ethnic groups represented in the Valley – Newari, Tibetan and Tibetan-oid, non-Newari caste Hindu, etc. – and their relations with one another and other groups within and beyond the Himalayas. While foregrounding the region’s cultural and religious diversity and eclecticism, topics will include the ...
... ethnic groups represented in the Valley – Newari, Tibetan and Tibetan-oid, non-Newari caste Hindu, etc. – and their relations with one another and other groups within and beyond the Himalayas. While foregrounding the region’s cultural and religious diversity and eclecticism, topics will include the ...
2014 - Khyentse Foundation
... and the 16th century.” Professor Dalton says, “This event has become a wonderful tradition that allows the Buddhist Studies community of the Bay Area— academics and practitioners alike—to come together, learn, and celebrate. It is a true testament to the positive activities of the Khyentse Foundatio ...
... and the 16th century.” Professor Dalton says, “This event has become a wonderful tradition that allows the Buddhist Studies community of the Bay Area— academics and practitioners alike—to come together, learn, and celebrate. It is a true testament to the positive activities of the Khyentse Foundatio ...
Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism
... the Sakya School) on education and learning, Sakya Monastery and VEI offer a variety of educational programs to foster a better understanding of the teachings of the Buddha. The Building Sakya Monastery’s building was initially erected in 1928 as the First Presbyterian Church. Over the years, diffe ...
... the Sakya School) on education and learning, Sakya Monastery and VEI offer a variety of educational programs to foster a better understanding of the teachings of the Buddha. The Building Sakya Monastery’s building was initially erected in 1928 as the First Presbyterian Church. Over the years, diffe ...
Hitech Khadi Padmasambhava: The Lotus Born (2)
... before all the other three sects. "Nyingma" literally means "archaic" because it is the first sect to translate Sanskrit Buddhist scripture into Tibetan, at the beginning of the 14th Buddhist century. The Nyingma Sect has been able to do the good job of keeping and disseminating the early tantra tea ...
... before all the other three sects. "Nyingma" literally means "archaic" because it is the first sect to translate Sanskrit Buddhist scripture into Tibetan, at the beginning of the 14th Buddhist century. The Nyingma Sect has been able to do the good job of keeping and disseminating the early tantra tea ...
The Practices of Tibetan Buddhism
... come. Thus, a person who has been brutal to others for many lifetimes has created a world of brutality and suffering that will last for a long, long time—perhaps several more lifetimes—until the negative effects of that brutality and selfishness are countered by positive, selfless action. Selfless a ...
... come. Thus, a person who has been brutal to others for many lifetimes has created a world of brutality and suffering that will last for a long, long time—perhaps several more lifetimes—until the negative effects of that brutality and selfishness are countered by positive, selfless action. Selfless a ...
Lode Rosseels Gaṇeśa`s Underbelly From Hindu Goblin God to
... interpretation of Gaṇeśa. This method will also illustrate how, why and when the figure of Gaṇeśa underwent several processes of assimilation and reinterpretation that other deities were not subject to. Additionally, throughout the whole paper, additional information will be given on topics such as ...
... interpretation of Gaṇeśa. This method will also illustrate how, why and when the figure of Gaṇeśa underwent several processes of assimilation and reinterpretation that other deities were not subject to. Additionally, throughout the whole paper, additional information will be given on topics such as ...
the securitisation of tibetan buddhism in communist china
... a set of seven Tibetans became the first Tibetans to come fully ordained monks.17 Additionally, Trisong Detsen also presided over a spiritual debate between the Chan Chinese monks and Indian Buddhists, which the latter won with great religious-historical significance for the development of Tibetan B ...
... a set of seven Tibetans became the first Tibetans to come fully ordained monks.17 Additionally, Trisong Detsen also presided over a spiritual debate between the Chan Chinese monks and Indian Buddhists, which the latter won with great religious-historical significance for the development of Tibetan B ...
Six Perfections - The Huntington Archive
... persuade oneself that it is never appropriate to become angry. The Buddhist texts give many examples of this inner debate to be reflected on in order to develop and increase patience. One of the popular examples is that of an angry person hitting you with a stick: When an angry person is hitting yo ...
... persuade oneself that it is never appropriate to become angry. The Buddhist texts give many examples of this inner debate to be reflected on in order to develop and increase patience. One of the popular examples is that of an angry person hitting you with a stick: When an angry person is hitting yo ...
XIV Dalai Lama combined effort
... thus proving his support for interfaith dialogue for example “I always believed it is much better to have a variety of religions… because of the different mental dispositions… unique ideas or techniques, and learning about them can only enrich one’s own faith.” It is important to note, that as a two ...
... thus proving his support for interfaith dialogue for example “I always believed it is much better to have a variety of religions… because of the different mental dispositions… unique ideas or techniques, and learning about them can only enrich one’s own faith.” It is important to note, that as a two ...
The Primordial Mandalas of East and West: Jungian and Tibetan
... observer and observed) that is implicit in the above statement lies at the very heart of Tibetan tantric practice, a subject to which I now turn. Tibetan Buddhist Tantra Historical Origins Buddhism, with its origins in the Indian subcontinent, was brought to Tibet in the seventh century C. E. during ...
... observer and observed) that is implicit in the above statement lies at the very heart of Tibetan tantric practice, a subject to which I now turn. Tibetan Buddhist Tantra Historical Origins Buddhism, with its origins in the Indian subcontinent, was brought to Tibet in the seventh century C. E. during ...
Transfer of Buddhism Across Central Asian Networks
... the whole of Tibet, through the learning and practice of the dharma, shall not be closed. Note here the apparently inclusive statement that the whole of Tibet will have access to the gate of liberation. This egalitarian sentiment is made even more clearly further down the pillar: And when for the Ti ...
... the whole of Tibet, through the learning and practice of the dharma, shall not be closed. Note here the apparently inclusive statement that the whole of Tibet will have access to the gate of liberation. This egalitarian sentiment is made even more clearly further down the pillar: And when for the Ti ...
Introduction to Tibetan “Literature”
... traditionally write instructions to their followers concerning where they will be reborn, often including such information as family name, details of one or more parents, and time of birth. • Their disciples open the letter at a prearranged time after the Karmapa’s death, follow the master’s instruc ...
... traditionally write instructions to their followers concerning where they will be reborn, often including such information as family name, details of one or more parents, and time of birth. • Their disciples open the letter at a prearranged time after the Karmapa’s death, follow the master’s instruc ...
THE OLDEST BOY Resource Guide
... and practices largely based on teachings attributed to the Buddha. One defining element that distinguishes Buddhism from other religions is that there is no belief in a solitary God. Conversely, Buddhists believe that God resides within all of us. Bunraku: a form of traditional Japanese puppetry in ...
... and practices largely based on teachings attributed to the Buddha. One defining element that distinguishes Buddhism from other religions is that there is no belief in a solitary God. Conversely, Buddhists believe that God resides within all of us. Bunraku: a form of traditional Japanese puppetry in ...
The Bodhicaryāvatāra A Buddhist treatise translated into
... because they considered it immoral to provide support for a monk they considered to be a parasite with donations from the faithful. So, they decided to put him to the test so that they could rid themselves of him. He refused to accept this challenge, however due to the intervention of the abbot, the ...
... because they considered it immoral to provide support for a monk they considered to be a parasite with donations from the faithful. So, they decided to put him to the test so that they could rid themselves of him. He refused to accept this challenge, however due to the intervention of the abbot, the ...
Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts
... Prof. Dr. Akira Saito (then at the University of Tokyo). Later that year, the Tsadra Foundation, in collaboration with several other foundations and institutions, organized a conference on “Translation and Transmission” (October 2–5, 2014, Keystone, Colorado), in which numerous academics, practition ...
... Prof. Dr. Akira Saito (then at the University of Tokyo). Later that year, the Tsadra Foundation, in collaboration with several other foundations and institutions, organized a conference on “Translation and Transmission” (October 2–5, 2014, Keystone, Colorado), in which numerous academics, practition ...
Biographies of Conference Participants
... joined the Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies at Sarnath. Then, under the auspices of Sanskrit University, Varanasi, he studied Buddhist philosophy for three years and received a GesheAcharya degree in 1972. At the end of 1973 he joined the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, as libr ...
... joined the Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies at Sarnath. Then, under the auspices of Sanskrit University, Varanasi, he studied Buddhist philosophy for three years and received a GesheAcharya degree in 1972. At the end of 1973 he joined the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, as libr ...
Sa skya paṇḍita`s Account of the bSam yas Debate: History as
... Sa skya panchta's Account of the bSam yas Debate: History as Polemic by Roger Jackson ...
... Sa skya panchta's Account of the bSam yas Debate: History as Polemic by Roger Jackson ...
chapter - i origin and development of buddhist logic
... against this attitude. Numerous religious sects arose in middle Gangetic plains since that time. Among them Buddhism and Jainism were more attracted by those marginalized people, because of the style of simple puritan ascetic life .The teachings of Buddha have helped them to be awakened with the sp ...
... against this attitude. Numerous religious sects arose in middle Gangetic plains since that time. Among them Buddhism and Jainism were more attracted by those marginalized people, because of the style of simple puritan ascetic life .The teachings of Buddha have helped them to be awakened with the sp ...
... (twelfth century); in the Akhlāq-i Nāsirı̄ [Nasirean Ethics] by Nası̄r al-Dı̄n al-Tūsı̄ (thirteenth century); in the Akhlāq-i Jalālı̄ [Jalalian Ethics] by Jalāl al-Dı̄n Dawānı̄ (fifteenth century); and in the exhortations of such classical poets of Persian literature as Rūdakı̄, Firdawsı̄, N ...
... (twelfth century); in the Akhlāq-i Nāsirı̄ [Nasirean Ethics] by Nası̄r al-Dı̄n al-Tūsı̄ (thirteenth century); in the Akhlāq-i Jalālı̄ [Jalalian Ethics] by Jalāl al-Dı̄n Dawānı̄ (fifteenth century); and in the exhortations of such classical poets of Persian literature as Rūdakı̄, Firdawsı̄, N ...
Tibetan Buddhism in the West
... Pandita, Milarepa, Tsongkhapa, right on into the twentieth century—it's worked! With that success, it is possible to conclude that since it worked for the Tibetans, we Westerners must take their tradition, the pure teachings, exactly as they were taught in Tibet, and introduce it in Los Angeles or N ...
... Pandita, Milarepa, Tsongkhapa, right on into the twentieth century—it's worked! With that success, it is possible to conclude that since it worked for the Tibetans, we Westerners must take their tradition, the pure teachings, exactly as they were taught in Tibet, and introduce it in Los Angeles or N ...
Tashi Jong Visitors Guide Tashi Jong Visitors Guide Tashi Jong
... nunneries and retreat centers. It was considered one of the foremost monasteries of the Drukpa Kagyü lineage. In India, they settled first in Kalimpong in West Bengal, where many lay people from the Khampagar area in Kham came seeking refuge, and affiliated themselves with the newly formed community ...
... nunneries and retreat centers. It was considered one of the foremost monasteries of the Drukpa Kagyü lineage. In India, they settled first in Kalimpong in West Bengal, where many lay people from the Khampagar area in Kham came seeking refuge, and affiliated themselves with the newly formed community ...
... periods of history. In particular, the large number of technical terms utilised in these Indian texts, which are crucial to their understanding, present by far the biggest challenge to translators. Beginning with the earliest extant translations from Buddhist texts into Chinese (Mizuno 1982: 45) by ...
... periods of history. In particular, the large number of technical terms utilised in these Indian texts, which are crucial to their understanding, present by far the biggest challenge to translators. Beginning with the earliest extant translations from Buddhist texts into Chinese (Mizuno 1982: 45) by ...
Conversion to Tibetan Buddhism
... well as the wider Chinese cultural sphere. Within it, “Buddhism” and “Daoism” could easily be regarded as the narrow traditions of professional religious specialists serving a broader, largely undifferentiated clientele which cares little either for the Three Jewels (except as represented by the bod ...
... well as the wider Chinese cultural sphere. Within it, “Buddhism” and “Daoism” could easily be regarded as the narrow traditions of professional religious specialists serving a broader, largely undifferentiated clientele which cares little either for the Three Jewels (except as represented by the bod ...
Ritual Implements in Tibetan Buddhism : A Symbolic Appraisal
... Near and Middle East. Parallels are postulated with the meteoric hammer of the Teutonic sky-god Thor, the thunderbolt and scepter of the Greek sky-god Zeus, and the three thunderbolts of the Roman god Jupiter. As a hurled weapon the indestructible thunderbolt blazed like a meteoric fireball across t ...
... Near and Middle East. Parallels are postulated with the meteoric hammer of the Teutonic sky-god Thor, the thunderbolt and scepter of the Greek sky-god Zeus, and the three thunderbolts of the Roman god Jupiter. As a hurled weapon the indestructible thunderbolt blazed like a meteoric fireball across t ...

A thangka, variously spelt as tangka, thanka or tanka (Nepali pronunciation: [ˈt̪ʰaŋka]; Tibetan: ཐང་ཀ་; Nepal Bhasa: पौभा) is a Tibetan Buddhist painting on cotton, or silk appliqué, usually depicting a Buddhist deity, scene, or mandala. Thangkas are traditionally kept unframed and rolled up when not on display, mounted on a textile backing somewhat in the style of Chinese scroll paintings, with a further silk cover on the front. So treated, thangkas can last a long time, but because of their delicate nature, they have to be kept in dry places where moisture will not affect the quality of the silk. Most thankas are relatively small, comparable in size to a Western half-length portrait, but some are extremely large, several metres in each dimension; these were designed to be displayed, typically for very brief periods on a monastery wall, as part of religious festivals. Most thankas were intended for personal meditation or instruction of monastic students. They often have elaborate compositions including many very small figures. A central ""deity"" is often surrounded by other identified figures in a symmetrical composition. Narrative scenes are less common, but do appear.Thangka serve as important teaching tools depicting the life of the Buddha, various influential lamas and other deities and bodhisattvas. One subject is The Wheel of Life (Bhavachakra), which is a visual representation of the Abhidharma teachings (Art of Enlightenment). The term may sometimes be used of works in other media than painting, including reliefs in metal and woodblock prints. Today printed reproductions at poster size of painted thangka are commonly used for devotional as well as decorative purposes. Many thangka were produced in sets, though they have often subsequently become separated. Thangka perform several different functions. Images of deities can be used as teaching tools when depicting the life (or lives) of the Buddha, describing historical events concerning important Lamas, or retelling myths associated with other deities. Devotional images act as the centerpiece during a ritual or ceremony and are often used as mediums through which one can offer prayers or make requests. Overall, and perhaps most importantly, religious art is used as a meditation tool to help bring one further down the path to enlightenment. The Buddhist Vajrayana practitioner uses a thanga image of their yidam, or meditation deity, as a guide, by visualizing ""themselves as being that deity, thereby internalizing the Buddha qualities"" Thangkas hang on or beside altars, and may be hung in the bedrooms or offices of monks and other devotees.