mpi.h - ICTP
... – Not built in to compiler – Function calls that can be made from any compiler, many languages – Just link to it – Wrappers: mpicc, mpif77 ...
... – Not built in to compiler – Function calls that can be made from any compiler, many languages – Just link to it – Wrappers: mpicc, mpif77 ...
Parallel Programing with MPI
... get all hardware vendors involved in implementations of this standard; define a target system for parallelizing compilers Can be used in C,C++,FORTRAN The MPI Forum ( brings together all contributing parties ...
... get all hardware vendors involved in implementations of this standard; define a target system for parallelizing compilers Can be used in C,C++,FORTRAN The MPI Forum ( brings together all contributing parties ...
TCP/UDP Sockets
... API expect structures of type sockaddr CPE 401/601 Lecture 15 : Socket Programming ...
... API expect structures of type sockaddr CPE 401/601 Lecture 15 : Socket Programming ...
TCP/UDP Sockets
... API expect structures of type sockaddr CPE 401/601 Lecture 10 : Socket Programming ...
... API expect structures of type sockaddr CPE 401/601 Lecture 10 : Socket Programming ...
Programming with Multiple Paradigms in Lua - DI PUC-Rio
... standard library also offers some traversal functions, which receive a function to be applied to every element of a collection. Most programming techniques for strict functional programming also work without modifications in Lua. As an example, LuaSocket, the standard library for network connection ...
... standard library also offers some traversal functions, which receive a function to be applied to every element of a collection. Most programming techniques for strict functional programming also work without modifications in Lua. As an example, LuaSocket, the standard library for network connection ...
... Many-to-One (Solaris’ green threads) – all user threads are mapped to one kernel thread: same problems as with user threads One-to-One (Windows XP, OS/2) – one user thread to one kernel thread • programmer has better control of concurrency • does not block the process on one thread blocking ...
... Many-to-One (Solaris’ green threads) – all user threads are mapped to one kernel thread: same problems as with user threads One-to-One (Windows XP, OS/2) – one user thread to one kernel thread • programmer has better control of concurrency • does not block the process on one thread blocking ...
Combining Events And Threads For Scalable
... model is that the programmer can reason about the series of actions taken by a thread in the familiar way, just as for a sequential program. This approach leads to a natural programming style in which the control flow for a single thread is made apparent by the program text, using ordinary language ...
... model is that the programmer can reason about the series of actions taken by a thread in the familiar way, just as for a sequential program. This approach leads to a natural programming style in which the control flow for a single thread is made apparent by the program text, using ordinary language ...
Java Threads -
... doing and do something else. • The programmer decides exactly how a thread responds to an interrupt. • Very common for the thread to terminate • A thread sends an interrupt by invoking interrupt on the Thread object to be interrupted. • The interrupted thread must support its own ...
... doing and do something else. • The programmer decides exactly how a thread responds to an interrupt. • Very common for the thread to terminate • A thread sends an interrupt by invoking interrupt on the Thread object to be interrupted. • The interrupted thread must support its own ...
Programming Paradigms - Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj
... experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot.” (Eric Raymond, How to became a hacker). ”I have heard more than one LISP advocate state such subjective comments as, ”LISP ...
... experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot.” (Eric Raymond, How to became a hacker). ”I have heard more than one LISP advocate state such subjective comments as, ”LISP ...
ITB255 - ABAP/4 Programming
... this lecture provided an overview of the tools that comprise the ABAP Development Workbench of these the editor /syntax checker/debugger is the combination that we will use most frequently it is essential that you be able to use the tools to ...
... this lecture provided an overview of the tools that comprise the ABAP Development Workbench of these the editor /syntax checker/debugger is the combination that we will use most frequently it is essential that you be able to use the tools to ...
... • Garbage Collection - As a real time system, bounded-time garbage techniques are critical. ...
... • Garbage Collection - As a real time system, bounded-time garbage techniques are critical. ...
Teaching Assistant`s TinyOS Tutorial
... • An operating system for low power, embedded, wireless devices – Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) – Sensor-actuator networks – Embedded robotics ...
... • An operating system for low power, embedded, wireless devices – Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) – Sensor-actuator networks – Embedded robotics ...
... » pf specifies the protocol family to be used with the socket – PF_INET, TCP/IP internet – PF_UNIX, UNIX file system – PF_APPLETALK, AppleTalk network » type specifies the type of communication ...
... » pf specifies the protocol family to be used with the socket – PF_INET, TCP/IP internet – PF_UNIX, UNIX file system – PF_APPLETALK, AppleTalk network » type specifies the type of communication ...
... An array is serializable if all its elements are serializable. So an entire array can be saved using writeObject into a file and later restored using readObject. Here is an example that stores an array of five int values and an array of three strings, and reads them back to display on the console. ...
... An array is serializable if all its elements are serializable. So an entire array can be saved using writeObject into a file and later restored using readObject. Here is an example that stores an array of five int values and an array of three strings, and reads them back to display on the console. ...
Chapter 17
... An array is serializable if all its elements are serializable. So an entire array can be saved using writeObject into a file and later restored using readObject. Here is an example that stores an array of five int values and an array of three strings, and reads them back to display on the console. ...
... An array is serializable if all its elements are serializable. So an entire array can be saved using writeObject into a file and later restored using readObject. Here is an example that stores an array of five int values and an array of three strings, and reads them back to display on the console. ...
Chapter 18 Binary I/O
... non-serializable instance data fields, can the object be serialized? The answer is no. To enable the object to be serialized, you can use the transient keyword to mark these data fields to tell the JVM to ignore these fields when writing the object to an object stream. ...
... non-serializable instance data fields, can the object be serialized? The answer is no. To enable the object to be serialized, you can use the transient keyword to mark these data fields to tell the JVM to ignore these fields when writing the object to an object stream. ...
... Most parallel languages talk about processes: – these can be on different processors or on different computers ...
... Most parallel languages talk about processes: – these can be on different processors or on different computers ...
Smart programming languages, smart program analysis
... A quote from classics Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you’re as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it? Brian Kernighan, P.J. Plauger ”The Elements of Programming Style”, 2ed., 1978. ...
... A quote from classics Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you’re as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it? Brian Kernighan, P.J. Plauger ”The Elements of Programming Style”, 2ed., 1978. ...
An Introduction to Control Structures
... user interface • File I/O involves reading and writing data to and from a mass storage device, typically the computer’s hard drive • The new I/O (NIO) package java.nio supplements the original I/O package Java Programming: Advanced Topics ...
... user interface • File I/O involves reading and writing data to and from a mass storage device, typically the computer’s hard drive • The new I/O (NIO) package java.nio supplements the original I/O package Java Programming: Advanced Topics ...
... Things that relate to an instance of an executing program (that may have multiple threads) ...
... Things that relate to an instance of an executing program (that may have multiple threads) ...
... with one thread and doing input with another Resource Sharing: Automatic sharing of code and (some) data for an application Economy: Easier to make and less memory intensive than a process Scalability(?): Allows a process to use multiple ...
... with one thread and doing input with another Resource Sharing: Automatic sharing of code and (some) data for an application Economy: Easier to make and less memory intensive than a process Scalability(?): Allows a process to use multiple ...
TDC561 Network Programming
... socket holding the request is already established (descriptors 0,1 or 2). TCP servers started by inetd don’t call accept, so they must call getpeername if they need to know the address of the client. inetd reads a configuration file that lists all the services it should handle. ...
... socket holding the request is already established (descriptors 0,1 or 2). TCP servers started by inetd don’t call accept, so they must call getpeername if they need to know the address of the client. inetd reads a configuration file that lists all the services it should handle. ...
Programming Language Pragmatics
... • Swing components are internally based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture • the component is divided into three separate objects: – view: how it looks (output/display) – model: what state it is in (data) – controller: what user input it accepts and what it does (input/events) • the MVC ...
... • Swing components are internally based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture • the component is divided into three separate objects: – view: how it looks (output/display) – model: what state it is in (data) – controller: what user input it accepts and what it does (input/events) • the MVC ...
Socket Programming
... End-point of interprocess communication. An interface through which processes can ...
... End-point of interprocess communication. An interface through which processes can ...