... • relativistic phenomena like cosmology, active galactic nuclei, ... • mathematical feedback to singularity, exact solutions, chaotic behavior, ... • laboratory for gravitational theories, higher-dimensional models, ... ...
... • relativistic phenomena like cosmology, active galactic nuclei, ... • mathematical feedback to singularity, exact solutions, chaotic behavior, ... • laboratory for gravitational theories, higher-dimensional models, ... ...
Assessing the Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in a
... a system subject to a sudden switch of an external magnetic field and show that, as long as the quenching process is described by an operator that commutes with the unperturbed part of the Hamiltonian, the cumulants of the work distribution have a fairly intuitive physical interpretation. In order t ...
... a system subject to a sudden switch of an external magnetic field and show that, as long as the quenching process is described by an operator that commutes with the unperturbed part of the Hamiltonian, the cumulants of the work distribution have a fairly intuitive physical interpretation. In order t ...
Chu Spaces: Automata with Quantum Aspects
... spaces show how to abstract away even that last vestige of quantum identity, not just to a group of complex numbers or even a monoid, but to a pure set! This extreme level of abstraction is ordinarily confined to set theory and number theory. A set is a relational structure with the empty language. ...
... spaces show how to abstract away even that last vestige of quantum identity, not just to a group of complex numbers or even a monoid, but to a pure set! This extreme level of abstraction is ordinarily confined to set theory and number theory. A set is a relational structure with the empty language. ...
... amount of attributes that is enough for this simple line data model, but can make use of possible future developments of the models they point to. • light pink represent placeholder classes, and have no attributes in the current model (they are left here as reference for future possible developments ...
... amount of attributes that is enough for this simple line data model, but can make use of possible future developments of the models they point to. • light pink represent placeholder classes, and have no attributes in the current model (they are left here as reference for future possible developments ...
Population inversion in quantum dot ensembles via adiabatic rapid passage
... quantum states through excitation with laser pulses of varying integrated pulse area.1–3 Rabi oscillations have been observed both in the photoluminescence signal2,3 and in the photocurrent drawn from individual quantum dots in appropriately biased structures.1,4–7 The decrease in amplitude of Rabi ...
... quantum states through excitation with laser pulses of varying integrated pulse area.1–3 Rabi oscillations have been observed both in the photoluminescence signal2,3 and in the photocurrent drawn from individual quantum dots in appropriately biased structures.1,4–7 The decrease in amplitude of Rabi ...
Quantum Probability Quantum Information Theory Quantum
... Einstein in their search for a finer mathematical model of physical reality. However, by the work of John Bell and Alain Aspect it has become clear that the search for such underlying ‘hidden variable’ models runs into certain difficulties: they must at least allow action at a distance. And even if ...
... Einstein in their search for a finer mathematical model of physical reality. However, by the work of John Bell and Alain Aspect it has become clear that the search for such underlying ‘hidden variable’ models runs into certain difficulties: they must at least allow action at a distance. And even if ...
Almost all pure quantum states are almost maximally entangled
... not an obvious conclusion from Eq. (2). First, observe that the square of a density matrix tr ρ2A does not have an immediate physical interpretation. From this result alone it is unclear how to quantify the physical distance between the expected local state and the maximally mixed state. Second, not ...
... not an obvious conclusion from Eq. (2). First, observe that the square of a density matrix tr ρ2A does not have an immediate physical interpretation. From this result alone it is unclear how to quantify the physical distance between the expected local state and the maximally mixed state. Second, not ...
Quantum fluctuations and the Casimir effect
... • Effects due to dielectrics in both macro- and mesoregimes. Some sign control. • Large positive vacuum pressure due to surface plasmons, on thin metallic films. ...
... • Effects due to dielectrics in both macro- and mesoregimes. Some sign control. • Large positive vacuum pressure due to surface plasmons, on thin metallic films. ...
A Dialogue Between Contemporary
... Jaeger, Polkinghorne, Plantinga, and White discuss the relationship between theology and natural science, with an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of the issue and how quantum physics fits in their respective views. Through this process I will compare and contrast their views to highlight the rol ...
... Jaeger, Polkinghorne, Plantinga, and White discuss the relationship between theology and natural science, with an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of the issue and how quantum physics fits in their respective views. Through this process I will compare and contrast their views to highlight the rol ...
Assessing the applicability of quantum corrections to classical
... are always greater than their quantum counterparts and, according to Eq. (10), will tend to increase the classical thermal conductivity over the quantum value. The thermal conductivity, however, is also affected by the group velocities and the relaxation times. Because SW silicon is a stiff material ...
... are always greater than their quantum counterparts and, according to Eq. (10), will tend to increase the classical thermal conductivity over the quantum value. The thermal conductivity, however, is also affected by the group velocities and the relaxation times. Because SW silicon is a stiff material ...
... Another interpretation: Laplace transform of work distribution Consider the work done WN for a system of size N when one of its Hamiltonian parameter is quenched from g0 to g Define the moment generating function of WN One can think of G(s) as the partition function of a classical (d+1)-dimensional ...
... Another interpretation: Laplace transform of work distribution Consider the work done WN for a system of size N when one of its Hamiltonian parameter is quenched from g0 to g Define the moment generating function of WN One can think of G(s) as the partition function of a classical (d+1)-dimensional ...
`Cutoff Frequency` of Quantum-Dot Single-Electron Pump - e-SI-Amp
... is a promising candidate for the quantum current standard [1]-[3]. In order to obtain 10−8 level accuracy with a single electron pump [4], either precision measurement technique is to be improved or the output level of a pump must be increased at least with an order of magnitude. The simplest way to ...
... is a promising candidate for the quantum current standard [1]-[3]. In order to obtain 10−8 level accuracy with a single electron pump [4], either precision measurement technique is to be improved or the output level of a pump must be increased at least with an order of magnitude. The simplest way to ...
Correlated many-electron states in a quantum dot containing a
... product of two single-particle wave functions of those two ជ of the exchanged quantum states calculated at position R impurity. They build up a submatrix called the exchange interaction matrix. The size of this matrix is determined by the number of orbitals that are taken into account in our calcula ...
... product of two single-particle wave functions of those two ជ of the exchanged quantum states calculated at position R impurity. They build up a submatrix called the exchange interaction matrix. The size of this matrix is determined by the number of orbitals that are taken into account in our calcula ...