Device for projecting and viewing stereoscopic pictures
Deviation from Snell`s law for beams transmitted
development of SPR sensors
Development of proper microbiological technique for experimentation Vibrio fischeri
Development of Organic Imaging Device
Development of Optical Simulation Software for Ultra-Stable Optical Bench Fabrication
Development of Mirror Coatings for Gravitational Wave Detectors
Development of Lightning Simulator
Development of greenhouse technology for tropical climate
development of fourier domain optical coherence
Development of an Orbital Angular Momentum Sorter for High
Development of a67kHz Internal OPO Laser for Hellborne LIdar
Development of a Total Internal Reflection Illumination System for
Development of a Tm3+-doped Fluoride Glass - DORAS
Development of a spin-exchange relaxation free magnetometer with
Development of a simulator of a satellite-to
Development of a process for characterization of Nd:YAG crystals
Development of a New Optical Wavelength Rejection Filter
Development of a high precision interferometric set-up for the
development and verification of the non