Coupled-mode theory for electromagnetic pulse propagation in
Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides (CROWs) Fatemeh Soltani
Counting Airborne Bacteria in Real Time
Counterpropagating optical beams and solitons
Costas-Loop Based Carrier Recovery in Optical Coherent Intersatellite Communications Systems Semjon Schaefer
Cost-effective optical coherence tomography spectrometer based on
Cosmology: The Big Bang
COSC 393: Lecture 2
Correlation Effects in Two-Electron Model Atoms in Intense Laser
Correlated diffraction and fluorescence in the backscattering
Correction of sampling errors due to laser tuning
Correction of eye-motion artifacts in AO-OCT data sets
Correcting chromatic aberrations using a diffraction grating in a
Corneal Asphericity and Retinal Image Quality
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Cooling in Optical Lattices
Convolution in Imaging and the Optical Transfer Function Process
Convex Mirrors
Convex Mirrors
Convex Lenses and Mirrors
Convex and Concave Mirrors Prac