Seddon et al. 2014
Society for Ecological Restoration – Ontario Chapter Native
Biological and ecological traits of marine species
Biodiversity Section 3
Ch 17 Outline
Monitoring Changes in Genetic Diversity (PDF Available)
modeling biodiversity dynamics in countryside landscapes
Mention Ecologie, Biodiversité et Evolution
interview with Ed Wi..
Management and rehabilitation of aquatic habitat - Murray
Irish Forests and Biodiversity
trophic roles and ecological functions provided by a
122. Woodruff, D.S. and G.A.E. Gall. Genetics and conservation. In
Causes of biodiversity loss in coastal ecosystems
Compromising genetic diversity in the wild: unmonitored large
How useful are the genetic markers in attempts to understand and
How to make wildlife conservation more compatible with production forestry:... Kalimantan
Homogenization, Differentiation, and the Widespread Alteration of
Conservation Assessment of Southern South American
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