Levels of Biodiversity
Pollution, habitat loss, fishing, and climate change as critical threats
Grassland Conservation and Management
Habitat Loss Article habitat_loss_article_from_nwf
extinction-proneness of island species
Data Sources and Methods: General Status of Species Indicator
Beausoleil Island (in Georgian Bay Islands National Park)
BD 4.0 - Edquest
B: Glossary of Terms
A role for assisted evolution in designing native plant materials for
Biogeographic Crossroads as Priority Areas for Biodiversity
Biodiversity in India
Biodiversity - The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Species Of Conservation Concern Fact Sheet By NHESP
Saving our Species: Landscape species strategy
Has the debate over genetics and extinction of island endemics truly
Garry Oak Ecosystems - Province of British Columbia
concepts and requirements in the conservation of forest genetic
Patterns and maintenance of biodiversity - Max-Planck