Team Uses PacBio Data to Detect and Phase Bacterial DNA
Taq Polymerase / high yield buffer
Taq PCR Master Mix (2x)
Table_S3 - Candida Genome Database
Table S3. Summary of Irr features in R. sphaeroides and
Table S2.
Table S2 : List of antibodies directed against HSV1 proteins
Table S13. Description of TCOF1 related proteins
Table S1. List of some peptide identified by LC/MS as a EhAK1
T7 In Vitro Transcription Kit esiSCRIBE 100 Reactions (10 µl each
T4 DNA Ligase (5U/µl) - GRiSP Research Solutions
Surface acoustic wave microfluidics: micro
Supplementary data Fig. S1. A comparison of rapid DNA extraction
Supplemental Figure Legends
Supplemental Figure Legends
Fragment-Based Chemogenomics
For the 5 W`s Flipbook you need to complete tRNA and rRNA (this is
Fisher Scientific Ireland: Laboratory Equipment, Consumables