Münchhausen-style head movement and the analysis of verb second
Middles in German - EDOC HU - Humboldt
Introduction - Friedrich-Schiller
intercultural communication in the translation of history texts
Jessica Nowak. 2015. Zur Legitimation einer 8. Ablautreihe. Eine
Left/right asymmetries and the grammar of pre- vs. post
Patterns of Dative-Nominative Alternations
pages 373–393 - CSLI Publications
Overview on Annotation of Ellipses
1586398 andersenjlc9 2016 264 292
1 Dative and indirect object in German dialects: Evidence from
- Wikimedia.org
Aalborg Universitet Implementation of Danish in the Natural
Auxiliary verbs in compound tenses in Italian
Auxiliary selection in the Early New High German perfect tenses
as a PDF
Areal-typological aspects of word
A framework for syntactic translation
A Comparison of French and ... Auxiliary Verb Selection: The HAVE/BE Alternation ,.
7 Words and word-formation processes
59.00Kb - G-global www.group