Middles in German - EDOC HU - Humboldt
- Wikimedia.org
7 Words and word-formation processes
Clausal architecture and subject positions
Unambiguous Argument Identification and the Distribution of Weak
The German language - Кафедра іноземних мов
Introduction - Friedrich-Schiller
Iconicity and Syncretism
intercultural communication in the translation of history texts
Sprachvariation The Verb Cluster in Mennonite Low German: A New
Conference Abstracts - Penn State University
Left/right asymmetries and the grammar of pre- vs. post
The Verbal Complex in Continental West Germanic
Clause Structure and X
Systematic Acquisition of Reading and Writing: An Exploration of
Complete Colloquium Brochure
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updated version
Proto-Roles and Case Selection in Optimality Theory
A Comparison of French and ... Auxiliary Verb Selection: The HAVE/BE Alternation ,.
Icelandic non-nominative subjects Facts and implications