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Name: __________________________
Period: _______
AP World History The Newest Stage of World History
(1914 – Present) Unit 6: Chapters 28 – 31 Study Guide
Chapter 28: Descent into the Abyss: World War I and the crisis of the European
world order
One year into the war, describe the Western Front.
How were women affected by the war?
Overall, how was America impacted by the war?
Explain both long term and short term causes of WWI.
Why was WWI considered the first “total war” in world history?
Describe the advances in technology that had an influence in the fighting of the war.
List the major alliances that formed the opposing sides of the war.
Detail the Treaty of Versailles. What was it’s impact and how was it considered one of the most
influential pieces of legislation in history?
9. Describe the decolonization movement in India just prior to World War I.
10. What was the Dinshawai incident and was the result in Egypt?
Chapter 29: The world between the Wars: Revolutions, Depression, and
Authoritarian Response
Explain the condition of the economy of Europe from 1920 – 1930.
Following the revolution in Mexico, describe the condition of the Mexican political organization.
How did the Mexican Revolution come to an end?
How did Vladimir Lenin believe the Russians should participate in WWI?
What were the major differences between Josef Stalin’s views of Communism as compared to
Vladimir Lenin’s version?
16. Who led the 1911 revolt in China and what was his reasoning for his actions?
17. How did the 1917 Russian Revolution impact people in China?
18. What was the greatest malfunction of the Chinese Nationalist Party?
19. Describe Adolf Hitler’s political program.
20. What was the Long March?
Chapter 30: A second global conflict and the end of the European world order
21. Beginning in 1938, explain the motives of the government in Japan.
22. Explain the rise of Adolf Hitler. How did he come to power and what did he promise to all the
people in the country?
23. How did the ideas of appeasement end in 1939?
24. Explain how the first two years of WWII went for the country of France.
25. Considered a major turning point in the European theatre in 1941, what did Hitler do?
APWH – Mr. Munson
Name: __________________________
Period: _______
26. Who were the Zionists and what did they do following WWII?
27. What was the Atlantic Charter?
28. What happened in India in 1947?
29. Where was decolonization most violent in the African colonies?
30. Explain the Algerian independence movement.
Chapter 31: Western society and Eastern Europe in the decades of the Cold War
31. What phrase did Winston Churchill use to describe the separation between free and subdued
societies after World War II?
32. What was the Marshall Plan?
33. Explain the relationship between western European countries in NATO with reference to the
United States.
34. Describe the German government after World War II.
35. Post 1950’s, describe the European economy as a whole.
36. How did the Russian government change following Josef Stalin’s death in 1953?
37. What did the Soviet military look like following the death of Stalin?
38. Where was the focal point of the Cold War in Europe right after WWII?
39. Explain the phrase: “nuclear umbrella”
40. Why did Nikita Krushchev fall from power?
APWH – Mr. Munson