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Name: ___________________________
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Three for FRIDAY Vocabulary!
There are six vocabulary activities listed below. Using your vocabulary
words, you must complete three of these activities. Please use white
lined paper and use a proper heading (name, date, subject,
assignment). You may type your assignments if you wish. Hand in your assignments
stapled together. This homework is due this Friday, March 14th.
There will be a quiz on Friday where you will have to fill in the missing word in a
sentence using the correct vocabulary word. There will be a word bank.
The vocabulary words below are from our character traits list we have been using in our
Reading Notebook. Please use ALL of your words for each of the three assignments.
This week’s vocabulary words:
1. Sentences
Write a detailed sentence that shows the meaning of the word.
2. Synonyms/Antonyms
Use a thesaurus to find as many synonyms (words that have the same or almost the same meaning) and
as many antonyms (words that have the opposite meaning).
3. Story Writing
Write a short realistic fiction story. Please underline all vocabulary words that you use within your story.
Remember to use the strategies good writers use! Make sure you have a grabber opening, a show not
tell middle, and a strong end. Use TOADS! (thought, onomatopoeia, action, dialogue, setting)
4. Definitions
Using a dictionary or online dictionary, find the definitions of the vocabulary words. Then, write a
definition in your own words.
5. Visual Representations
Draw a picture to represent each character trait. Be neat and as creative as you want! You can use
blank drawing paper for this assignment.
6. Character Trait Sort
Some character traits are considered positive traits to have, or possess, while some are considered
negative to possess. Sort the vocabulary words into positive and negative traits. For each trait, explain
why you think they would be positive or negative traits. If you can’t figure out if they’re a positive or
negative trait, you can sort a third category. Explain why those traits can be considered either positive
or negative.
KK 2013
KK 2013