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Types of Reproduction Notes
Reproduction - is the process by which an organism __________________________________________.
There are 2 types of reproduction:
Asexual Reproduction:
A ________ organism is produced from __________ organism. The ___________ will have hereditary
material uniform with the hereditary material of the parent organism.
This means they will be ______________________.
3 Types of Asexual Reproduction:
Budding is the process by which a new, _____________ plant or animal begins to form at the side of the
parent and enlarges until an individual is created. This is very common in _____________.
Draw an example of budding:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Regeneration is the ability to ____________ lost or damaged tissues, organs, or limbs. It is a common
feature in __________________, like worms and starfish.
Draw an example of regeneration:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fission is becoming two by _____________ of the complete organism. This is a type of cell division.
Draw an example of fission:
Sexual reproduction requires __________________________, egg and sperm.
The egg and sperm join to form an entirely ______________________________. This new organism is
___________________ from the parent organism.
Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically _______________ to the parent
Sexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically _____________ from the parent
Using your notes, complete the Venn diagram below by comparing/contrasting asexual and sexual
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction