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Human Physiology – Exam 6:
1)Explain why mature gametes carry only one set of chromosomes.
2)What special features are evident in sperm cells but not in somatic cells, and how do these specializations function?
3)What do each of the three male accessory glands contribute to the ejaculate?
4)Identify some differences between meiosis in men and women.
5)Explain what would occur during development to an XY individual with a mutation causing a nonfunctional SRY gene.
6)What are male gametes called?
7)What do Leydig cells secrete?
8)Spermatogenesis takes place in what structures in what organ?
9)From what structure does the corpus luteum originate?
10)Where does fertilization of the egg by the sperm typically occur?
11)Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands.
12)Describe the mechanism of hormone response resulting from the binding of a hormone with an intracellular
13)Name the target tissues for prolactin.
14)What are the three regions of the adrenal cortex and what hormones do they produce?
15)If innervation to the adrenal medulla were disrupted, what would be the physiological outcome?
16)List the anterior pituitary hormones and their functions.
17)When blood calcium levels are low, what hormone is released from what gland, and what are the target cells for this
18)The production of FSH by the anterior pituitary gland is reduced by what hormone?
19)Where are Sertoli cells found and what do they do?
20)How are ‘aromatase’ and ‘5-alpha-reductase’ different? In other words, what reaction does aromatase catalyze and
what reaction does 5-alpha-reductase catalyze?
21)What pituitary gland hormone is directly involved with spermatogenesis?
22)What is the zona pellucida and where is it found?
23)Which is found in higher levels in the blood normally: T-3 or T-4?
24)Do T-3 and T-4 act as steroid hormones or second messengers?
25)What do mineralcorticoids do and where do they come from?
26)Place these into their correct order:
-G-proteins dissociate
-adenylate cyclase
-protein kinase
27)Draw a flow diagram correctly inter-relating these molecules:
28)Place these into their correct order:
-Leydig cells
-adenyl cyclase
29)Place these into their correct order:
-zona fasciculata
30)GLUT2 and GLUT4 are most closely associated with what hormone?
31)Which hormone(s) are derived from POMC (pro-opiomelanocortin)?
32)Tell me everything you know about Vit-D: