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Click on the STUDENTS link and scroll down to the GEOGRAPHY
section and begin your web quest!
1. What does the word “Mesopotamia” mean?
2. Mesopotamia was located in the present-day country of ________.
3. Name 4 crops that were grown by the people who lived here.
4. How far is it from Rapid City to Baghdad?
5. What time is it in Baghdad right now?
6. Who were the people that established the first civilization in
7. How did the Sumerians control the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
8. Explain how each city-state was organized.
9. Why did Sumerians use sun-dried mud brick to build their homes?
10. Name two reasons why city-states often fought each other.
11. ____________________ were temples at the center of each city.
The city’s ____________ or ____________ was housed there.
12. Why did writing develop?
13. Sumerian writing was called ___________________. They wrote
on _______________________.
14. Write 3 facts about Sumerian schools.
15.Why were scribes important?
16. Why were cylinder seals used?
17. Who was Gilgamesh?
18. What did Gilgamesh and Enkidu do?
19. Why did the Sumerian city-states’ power begin to collapse?
20. How did Sargon I create the world’s first empire?
21. Hammurabi was more successful than Sargon I because he
brought about many reforms. For what reform is he best known?
22. Name 4 contributions of the Sumerians.