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Name: ______________________
Date: ____________________
Hour: ____
“Holy Organelles Batman!!
Using the textbook, color and label the organelles/cell parts in the animal cell:
Also, label on the diagram the organelles that are underlined
1. nucleus
6. golgi
2. nucleolus
7. lysosome
3. mitochondria
8. centriole
4. ribosome
9. cytoplasm
5. rough ER
10. cell membrane
Using the textbook, color and label the organelles/cell parts in the plant cell:
1. nucleus
7. golgi
2. nucleolus
8. cytoplasm
3. mitochondria
9. cell wall
4. ribosome
10. vacuole
5. rough ER
11. chloroplast
6. lysosome
Fill in the Blank:
26. _____________________: command center of cell
27. _____________________: transports proteins to golgi
28. ______________________: makes proteins
29. ______________________: “powerhouse” of cell; makes energy
30. _____________________: garbage man; cleans up and digests proteins, viruses, lipids, etc.
31. _____________________: outside cell membrane; only in plant cells
32. _____________________: makes and transports lipids to golgi
33. _____________________: post-office; packages, sorts, and sends material out of cell
34. _____________________: contains chlorophyll; site of photosynthesis; only in plants
35. _____________________: helps in cell division
36. _____________________: makes ribosomes
37. _____________________: large storage of water; only in plants
38. _____________________: cell fluid
39: _____________________: phospholipid bilayer; outer boundary of cell
Cell Theory:
1. Cells are the _________________ unit of life
2. Cells only come from ______________________ cells
3. All living things are made of _______________
1. No _____________________: DNA floats in _____________________
2. No _____________________
3. Small and __________________
: DNA inside
3. Large and _______________
What’s in Common?
Both have _____________________: cell fluid
Both have ________________ membrane
Both have __________: genetic material
What’s Different
Prokaryotes DON’T HAVE ____________________
Eukaryotes DO HAVE ________________
Prokaryotes DON’T HAVE ____________________
Eukaryotes DO HAVE ________________
Prokaryotes are SMALL AND __________________
Eukaryotes are ________ AND COMPLEX
_____________ and ______________ cells