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EXAM / APHG 1213
Use your textbook and items in your binder,
including class notes to review for the exam.
1. The questions geographers use most are ‘__ & ___?’
2. Culture means to…
3. How would an environmental determinist describe/explain
the work ethic of people that live in warmer climates?
4. How would a possiblist explain how and why people can
adapt to arid climates?
5. Which geographer studied the cultural landscape?
6. If you were working for McDonald’s corporate office, how
could you use your knowledge of geography?
7. What country seems to be supplying us with an abundance of
material goods as of late? How can this be explained in terms
of geography?
8. What was the latest SITE for the Olympic games?
9. What cool sweet/salty snack earned Mrs. Wurst a mention in
the Houston Chronicle this week?
10. “Geography is ____” according the DeBlij’s article.
11. What are 3 other ways to say where a place is besides using
12. GIS vs GPS
13. Why will this presidential election be historical?
14. What is signage? Give an example.
15. Who first used the term geography?
16. Who first organized the rules for map making such as North
goes at the top?
17. Who first proved the earth was round?
18. Who made a really great navigation map that is NOT a great
school map – Greenland issue…
19. What is the term for the distribution of one phenomenon
being scientifically related to the location of other phenomena?
20. The arrangement of a phenomenon across Earth's surface is _
21. The U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 divided much of the country
into a system of (3)
22. The spatial distribution created by the U.S. Land Ordinance of
1785 is an example of ________ distribution.
23. The frequency of something within a given unit of area is
24. The spread of something over a given study area is
25. How would one calculate the arithmetic density of the United
26. How is density different from concentration?
27. The science of making maps is called ______
28. Map Scale is defined as ________
29. A system for transferring locations from a globe to a flat map
is ____
30. Distortion is especially severe on what types of maps?
31. The acquisition of data about Earth's surface from a satellite
orbiting the planet or from another long distance method is ___
32. Computer system that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes,
and displays geographic data is __________
33. Describe the shape of an azimuthal/planar projection
34. The name given to a portion of Earth's surface is known as __
35. Situation identifies a place by its c________s
36. Site identifies a place by its c_____________s
37. Describe New York City's situation using physical and human
characteristics of place.
38. How is latitude and longitude used to locate a specific
39. How are time zones organized?
40. What time is it in New Mexico when it is 1 p.m. in Florida?
41. Greenwich Mean Time is measured from what longitude?
42. Why does Greenwich get this honor?
43. The International Date Line is measured approximately from
__ longitude
44. At what latitude is the North Pole found? ___
45. An area distinguished by one or more unique characteristics
is a ____
46. The signal area of TV station KUHT is an example of which
kind of region?
47. Explain how the region of ‘The South’ is a vernacular region of
the U.S.
48. What is an example of a functional region?
49. The division of the United States into nine regions by the
Census Bureau is an example of a ______ region
50. What are the 3 scales of analysis geographers use?
51. Which kind of map would have the smallest scale?
52. What are the 3 fundamental elements of culture?
53. Globalization of culture includes these 3 elements
54. What has enhanced the global movement of money?
55. What are 3 common practices of transnational corporations?
56. How has globalization of the economy heightened economic
differences among places?
57. What concept of geography is demonstrated by the presence
of cholera in London?
58. A hearth is….
59. Define the 3 types of regions and know some good examples
such as > perceptual regions in the USA, states, language or
resource regions
60. Diffusion > know the types + examples such as Wall Street,
Influenza, Islam….
61. What are the barriers to diffusion?
62. What is making such barriers become non-issues these days?
63. What are the 3 specific forms of expansion diffusion?
64. Diffusion of AIDS is an example of which type of diffusion ?
65. What type of diffusion is geophagy?
66. Economic development through international trade is an
example of what type of diffusion?
67. If a group of people migrated from Papua New Guinea to
North America and adopted Western cultural habits, this would
be an example of ___
68. If the Spanish language is found to be highly clustered in Little
Havanna in Miami, Florida…how can this be explained by
69. How does distance decay affect diffusion? (remember the
telephone game…)