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Circulatory System 17-20
Composition and Functions of Blood
1. Complete the following description of the components of blood by writing the missing words in the
answer blanks.
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
In terms of its tissue classification, blood is classified as a _1_
because it has living blood cells, called _2_, suspended in a
nonliving fluid matrix called _3_. The “fibers” of blood only become
visible during _4_.
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________
6. ___________________
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
If a blood sample is centrifuged, the heavier blood cells become
packed at the bottom of the tube. Most of this compacted cell mass
composed of _5_, and the volume of the blood accounted for by
these cells is referred to as the _6_. The less dense _7_ rises to
the top and constitutes about 55% of the blood volume. The soso-called “buffy coat” composed of _8_ and _9_ is found at the
junction between the other two blood elements. The buffy coat
accounts for less than _10_% of blood volume.
Blood is scarlet red in color when it is loaded with _11_; otherwise,
it tends to be dark red.
9. ___________________
10. ___________________
11. ___________________
2. Using key choices, identify the cell types(s) or blood elements that fit the following descriptions.
Insert the correct letter response in the spaces provided. Some questions may have more than
one answer.
a. red blood cell
b. eosinophil
c. lymphocyte
d. basophil
e. monocyte
f. neutrophil
g. formed elements
h. plasma
1. Most numerous leukocyte
2. Granular leukocytes
3. Also called an erythrocyte; anucleate
4. Actively phagocytic leukocytes
5. (a) through (f) are examples of these
6. Releases histamine during inflammatory reactions
7. Contains hemoglobin; therefore involved in oxygen transport
8. Primary water, noncellular; the fluid matrix of blood
9. Least numerous leukocyte
________ 10. Also called white blood cells
3. Four leukocytes are diagrammed in Figure 17-1. First, follow directions (given below) for coloring
each leukocyte as it appears when stained with Wright’s stain. Then, identify each leukocyte type
by writing in the correct name in the blank below the illustration.
A. Color the granules pale purple, the cytoplasm pink, and the nucleus dark purple.
B. Color the nucleus deep blue and the cytoplasm pale blue.
C. Color the granules bright red, the cytoplasm pale pink, and the nucleus red/purple.
D. For this smallest white blood cell, color the nucleus deep purple/blue and the sparse cytoplasm
pale blue.
Figure 17-1
4. Using the key choices, correctly complete the following description of the blood-clotting process.
Insert the letter in the answer blanks.
a. break
b. erythrocytes
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
c. fibrin
d. fibrinogen
e. platelets
f. prothrombin
g. thrombin
Clotting begins when a _1_ occurs in a blood vessel wall. Almost immediately,
_2_ cling to the blood vessel wall and release serotonin, which helps to decrease
blood loss by constricting the vessel. Thromboplastin is also released by
damaged cells in this area. This chemical substances causes _3_ to be
converted to _4_. Once present, thrombin acts as an enzyme to attach _5_
molecules together to form long, threadlike strands of _6_, which then traps _7_
flowing by in the blood.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
Transfusion and Blood Replacement
5. Correctly complete the following table concerning ABO blood groups.
Blood Type
1. Type A
or antigens
Agglutinins or
antibodies in
2. Type B
3. Type AB
4. Type O
Can donate
blood to type
6. What blood type is the universal donor? ________
7. What blood type is the universal receiver? _________
Can receive blood
from type
Pathway of Blood Through the Heart
6. The heart is called a double pump because it serves two circulations. Trace the flow of blood
through both the pulmonary and systemic circulations by writing the missing terms in the answer
____________________ 1.
____________________ 4.
From the right atrium through the tricuspid valve to the _1_,
through the _2_ valve to the pulmonary trunk to the right and
left _3_, to the capillary beds of the _4_, to the _5_, to the
_6_ of the heart through the _7_ valve, to the _8_ through
the _9_ semilunar valve, to the systemic arteries, to the _10_
of the body tissues, to the systemic veins, to the _11_ and
_12_, which enter the right atrium of the heart.
____________________ 5.
________________________ 9.
____________________ 6.
________________________ 10.
____________________ 7.
________________________ 11.
____________________ 8.
________________________ 12.
____________________ 2.
____________________ 3.
Mechanical Events: The Cardiac Cycle
7. The events of one complete heartbeat are referred to as the cardiac cycle. Complete the
following statements that describes these events.
a. atria
b. atrioventricular
c. diastole
_____ 10.
d. lub-dup
e. murmurs
f. semilunar
g. systole
h. ventricles
The contraction of the ventricles is referred to as _1_, and the period of
ventricular relaxation is called _2_. The monosyllables describing heart
sounds during the cardiac cycle are _3_. The first heart sound is a result
of closure of the _4_ valves; closure of the _5_ valves causes the second
heart sound. The heart chambers that have just been filled when your
hear the first heart sound are the _6_, and the chambers that have just
emptied are the _7_. Immediately after the second heart sound, the _8_
are filling with blood, and the _9_ are empty. Abnormal heart sounds, or
_10_, usually indicate valve problems.
8. Using key choices, identify the vessels described as follows. Place the correct letter response in
the answer blanks.
a. aorta
b. cardiac
c. cephalic
d. coronary
e. femoral
f. gastric
g. hepatic
h. hepatic portal
i. inferior vena cava
j. renal
_____ 1. Vein that drains the kidney
_____ 2. Large vein that carries nutrient-rich blood from the digestive organs to the liver for
_____ 3. Largest vein below the thorax
_____ 4. Vein that drains the liver
_____ 5. Deep vein of the thigh
_____ 6. First artery that branches off the ascending aorta; serves the heart
_____ 7. Largest artery of the body
9. Match the terms in Column B with the appropriate descriptions in Column A.
_____ 1. The largest lymphatic organ; a blood reservoir
a. lymph nodes
_____ 2. Filter lymph
b. spleen
_____ 3. Particularly large and important during youth;
produces hormones that help to program the
immune system
c. thymus
_____ 4. Removes aged and defective red blood cells
_____ 5. Site of hematopoiesis in embryos
d. tonsils