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Unit 4 Exam
Which of the following states the principle of "popular
a. Congress has the right to decide where slavery shall
and shall not exist.
b. The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to
decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there.
c. Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether
or not to hold slaves.
d. The American people shall decide where slavery will
exist through a national plebiscite.
e. Individual states have the right to reject congressional
decisions pertaining to slavery.
Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott
decision is correct?
a. It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit
slavery in the territories, but refused on technical
grounds to free Scott.
b. It stated that Black people were not citizens of the
United States.
c. It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri
d. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty.
e. It freed Scott, but not other slaves in circumstances
similar to Scott's.
Of the following, the most threatening problem for the
Union from 1861 through 1863 was
a. possible British recognition of the Confederacy
b. Spanish intervention in Santo Domingo
c. French objections to the Union blockade
d. British insistence on the abolition of slavery
e. British objections to the Union position on
"continuous voyage"
Why did Congressional Reconstruction end in 1877?
a. The freed slaves had been successfully integrated into
Southern society.
b. The treaty ending the Civil War had set such a time
c. Most of the politically active Black people had left
the South for Northern cities.
d. The Republican and Democratic parties effected a
compromise agreement after the 1876 presidential
e. The United States needed the troops stationed in the
South to confront the French in Mexico.
Which of the following best describes the policy of the
government of Mexico toward Texas?
a. It tried to sell Texas to the United States at the time
of the Louisiana Purchase.
b. It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the
1820's and early 1830's.
c. It governed Texas with stringent regulations in the
d. It encouraged the establishment of a strong local
government in Texas in the mid-1830's.
e. It favored the annexation of the Republic of Texas by
the United States in the 1830's and early 1840's.
Which of the following would most likely have expressed
opposition to the idea of Manifest Destiny?
a. Advocates of the foreign policy of Secretary of State
William H. Seward
b. Voters for James K. Polk in 1844
c. Supporters of the Treaty of Paris of 1898
d. Members of the Whig party in Congress during the
Mexican War
e. Supporters of the Ostend Manifesto
In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in
a. a better-developed transportation system
b. a better-educated White population
c. less interest in evangelical religion
d. fewer European immigrants
e. more cities
The Black Codes passed in a number of southern states
after the Civil War were intended to
a. close public schools to the children of former slaves
b. promote the return of former slaves to Africa
c. enable Black citizens to vote in federal elections
d. place limits on the socioeconomic opportunities open
to Black people
e. further the integration of southern society
The dramatic increase in the South's slave labor force
between 1810 and 1860 was due to
a. an increase in the African slave trade
b. the importation of slaves from the West Indies
c. an increase in the severity of fugitive slave laws
d. the acquisition of Louisiana
e. the natural population increase of American-born
10. Which of the following most accurately describes the
Stephen Douglas’ idea of popular sovereignty?
a. A section of Western land would be given free to
anyone who would homestead it for a certain number
of years
b. Only citizens of the United States would be permitted
to settle territories acquired from Mexico
c. Public lands in the new territories would be open on a
first -come first-served basis
d. The status of slavery in a territory would be
determined by the voters in the territory
e. New territories would be closed to both slaves and
free blacks.
11. All of the following figured prominently in debates over
the Compromise of 1850 EXCEPT the
a. Provision for a new Fugitive Slave Law
b. Slave trade in the District of Columbia
c. Admission of California into the Union as a free state
d. Future of slavery in the Mexican Cession territories
e. Extension of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska
12. Which of the following was a major factor in the decline
of the Whig party in the 1850’s?
a. Death of John Calhoun
b. Election of Zachary Taylor
c. Lincoln-Douglas debates
d. Know-Nothing movement
e. “Bleeding Kansas”
13. A political effect of the fighting in Kansas in 1855 and
1856 was to
a. Further divide the Democratic Party
b. Cause the founding of the Republican Party
c. Gain increased congressional support for proslavery
forces in Kansas
d. Unite Northern and Southern democrats against
e. Elect a Republican president in 1856
14. The supreme court’s decision in the Dred Scott case
outraged public opinion in the North chiefly because it
a. Declared the Fugitive Slave Law unconstitutional
b. Guaranteed citizenship to free blacks
c. Removed restrictions against the spread of slavery
into the Western Territories
d. Failed to abolish slavery in the South
e. Challenged California’s status as a free state
15. The Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 increased sectional
tension because it
a. Enriched northern railroad investors at the expense of
the South
b. Reopened the issue of slavery in a territory North of
36, 30
c. Supported proslavery state constitutions in Kansas
and Nebraska
d. Repealed the Compromise of 1850
e. Persuaded the Whig party to side with the South.
16. The Lincoln-Douglas debates resulted in all of the
following EXCEPT
a. Lincoln’s emergence as a national political figure
b. Increased support for Douglas in the South
c. Douglas’ reelection to the Senate
d. Douglas’ attempt to reconcile popular sovereignty
with the Dred Scott decision
e. Increased public awareness of slavery as a moral
17. John Brown’s primary purpose in attacking Harpers Ferry
was to
a. Gain contributions from Northern abolitionists
b. Take revenge for the death of anti slavery settlers in
c. Start a slave rebellion in Virginia
d. Open up a new path for the underground railroad
e. Destroy the Federal Arsenal in Virginia
18. In the 1860 election, what was the position of Lincoln and
the Republican Party on slavery?
a. Slavery was immoral ad should be abolished
b. Slavery should not be allowed to expand into the
c. Popular sovereignty would be allowed in the New
territories north of 36, 30
d. The Dred Scott decision should be supported in the
territories but not in the states
e. The federal government should act to bring about the
gradual emancipation of slaves in the South
19. All of the following statements about the election of 1860
are accurate EXCEPT:
a. The republicans won control of the presidency but
not congress
b. No candidate received a majority of the popular vote
c. The popular and electoral votes were divided among
four candidates
d. Lincoln won election because of the split in the
Democratic Party
e. A major consequence of the election was that several
southern states seceded from the union.
20. Northern advantages in the Civil War included all of the
following EXCEPT
a. A superior navy
b. A political party system that could marshal support
for the war
c. A superior railroad network
d. General agreement over was aims
e. Greater capacity to produce military equipment
21. All of the following were part of the initial Union strategy
to win the Civil War EXCEPT
a. A naval blockade of southern ports
b. Control of the Mississippi River
c. The capture of Richmond
d. Keeping the border states in the Union
e. Emancipation of slaves in the seceded states
22. The Confederate government was able to achieve which
of the following goals?
a. Recognition by a foreign power
b. Frequent victories over Union armies
c. A stable monetary system
d. A strong central government
e. Control of the Southern river system
23. President Lincoln was reluctant to emancipate the slaves
in the first year of the Civil War because
a. He feared tat freeing the slaves would bring England
and France into the war
b. Congress was opposed to emancipation
c. He knew that a proclamation about slavery would
only further alienate the South
d. He feared that emancipation would drive the border
states out of the Union
e. He had always been opposed to the abolitionists in
his party
24. Which of the following best describes an immediate effect
of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a. Slaves in the border states became free
b. Slaves in the Deep South became free
c. The abolition of slavery in confederate territory
became one of the North’s war goals
d. Lincoln’s reelection was assured
e. Draft riots erupted in New York City
25. The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following?
a. Admitted Texas to the Union as a slave state
b. Admitted California to the Union under the principles
of popular sovereignty
c. Prohibited slavery in the District of Colombia
d. Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law
e. Adjusted the Texas-Mexico boundary
26. The economic impact of the Civil War included all of the
following EXCEPT
a. An increasing number of women in the labor force
b. Widespread destruction of property in the South
c. Creation of a national banking system in the North
d. Reduced rate of industrial production in the North
e. Runaway inflation in the South
27. The Republican Party originated in the mid-1850s as a
sectional party committed to which of the following?
a. Opposition to the further expansion of slavery into
the territories
b. Immediate emancipation of slaves
c. Repeal of Whig economic policies
d. Restriction of immigration
e. Acknowledgement of popular sovereignty as the
basis for organizing federal territories
28. All of the following were factors in the defeat of the
South in 1865 EXCEPT
a. Shortages caused by the Union’s naval blockade
b. Slave uprisings against Southern plantations
c. Grant’s war of attrition in Virginia
d. Sherman’s march through Georgia
e. The confederacy’s failure to obtain foreign
29. The disputed boundary between Maine and Canada was
settle by the
a. Transcontinental Treaty
b. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
c. Webster-Ashburton Treaty
d. Gadsen Purchase
e. Treaty of Ghent
30. The purpose of Lincoln’s and Johnson’s for
Reconstruction was to
a. Punish the South for causing the Civil War
b. Give Congress the final authority in the process of
c. Give equal voting rights for both white and black
males in the South
d. Provide financial aid to rebuild the South
e. Encourage rapid readmission of ex-Confederate
states into the Union
31. In 1865, a number of southern states passed Black Codes
in order
a. Control movement and provide a stable workforce for
the plantations
b. Keep the two races segregated in public places
c. Limit the educational opportunities of recently freed
d. Embarrass President Johnson's administration
e. Convince the North that the South could solve its
own problems
32. The Freedmen’s Bureau provided all of the following
a. Food, shelter, and medical aid for the victims of the
b. Resettlement of some freed slaves on confiscated
c. Protection from sharecropping agreements
d. Schools to promote literacy among blacks
e. College for blacks
33. Which of the following was NOT provided for African
Americans by congressional Reconstruction?
a. Guarantee of U.S. citizenship
b. Equal protection if the laws
c. Distribution of confiscated Confederate farmlands
d. Protection for voting rights
e. Equal access to public accommodations
34. President Andrew Johnson was impeached for
a. Vetoing the Civil Rights Act of 1866
b. Refusing to support the Thirteenth Amendment
c. Taking a controversial position on states’ rights
d. Removing a Radical Republican from his cabinet
e. Attempting to break up the Republican
35. An analysis of the election of 1868 best supports to
conclusion that
a. The Republicans had given up on gaining the black
b. The weakened Democratic party had little chance to
elect a president
c. Northerners overwhelmingly approved the policies of
the Radical Republicans
d. Voters approved the impeachment of Andrew
e. Republican victory depended on the votes of African
36. The Republican Reconstruction governments in the South
accomplished all of the following EXCEPT
a. Developing state-supported public school systems for
whites and blacks
b. Reducing waste and corruption in local and state
c. Founding state institutions to care for the sick and
d. Building of roads, bridges, harbors, and railroads
e. Adopting liberalized state constitutions
37. By the end of Reconstruction, most blacks in the South
a. Had migrated to lands in the west
b. Owned small family farms
c. Earned wages as factory workers in the new
d. Worked on farms as renters and sharecroppers
e. Operated independent businesses in the black
38. The “redeemers” in the South supported
a. Integrated schools ad public places
b. States’ rights and white supremacy
c. Increased state spending for internal improvements
d. Continued cooperation with the military to protect the
e. Redemption of Greenback dollars with gold
39. What happened to Southern interest in slavery after Nat
Turner’s Rebellion in 1831?
a. It grew gradually due to the influence of abolitionism
b. Southern ministers became more militant in the
sermons denouncing the evils of slavery
c. Southern states made it increasingly difficult for
masters to free their slaves
d. Because new slaves continued to be imported from
Africa, it did not matter if some were freed who were
already in America
e. Southern plantations ceased to exist and slavery
became eradicated
40. The main reason for the U.S. delay in annexing Texas was
a. Controversy over the boundary of Texas and Mexico
b. Opposition of Great Britain and France
c. Independent spirit of the settlers in Texas
d. Opposition in Congress to adding slave states
e. Opposition in the Mexican government
41. Which of the following is LEAST useful in arguing that
territorial expansion was motivated by a desire to spread
a. William Walker’s campaign in Nicaragua
b. The Ostend Manifesto
c. The slogan “Fifty-four Forty of Fight”
d. The annexation of Texas
e. Opposition to the Wilmot Proviso
42. Which of the following was NOT a major consequence of
the U.S. war with Mexico?
a. U.S. annexation of Texas
b. Long-term Mexican resentment against the United
c. Securing Texas’ southern border on the Rio Grande
d. Increased sectional tensions over slavery
e. Cession of California and New Mexico to the United
43. Which of the following was the LEAST important issue
in the election of 1844?
a. settlement of the Oregon border
b. acquisition of California
c. rechartering the Bank of the United States
d. reduction of the tariff
e. annexation of Texas
44. Which of the following is a correct statement about the
Wilmot Proviso?
a. It forbade the introduction of slavery into territory
acquired from Mexico
b. It denied President Polk additional funds to conduct
the war with Mexico
c. It compromised differences between the North and
the South
d. It passed both houses of Congress but was vetoed by
the President
e. It was proposed by the Whigs to embarrass the
45. All of the following contributed to the conflict between
Mexico’s government and settlers in Texas in the early
1830’s EXCEPT
a. the collection of import duties
b. the support for annexation by John Tyler and James
c. Mexico’s decision to abolish slavery in it’s territory
d. Mexico’s law requiring acceptance of the Catholic
e. the coming of power of General Santa Anna
46. Which of the following BEST reflected the idea of
manifest destiny?
a. The signing of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty
b. Henry Clay’s position on Texas in the election of
c. the establishment of Texas as an independent
d. the campaign platform of James Polk in 1844
e. northern Whigs during the Mexican War
47. The Dred Scott decision held that a slave
a. Could sue for his freedom in the courts
b. Became free when transported to free territory
c. Was a private property even in a free territory
d. Was a citizen when in free territory
e. Could not be transported out of a slave state
48. The civil rights act of 1866 was significant because
I. it meant that congress rather than the President would
determine Reconstruction policies
II. it showed President Andrew Johnson’s unwillingness
to accept the Radical Republican approach to
III. it was the first major legislation that became law over
a presidential veto
IV. it guaranteed that former slaves would control the
state legislatures in the south
53. The leading Radical Republican in Congress included
I. Charles Sumner
II. William H. Seward
III. Edwin Stanton
IV. Thaddeus Stevens
a. I
b. III
c. I and IV
d. II and III
e. I, III, IV
a. I only
b. III only
c. I and III only
d. II and IV only
e. I, II, and III only
49. “Forty acres and a mule” refers to
a. the proposal to make freed slaves small-scale
b. the terms of the Homestead Act of1862
c. the allotment given to Native Americans under the
Dawes Severalty Act
d. the inducement given recent immigrants if they
would settle outside of urban centers
e. a typical homestead on the Great Plains in the 1870s
54. The provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
included all of these EXCEPT:
a. Pay $15 million to Mexico
b. Set the Texas boundary at the Rio Grande
c. Yield California to the United States
d. Yield New Mexico to the United States
e. Yield the Mesilla Valley of the Arizona to the United
50. Senator Stephen A. Douglas managed to engineer the
Compromise of 1850 by
a. winning the endorsement of President Zachary
Taylor for the Compromise
b. letting the southern Democrats dictate the terms of
the Compromise
c. securing passage of the different parts of the
Compromise as separate laws
d. threatening to remove political opponents from
important congressional committees
e. a policy of conciliation for all factions
51. For the period from the end of Reconstruction to 1900,
the position of the Supreme Court toward civil rights is
best characterized as
a. supporting the integration of African-Americans into
b. strictly interpreting the constitution to broaden the
rights of African-Americans
c. establishing the constitutionally of segregation
d. vigorously enforcing the terms of the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth amendments
e. willing to end segregation in the South but not in the
52. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel which brought home the
evils of slavery to many in the North was
a. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
b. The Impending Crisis
c. Twelve Years a Slave
d. Below the Mason-Dixon Line
e. The Yellow Rose of Texas
55. The results of the Mexican-American War included
I. acquisition of California by the United States
II. important military experience that would be put to
use in the Civil War
III. Contempt for the abilities of the U.S. Navy
IV. Extension of the 36 degree 30 minute slavery line
to the Pacific Ocean
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. I and IV only
d. I, II and, III only
e. I, II and IV only
56. Reconstruction legislation passed by congress included all
of the following EXCEPT the
a. Tenure of Office Act
b. Civil Rights Act of 1866
c. Black Codes
d. First Reconstruction Act
e. Reconstruction Act of 1866
57. In the early years of reconstruction, an important function
of the Freedmen’s Bureau was
a. The protection of the economic rights of former
b. Register former slaves to vote
c. Establish schools for free blacks in the North
d. To encourage freed slaves to migrate to the North
e. The prosecution of plantation owners who had
abused their slaves
58. During the Civil War, African-Americans in the North
a. were not allowed to join the Union Army
b. fought in segregated regiments
c. were allowed to join the Union Army but saw no
d. were integrated into white regiments
e. were permitted to select their own officers
59. The slave states that remained in the Union included
a. Missouri, Kentucky, and Virginia
b. Delaware, Kentucky, and Tennessee
c. North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas
d. Missouri, Kentucky and Delaware
e. South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama
60. The most common form of resistance on the part of black
Americans slaves prior to the Civil War was
a. violent uprisings in which many persons were killed
b. attempts to escape and reach Canada by means of the
"Underground Railroad."
c. passive resistance, including breaking tools and
slightly slowing the pace of work
d. arson of plantation buildings and cotton gins
e. poisoning of the food consumed by their white
61. Which of the following is true of Lincoln's Ten Percent
a. It stipulated that at least ten percent of former slaves
must be accorded the right to vote within a given
Southern state before that state could be readmitted to
the Union.
b. It allowed the rights of citizenship only to those
Southerners who could take an oath that they had
never been disloyal to the Union.
c. It allowed high-ranking rebel officials to regain the
bright to vote and hold office by simply promising
future good behavior
d. It was silent on the issue of slavery
e. It provided for the restoration of the loyal
governments for the erstwhile Confederate states now
under Union control.
62. All of the following were parts of Andrew Johnson's plan
for Reconstruction EXCEPT
a. recommending to slave Southern states that the vote
be extended to the recently freed slaves.
b. requiring ratification of the 13th Amendment
c. requiring payment of monetary reparations for the
damage caused by the war
d. requiring renunciation of secession
e. requiring repudiation of Confederate debt.
63. In response to southern intransigence in the face of
President Andrew Johnson's mild reconstruction plan,
Congress did all of the following EXCEPT
a. exclude Southern representatives and senators from
participating in Congress
b. pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866
c. order the arrest and imprisonment of former
Confederate leaders
d. approve and send on to the states the Fourteenth
e. divide the South into five districts to be ruled by
military governors with almost dictatorial powers.
64. When President Andrew Johnson removed Secretary of
War Edwin M. Stanton without the approval of the
Senate, contrary to the terms of the recently passed
Tenure of Office Act, he
a. was impeached and removed from office
b. came within one vote of being impeached
c. was impeached and came within one vote of being
removed from office
d. resigned to avoid impeachment and was subsequently
pardoned by his successor
e. was impeached, refused to resign, and his term ended
before a vote could be taken on his removal from
65. Manifest Destiny was based on all of the following ideas
a. Anglo-Saxon racial superiority justified American
absorption of inferior peoples and their lands
b. new lands would extend the domain of free
government and free enterprise
c. the will of God
d. America had a specially ordained mission in the
e. conquest of new territory would prove American
military superiority
66. Which of the following was NOT a factor in the
formation of the New England Confederation?
a. The problem of defending against Indian attacks
b. Conflicts over colonial boundaries
c. Concern about runaway servants
d. Neglect by the English government
e. A desire to suppress religious dissent
67. Harvard College and Yale College were established
primarily to
a. train lawyers and doctors
b. encourage scientific advances
c. ensure an adequate supply of ministers
d. prepare young men for political leadership
e. preserve the traditions of classical scholarship
68. The long-range plan of the Albany Congress in 1754 was
a. achieve colonial unity and common defense against
the French threat
b. propose independence of the colonies from Britain
c. declare was on the Iroquois tribe
d. prohibit New England and New York from trading
with the French West Indies
e. support George Washington’s desire to head the
colonial militia
69. The Proclamation of 1763 did which of the following?
a. introduced a tax on tea
b. Prohibited colonists from producing iron for the
American market
c. forbade all colonial trade with the French West Indies
d. set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians
beyond which the English colonists were forbidden to
e. announced the reorganization of the colonial office
under Parliament, rather that directly under the Kingin-Council
70. The Halfway Covenant provide for which of the
a. The baptism of children of baptized but unconverted
b. The granting of suffrage to non church members
c. The granting of full membership within the
Congregational church to all New Englanders
d. The expansion of women's power within the
Congregational church
e. The posting of banns by engaged couples
71. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions took the position
a. only the United States Supreme Court had the power
to restrict freedom of speech and press
b. the authority of state governments included the
power to decide whether or not an act of Congress
was constitutional
c. only fiscal measures initiated by state legislatures
could be acted on by Congress
d. Congress was responsible for maintaining the
vitality of a "loyal opposition"
e. the "supremacy clause" of the Constitution applied
only to foreign
72. The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included
all of the following EXCEPT
a. funding of the national debt
b. nullification of all private debts to the states
c. imposition of a tax on distilled liquor
d. establishment of the Bank of the United States
e. assumption of all state debts
73. A major reason why Thomas Jefferson was interested in
purchasing Louisiana from France was that he
a. wanted to establish a precedent for the expansion of
presidential authority
b. wanted an area beyond the Mississippi River to
which eastern Native Americans could be removed
c. had learned from Lewis and Clark of the untapped
mineral resources in western areas
d. hoped to cement a Franco-American alliance against
the British
e. hoped to preserve an agricultural society by making
abundant lands available to future generations
74. John Marshall’s Supreme Court decision in the case of
Marbury vs. Madison established
a. A means for installing Federalist judges in office
b. Rules for Impeachment Trials
c. The principle for Judicial review
d. The federal government’s authority over the states
e. A procedure for reviewing treaties
75. Which of the following is a correct statement about the
United States at the beginning of the Era of Good
a. Sectionalism had become the dominant force in the
b. There were no more divisions within the ranks of the
Republican Party.
c. Federalists and Republicans united on an economic
program of internal improvements and protective tariffs
d. Friendliness and cooperation with Britain replace earlier
policies of hostility
e. Nationalism strongly influenced American culture and
76. The Seneca Falls Convention was significant because it
a. Initiated the religious revivals in the “burned-over
b. Demanded the immediate abolition of slavery
c. Issued a historic declaration of women’s rights
d. Addressed concerns for the education of children
e. Concluded that the Auburn system was a failure
77. After the election of 1824, the president’s choice of Henry
Clay as secretary of state resulted in
a. The end of political bitterness between the major
b. The revival of the Federalist party
c. Widespread criticism of the spoils system
d. Charges of a corrupt bargain with John Q. Adams
e. A political alliance between Clay and Andrew
78. In his Essay, Resistance to Civil Government, Henry
David Thoreau claimed that an individual should
a. no pay poll taxes
b. live in isolation and as simply as possible
c. obey only legitimately elected government
d. reject the artificial constraints of government.
e. refuse to obey unjust laws.
79. All of the following were provisions of Clay's "American
System" EXCEPT
a. high tariffs to protect infant industries
b. federal financing of internal improvements
c. low tariffs and state support of internal improvements
d. the improvement of roads and canals
e. low tariffs and state support of internal improvements
80. In the Nullification Controversy, some Southerners
took the position that
a. the federal government had the right to nullify
state laws that interfered with the right to hold
property in slaves
b. the federal courts had the right to nullify acts of
Congress that restricted the spread of slavery
c. the states had the right to nullify acts of the
federal government they deemed to be
d. Southern states had the right to nullify statutes
of Northern states interfering with the recapture
of escaped slaves
e. Congress should refuse to receive any petitions
against slavery