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Science worksheet Grade VII
L-1 Nutrition in plants
1. Name the following:a. A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition
b. The pores through which leaves exchange gases
c. A parasitic plant with yellow ,slender and tubular stem
2. Tick the correct answer:a. Amarbel is an example of(autotroph ,parasite, saprotroph ,host)
b. Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis
(Root hair, stomata, leaf veins, sepals)
c. Insectivorous plants eat insects to fulfill their needs of
(Energy, nitrogen, potassium, calcium)
3. Distinguish between:a. Autotrophs and heterotrophs b. parasites and saprophytes
4. Define: a) Symbiosis b) Haustoria
5. Identify the pictures:-
Ans; ____________________
The student is able to
1 Identify various modes of nutrition
2 Differentiate Autotrophs &Heterotrophs
3 Define the terms symbiosis, haustoria