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By 133 BCE Rome faced a series of problems
Farmers and soldiers who fought during the Punic Wars were now poor and without work or
Gracchi brothers (Tiberius and Gaius) sought to reform some of the Social orders of Rome
Tiberius was elected tribune in 133 BC; suggested land reforms that popularized him with
common people. PROBLEM: Angered the senate. Result: Tiberius clubbed to death by senate
and mob
Gaius elected tribune in 123 and 122 BCE.
Gaius used public funds to buy grain, which was sold to poor at low prices.
Similar to his brother, Gaius Gracchus was murdered
Any attempts that upset the Senate generally resulted in death. At this point, Rome turned to a place
where violence took precedent over respect for the law.
Rome’s relationship with neighboring allies began to crumble during this period. Citizens of Italian cities
had served in Roman army and endured great hardship in defense of Rome.
Groups of cities demanded a share in the benefits of Rome’s growing power
Demanded right to hold public offices in Roman government
Called for Roman Citizenship
Rome’s senate was determined to maintain power and resisted the demands of the Roman allies.
91 BCE- Allies Rebelled. RESULT: Social War
Many Roman allies had well-trained troops that had served with Roman legions
This resulted in one of the bloodies war’s in Rome’s history
RESULT OF WAR: Rome wins, but Senate agreed to allies’ calls for citizenship and participation
Now all citizens of Italian region considered themselves Romans.
Power of Generals
Gaius Marius-Roman general who was elected consul in 107 BCE. Marius created an army of volunteers
who he rewarded handsomely. RESULT- Troops became more loyal to generals than to Roman
Lucius Cornelius Sulla marched troops on Rome in 88 BCE and became dictator for 3 years.
Roman General were beginning to obtain large amounts of political power.
Julius Caesar nephew of Gaius Marius who was becoming a popular general during the time when
generals were gaining more and more power.
60 BCE- Caesar joined with Gnaeus Pompey and Licinius Crassus to form a political alliance called the
First Triumvirate.
Caesar, with support of triumvirate, became Consul in 59 BCE
Caesar obtained control of army in Gaul (France)
During next decade, Caesar brought all of Gaul under Roman rule
Crassus died in 53 BCE; Pompey named sole Consul in 52 BCE.
Pompey became jealous of Caesar’s fame; ordered him back to Rome in 49 BCE
Caesar marched troops toward Rome, declaring war on the Republic. Pompey fled to Greece, where
Caesar defeated him and marched to Egypt. While in Egypt he put Cleopatra on the throne as Roman
-Caesar returned to Rome in 46 BCE, and 2 years later was declared Dictator For Life
While Dictator, Caesar increased the numbers of the Senate to 900 members, but reduced the power.
Ides of March- Two men conspired to kill Caesar in the Senate. March 15, 44 BCE Caesar was killed.
Second Triumvirate
Caesar had chosen his grandnephew, Octavian, as heir to his empire. However, after his death, a
struggle broke out.
When Caesar was murdered, Octavian was only 19 years old. Roman General Marc Antony drove out
conspirators and formed the Second Triumvirate with Octavian and Lepidus.
Marc Antony joined Cleopatra in Egypt; Octavian forced Lepidus to retire
Antony and Octavian divided Rome; Antony controlled East, Octavian West
Octavian convinced Senate to declare war on Marc Antony
31 BCE, Octavian defeated Antony’s fleet, captured Alexandria 1 year later
Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide
Senate appointed Octavian consul after the fall of Marc Antony; 42 BCE Octavian became known as
Augustus- “the revered one”
From this point forward, Octavian is referred to as Augustus
Augustus never used the title “emperor”- still referred to as first Emperor of Rome
Under Augustus, Rome spanned from Spain to Syria; Egypt to the Rhine and Danube Rivers
Pax Romana- “Roman peace”; period of peace that would last for 200 or more years
Political system put in place by Augustus reduced the power of the senate, assemblies, and
Result: Growing fear that an emperor would abuse power.