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Health Class
Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug
Study Guide
Tiny air sacs in the lungs are destroyed, making breathing extremely difficult, in the disease called
When carbon monoxide is present in the blood, the body’s tissues and cells are deprived of oxygen.
Nicotine contributes to plaque buildup in blood vessels, increasing the chance of arteriosclerosis.
Tar contained in tobacco smoke is harmful to the lungs because it paralyzes cilia.
A social consequence of smoking is, being excluded by nonsmokers.
People, who use smokeless tobacco, can become addicted to nicotine.
Nicotine causes addiction and acts as a stimulant.
High birth weight is NOT a possible consequence of smoking while pregnant.
Drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting is called, binge drinking.
10. The long-term effects of alcohol use can include high blood pressure.
11. A condition in which liver tissue is replaced with useless scar tissue is called cirrhosis.
12. Fats build up in the liver, causing liver cells to die is NOT true of the short-term effects of alcohol use.
13. When a person is dependent on alcohol, he or she reduces their risk-taking behavior.
14. Medical researchers have found that drinking alcohol of any sort slows reflexes.
15. The first stage of alcoholism is characterized by becoming intoxicated regularly.
16. Morphine, codeine, and aspirin are all analgesics.
17. Your boy’s reaction to a medicine dep0ends on your body chemistry is a true statement.
18. Cocaine is a stimulant.
19. Substance abuse does NOT lead to an increase in control.
20. Marijuana interferes with the immune system.
21. In the drug interaction known as the synergistic effect, one medicine strengthens the effect of another
taken at the same time.
22. Giving a friend one of your prescription pain relievers is an example of misuse of a medicine.
T/F Questions:
23. __T__ Children of smokers are more likely to suffer from asthma than children of nonsmokers.
24. __T__ Environmental tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide and nicotine.
25. __F__ Nicotine enlarges blood vessels, causing increased circulation to the limbs.
26. __F__ Cigars contain less cancer-causing tar than regular cigarettes.
27. __T__ Once addicted, people need more and more tobacco to satisfy the craving for nicotine.
28. __F__ Leukiplakia may develop into lung cancer.
29. __T__ The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include anxiety and sleep disturbance.
30. __F__ Smoking enhances physical endurance and athletic performance.
31. __T__ Avoiding situations where tobacco products maybe sued will help you remain tobacco free.
32. __T__ In general, women become intoxicated faster than men.
33. __T__ Blood alcohol concentration is measured to determine whether someone is driving while
34. __F__ The stomach is responsible for breaking down alcohol.
35. __T__ There is no safe amount of alcohol to consume when pregnant.
36. __F__ Detoxification is the first step to recovery for an alcoholic.
37. __T__ Media messages on TV and radio often associate alcohol with having fun and fitting in.
38. __F__ Less than 10 percent of violent crimes are alcohol-related.
39. __F__ Choosing to drink alcohol allows you to stay focused on short-and long-term goals.
40. __T__ The leading cause of death among teens is alcohol-related car crashes.
41. __T__ Severe withdrawal symptoms as a result of stopping drinking are a sign of addiction.
42. __T__ Someone who suddenly begins to gain muscle mass and becomes moody, paranoid, and aggressive
may be using anabolic-androgenic steroids.
43. __T__ Depressants can be dangerous because they slow heart and respiration rates and lower blood
44. __F__ Symptoms of withdrawal can include nervousness, severe nausea, and euphoria.
45. __T__ Tolerance is a condition in which the body becomes use to the effect of a medicine.
46. __F__ Over-the-counter medicines must only be used with a doctor’s supervision.
47. __T__ Antibiotics have no effect on viruses.
48. __F__ Antiviral are drugs that reduce the sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose that often accompany
49. __T__ Intentionally taking more than the recommended dose of a prescribed pain reliever is an example of
substance abuse.
50. __T__ The majority of high school students in the United States have never tried marijuanan.