Download Tobacco Free Living Handout

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Tobacco is a carrier for the highly addictive drug nicotine. Once your body gets a taste for
nicotine, it can quickly become a life-long addiction, with extremely fatal consequences.
What is it?
Nicotine is the main drug in all forms of tobacco. Nicotine is one of the most heavily used and
most addictive drugs in the U.S.
The Risks
Whether smoked or chewed, nicotine is one of the most highly addictive drugs used in today's
society. And once you're hooked, it's extremely hard to overcome this addiction. Surveys have
shown that most adult smokers first tried cigarettes during their teen years, and there is a
direct relationship between early smoking and adult addiction.
Smoking harms your immune system and can affect nearly every organ of your body. The
nicotine gets you hooked, but it’s the other chemicals in tobacco like carbon monoxide, tar,
formaldehyde, cyanide and ammonia that cause the major damage--many of these are known
carcinogens (cancer-causing poisons). Carbon monoxide keeps red blood cells from getting the
full load of oxygen needed for healthy cellular growth. This encourages the carcinogens in
tobacco to bind to the cells throughout your body and cause cellular damage.
Chewing or sniffing tobacco is just as dangerous as smoking and also has a high risk of
addiction. And prolonged use of smokeless tobacco leads to a high risk of cancers of the mouth.
Bidis and hookahs have become popular alternatives to smoking cigarettes, and some people
seem to think they are less harmful than regular cigarettes. The truth is that hookah smoke still
delivers addictive nicotine, and bidis actually have more nicotine than cigarettes.
You probably already know that the greatest long-term risk of smoking is cancer and lung
disease. Here are some numbers to consider: In the 40 years between 1964 and 2004, cigarette
smoking caused an estimated 12 million deaths, including 4.1 million deaths from cancer, 5.5
million deaths from cardiovascular disease, 1.1 million deaths from respiratory disease and
94,000 infant deaths related to mothers smoking during pregnancy.
Even after 30 years of warnings on packages, tobacco continues to impact our health. In 2010,
more than 220,000 new cases of lung cancer were reported, and more than 150,000 Americans
died as a direct result of the disease.