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Regents Review Sheet 4
Progressive Era and Imperialism
Imperialism: When a powerful nation takes over a less powerful nation in order to obtain
new markets and raw materials.
Causes of American Imperialism
1. The industrial revolution caused the need to acquire new markets and resources
2. The need to acquire naval bases around the world
3. Competition for global power/expand American influence
4. Social Darwinism/White Man’s Burden
Causes of the Spanish American War 1898
1. U.S. desire to protect American investments in Cuba
2. Yellow Journalism: similar to muckrakers, printed stories to gain support for
America’s declaration of war against Spain.
3. Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
4. Jingoism: extreme nationalism
Effects of the Spanish American War
1. The U.S. acquires Guam, The Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba is liberated from
Spain but will be closely controlled by the U.S. (Platt and Teller Amendments)
2. The U.S. emerges as a world power
3. Theodore Roosevelt emerges as a national figure
President Theodore Roosevelt
1. Roosevelt Corollary 1904: adds on to the Monroe Doctrine 1823
a. Warns against European intervention in Latin America
b. United States would intervene in Latin American nations (Policeman of
the Western Hemisphere)
2. Big Stick Policy
a. Shows that the U.S. is willing to use force in order to protect American
economic interest in Latin America
b. “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
c. Linked to the Roosevelt Corollary, increased American influence in L.A.
3. Panama Canal
a. Links the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans
b. Spanish American War showed the need to move the navy quickly
between the oceans
c. Roosevelt said “I took the canal, let congress debate” shows increase of
presidential power to achieve a foreign policy goal.
d. The Canal was built under budget and ahead of schedule
China and the Open Door Policy 1899
1. In order to open China to trade and prevent European spheres of influence from
blocking the U.S. from entering Chinese markets, President McKinley issued the
Open Door Note.
2. Example of U.S. protecting economic opportunities in Asia
Populist Movement: Farmers who wanted more government regulation of business
1. Wanted direct elections if senators
2. Free coinage of silver to increase the price of crops
3. Government regulation of railroads
4. Progressive/graduated income tax
a. A person making more money should pay income taxes at a higher rate
Progressive Movement: Reformers who sought to correct the problems caused by the
industrial revolution. Opposed government policy of Laissez-Faire.
1. Direct election of senators to break up the “Millionaires Club”
a. 17th amendment creates direct election of senators
2. Wanted government regulation of Business
a. Trust busting: makes trust and monopolies illegal
b. Encourage competition among business
c. Sherman and Clayton Anti-trust acts
d. Teddy Roosevelt distinguished between good and bad trusts
3. Wanted to increase people’s participation in the government
a. Initiative, recall, referendum, secret ballot, direct primaries
4. Famous Progressives included President Theodore Roosevelt, President Taft,
President Woodrow Wilson
5. Jane Addams: created Hull House to help poor urban dweller (settlement
Muckrakers: Authors, journalist, and reporters who exposed corruption
1. Upton Sinclair: wrote “The Jungle”
a. Exposed the poor conditions of the meatpacking industry
b. Leads to the meat inspection act and the pure food and drug act
c. Consumer protection
2. Ida Tarbell: Wrote “The History of Standard Oil”
a. Exposed the power and influence that big business has on government
and society
3. Lincoln Stephens: Wrote “The Shame of the Cities”
a. Exposed poor urban conditions caused by industrialization
Federal Reserve: 1913
1. Created to regulate the nations money supply
2. Controls interest rates and regulated the amount of money in circulation
Women’s Suffrage: Women fight for the right to vote
1. Abigail Adams, President John Adams wife urged to be included in the
Constitution but was ignored
2. Seneca Falls Convention 1848: women suffragists led by Susan B. Anthony met
to organize the women’s suffrage movement
3. Famous Suffragists include Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
Lucretia Mott
4. 19th amendment passed in 1920 granting women’s suffrage
Civil Rights Movement
1. Booker T. Washington
a. Believed African Americans would gain more equality by focusing on
education and job training
b. Founded Tuskegee Institute
2. W.E.B. DuBois
a. Believed in immediate equality
b. First person of color to earn a doctorate from Harvard
c. One of the founders of the NAACP
d. Part of the Niagara Movement
3. Plessy .v. Ferguson 1896
a. Supreme court case that allows for segregation
b. States that separate but equal is constitutional
c. Shows how the supreme court has failed to protect the rights of minorities
Answer Key
1. 1
2. 4
3. 4
4. 3
5. 3
6. 2
7. 3
8. 4
9. 2
10. 1
11. 2
12. 4
13. 2
14. 2
15. 4
16. 2
17. 2
18. 1
19. 4
20. 2
21. 2
22. 2
23. 3
24. 4
25. 4
26. 4
27. 4
28. 3
29. 1
30. 2
31. 4
32. 1
33. 4
34. 4
35. 2
36. 1
37. 3
38. 1
39. 1
40. 3
Woodlands High School
United States History and Government
Homework #4
Regents Review
Progressive Era and Imperialism
1. The Big Stick policy and Dollar Diplomacy were attempts to
1. increase United States power in Latin America
2. contain the spread of communism in eastern Europe
3. protect free trade on the Asian continent
4. strengthen political ties with western Europe
2. President Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick policy is most closely associated with
1. friendly relations with China after the Boxer Rebellion 3. court actions to support business monopolies
2. conservation of natural resources
4. intervention in Latin American affairs
3. The main reason the United States implemented the Open Door policy in China was to
1. promote immigration
3. encourage religious freedom
2. expand democratic reforms
4. guarantee access to markets
4. A major reason that Secretary of State John Hay announced the Open Door policy in 1899 was to
1. secure important military bases in Europe
3. increase United States access to trade in Asia
2. encourage more immigration from Europe
4. claim new colonial territories in Africa
5. As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States saw the need to build the Panama Canal because
1. new colonies had been acquired in Africa
3. the United States navy could then move more quickly
between oceans
2. Spanish opposition to the canal had ended
4. United States railroads could not transport enough
manufactured goods
6. Base your answer on the accompanying cartoon and on your knowledge of social studies.
The cartoon illustrates the actions of President Theodore Roosevelt in
1. securing the land to build the Panama Canal
2. leading troops in the Spanish-American War
3. ending the war between Russia and Japan
4. improving diplomatic relations with Latin American
7. News organizations were engaging in yellow journalism before the Spanish-American War when
1. publishers tried to prevent the war
3. editors exaggerated events to build support for war
2. articles about Cuba were fair and balanced
4. writers ignored the situation in Cuba
8. Which 1890s headline is the best example of yellow journalism?
1. President Supports Child Labor Legislation
2. McKinley Asks Congress To Annex Hawaii
3. Populists Demand Change in the Gold Standard
4. Spanish Authorities Butcher Innocent Cubans
9. Which United States foreign policy was most directly related to the rise of big business in the late 1800s?
1. containment
3. détente
2. imperialism
4. neutrality
10. During the late 19th century, the growth of capitalism encouraged United States imperialism because of the desire of business
1. obtain new markets for American products
3. provide humanitarian aid to poor nations
2. compete with foreign industries
4. industrialize underdeveloped nations
11. Which action would the Federal Reserve Board most likely take to stimulate economic growth?
1. imposing higher income taxes on middle class
3. raising the reserve requirement to discourage borrowing
2. lowering interest rates on loans to member banks
4. initiating antitrust lawsuits to break up monopolies
12. The National Bank proposed by Alexander Hamilton in 1790 and the Federal Reserve System established in 1913 are similar in
that both
1. provided low-interest loans to farmers
3. had as their primary responsibility the regulation of the
stock market
2. were declared unconstitutional by the United States
4. sought to provide a sound currency for the nation
Supreme Court
13. Since 1913, the United States banking system, interest rates, and the amount of money in circulation have largely been
controlled by the
1. United States Supreme Court
3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
2. Federal Reserve System
4. President's Council of Economic Advisors
14. The creation of the Federal Reserve System was an attempt to
1. introduce national health insurance
2. regulate the money supply
15. The Federal Reserve System was created to
1. maintain a national petroleum supply
2. provide military support for the armed forces
3. create a progressive tax policy
4. shift more responsibilities to the states
3. protect consumers from fraud
4. manage the nation's supply of currency and interest
16. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld a state law that had
1. banned the hiring of Chinese workers
3. outlawed the use of prison inmate labor
2. established racial segregation practices
4. forced Native American Indians to relocate to
17. In which case did the United States Supreme Court rule that segregated public facilities were constitutional?
1. Worcester v. Georgia
3. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
2. Plessy v. Ferguson
4. Miranda v. Arizona
18. The actions of Jane Addams, Ida Tarbell, and Brooker T. Washington illustrate that reform in the Unites States has
1. utilized a variety of methods to achieve many goals
3. relied on programs initiated by the federal government
2. depended on support from religious groups
4. promoted women's suffrage as its main goal
19. Jane Addams and Jacob Riis were most notable for their efforts to
1. treat the wounded in World War I
2. stop the spread of diseases in Latin America
3. legalize birth control for women
4. aid the urban poor
20. In which area did the views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois differ most?
1. the need to stop violence against African Americans
3. the need to integrate the armed forces
2. the speed with which full equality of the races should 4. the idea of including white Americans in their political
be achieved
action organizations
21. Muckrakers Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair influenced the federal government to
1. grant citizenship to people who had entered the country 3. force individual states to regulate monopolies
2. pass legislation to correct harmful business practices
4. end racial discrimination in the workplace
22. The works of Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair exposed the problems associated with
1. poverty among Native American peoples
3. segregation of public facilities in the South
2. rapid industrialization and urbanization
4. colonial expansion in Asia
23. In 1906, the publication of The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair, led Congress to
1. enact stronger prohibition laws
3. establish a system for meat inspection
2. support the national conservation movement
4. legalize strikes and boycotts by labor unions
24. How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis (1890).The Jungle, Upton Sinclair (1906). The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck (1939).
Unsafe at Any Speed, Ralph Nadar (1965). What has been the impact of these authors and their books on American society?
1. Most Americans have developed a preference for
3. American business has corrected poor conditions
escapist and romantic literature.
2. Most American authors have adopted a conservative
4. These works have had significant influence on social,
political, and economic reforms.
25. The works of Upton Sinclair, Frank Norris, and Lincoln Steffens popularized the idea that
1. government should not interfere in the lives of
3. women needed equal political rights to become full
individual citizens
2. newspapers should not try to change public policy
4. problems in government and industry needed to be
26. The goal of both Upton Sinclair in the early 1900s and Ralph Nader in the 1960s was to
1. limit immigration to those with skills needed by
3. protect the environment
American industry
2. encourage the growth of American business interests
4. expose social and economic problems
27 . Which Progressive Era political reform allows voters to choose party candidates to run for elected public offices?
1. referendum
3. initiative
2. recall
4. direct primary
28. Which argument was used by Progressive Era reformers to support the use of a graduated income tax?
1. Imports should be taxed to make foreign goods more
3. People who earn more money should pay taxes at
expensive than domestic goods.
higher rates.
2. Taxes on corporations should be reduced so jobs can be 4. All citizens should be taxed at the same rate to treat all
people equally.
29. "United States Senate Criticized as 'Millionaire's Club'"
Which action addressed the problem suggested by this Progressive Era headline?
1. instituting the direct election of senators
3. decreasing the length of term of office for a senator
2. increasing the number of senators from each state
4. establishing voting rights for eighteen-year-old citizens
30. A major goal of reformers during the Progressive Era was to
1. end segregation in the South
2. correct the abuse of big business
3. limit immigration from Latin America
4. enact high tariffs to help domestic industry grow
31. Upton Sinclair, Frank Norris, and Ida Tarbell made their greatest contributions to the Progressive movement by
1. working to end political corruption in cities
3. supporting legislation to improve tenement housing
2. speaking out for the equal rights of Hispanic Americans 4. publishing books and articles to expose the problems of
32. The main purpose of a progressive income tax is to
1. base tax rates on a person's ability to pay
2. increase government spending on welfare programs
3. tax everyone at the same percentage rate
4. ensure a balanced budget
33. The initiative, the referendum, and the recall were adopted by several states during the Progressive Era as ways to
1. limit immigration
3. restrict the use of presidential vetoes
2. promote the formation of trusts
4. make government more democratic
34. ". . . There's no chance of progress and reform in an administration in which war plays the principal part. . . ."
—President-elect Woodrow Wilson, 1913
In this statement, President-elect Wilson was expressing the belief that
1. the United States should enter World War I
3. the nation will require a change in leadership if it goes
to war
2. reform movements are strengthened by war
4. the Progressive movement would be best served by
continued peace
35. In the early 1900s, Progressive Era reformers sought to increase citizen participation in government by supporting the
1. expansion of the spoils system
3. creation of the electoral college
2. direct election of senators
4. formation of the Federal Reserve system
36. Progressive Era reforms such as the initiative, referendum, and recall attempted to
1. increase the power of citizens in state and local
3. provide low-interest loans to farmers
2. reestablish the system of checks and balances
4. expand voting rights to Native Americans
37. The Populist and the Progressive movements were similar in their approaches to reform in that both
1. supported the return of powers to the state governments 3. opposed the strict laissez-faire attitudes of the federal
2. promoted the use of violent strikes and protests against 4. lobbied for immediate social and economic equality for
big business organizations
African Americans
38. Progressive Era authors such as Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair are best known for
1. focusing attention on social conditions
3. promoting the interests of the American farmer
2. fighting for the civil rights of African Americans
4. supporting the goal of woman's suffrage
39. What was a significant impact of the Progressive movement on American life?
1. increased government regulation of business
3. decreased influence of the media on public policy
2. increased restrictions on presidential powers
4. reduced government spending for social programs
40. During which period in United States history were the amendments concerning the income tax, direct election of Senators,
Prohibition, and women's suffrage enacted?
1. Reconstruction
3. Progressive Era
2. The Gilded Age
4. New Deal
41. A progressive income tax is based on the idea that
1. taxpayers with larger incomes should be taxed at a
higher rate
2. all taxpayers should be taxed equal amounts of money
42. Reform legislation of the Progressive Era provided for
1. increased direct participation in government
2. employment for the poor
3. all income should be taxed at the same rate
4. taxation should be used to encourage social programs
3. tax incentives for business investment
4. the elimination of racial segregation in public places
43. Which statement can be supported by a study of the Populist and the Progressive movements in United States history?
1. Ideas that seem radical in one time period often become 3. The main goal of third-party movements has been to
accepted in later times.
influence United States foreign policy.
2. Third-party movements have often been successful in 4. Protest movements have usually ended in complete
winning Presidential elections.
44. Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are most closely associated with the idea that
1. alcohol should be prohibited since it damages society 3. national parks should be created by the federal
2. settlement houses should be built to help educate
4. suffrage should be granted to women