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Name_______________________________________________________________ Period __________
Hess AP World History Classical Era Intro & Ch 2 Reading Study Guide #1 Pg. 34-45
1. What is the “Classical Period” time span in World History? Pg.34
2. Name the three major Classical Civilizations.
3. What was the nature of interactions of the Classical Civilization s with the rest of humanity?
4. What specific product found its way around the Classical World?
(Timeline Pg. 36-37)
5. When was the initial Zhou Kingdom? _____ 6. When was the rise of Greek City-States? _____
7. When did Zoroastrian Religion develop in Iran? _____ 8. When did the Buddha live? _____
9. When was Shi Huangdi proclaimed first emperor of China? _____
10. When was the last Han Emperor deposed? _____ 11. What were the years of the Gupta Empire? _____
12. What new technology allowed for large-scale military conquests during the Classical Era?
13. What innovations did Classical Civilizations NOT have to re-invent?
14. Which of the Classical Civilizations had the largest commercial reach?
15. Which civilization valued the elderly for wisdom and life experience?
16. Which civilization sometimes took a more harsh view of the elderly?
17. What was the political situation in Confucius’ time? Pg.40
18. What came to be the THREE leading philosophical systems in China?
19. What other societies have felt the influence of Confucius’ teaching over the centuries?
20. Who founded the first REAL centralized empire in China? What did he call his dynasty?
21. Briefly describe the ‘dynastic cycle’.
22. List the THREE dynasties associated with Classical China/
23. How did feudalism function under the Zhao?
24. What is the “Middle Kingdom”?
25. Briefly describe Shi Huangdi’s rise to power and his style of rule.
26. What were some of the innovations and improvements experienced in China under Shi Huangdi?
27. What dynasty rose up after the death of Shi Huangdi?
28. Who was the most famous ruler under this new dynasty?
29. For what accomplishments is his reign remembered?
30. What events led to the fall of this final Classical Chinese dynasty? Pg.45