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Unit A Chapter 3 Study Guide – Test Friday, September 14, 2012
1. chromosome: a threadlike strand of DNA inside the nucleus of a cell.
2. mitosis: the process of cell division.
3. asexual reproduction: reproduction by simple cell division that requires only one
parent organism.
4. sexual reproduction: the form of reproduction in which cells from two parents unite
to form a zygote. This requires two parent organisms.
5. meiosis: the process that reduces the number of chromosomes in reproductive cells.
6. life cycle: all the stages of an organism’s life.
7. direct development: a kind of growth where organisms keep the same body features
as they grow older.
8. metamorphosis: a change in the shape or characteristics of an organism’s body as it
grows and matures.
9. inherited trait: a characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring.
10. dominant trait: a strong trait.
11. recessive trait: a weak trait.
12. gene: structures on a chromosome that contain the DNA code for a trait an
organism inherits.
13. Cells going through mitosis produce identical copies of the original cell.
14. Rapid mitosis allows a lizard whose tail has been cut off to regenerate a new tail.
15. Through the process of metamorphosis, an insect changes the form of its body as
it grows.
16. The three stages of incomplete metamorphosis are egg, nymph, and adult.
17. Two parent organisms are required for sexual reproduction in organisms.
18. The nucleus of a cell prepares for mitosis by making exact copies of its
19. In sexual reproduction, two cells combine to form a one-cell zygote.
20. Genes found on chromosomes contain the DNA codes for inherited traits.
21. In direct development, offspring have the same shape as adults.
22. One human trait that is not inherited is balance.
23. An example of incomplete metamorphosis is the life cycle of the grasshopper.
Unit A Chapter 3 Study Guide – Test Friday, September 14, 2012
1. chromosome: a threadlike strand of DNA inside the nucleus of a cell.
2. mitosis: the process of cell division.
3. asexual reproduction: reproduction by simple cell division that requires only one
parent organism.
4. sexual reproduction: the form of reproduction in which cells from two parents unite
to form a zygote. This requires two parent organisms.
5. meiosis: the process that reduces the number of chromosomes in reproductive cells.
6. life cycle: all the stages of an organism’s life.
7. direct development: a kind of growth where organisms keep the same body features
as they grow older.
8. metamorphosis: a change in the shape or characteristics of an organism’s body as it
grows and matures.
9. inherited trait: a characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring.
10. dominant trait: a strong trait.
11. recessive trait: a weak trait.
12. gene: structures on a chromosome that contain the DNA code for a trait an
organism inherits.
13. Cells going through mitosis produce identical copies of the original cell.
14. Rapid mitosis allows a lizard whose tail has been cut off to regenerate a new tail.
15. Through the process of metamorphosis, an insect changes the form of its body as
it grows.
16. The three stages of incomplete metamorphosis are egg, nymph, and adult.
17. Two parent organisms are required for sexual reproduction in organisms.
18. The nucleus of a cell prepares for mitosis by making exact copies of its
19. In sexual reproduction, two cells combine to form a one-cell zygote.
20. Genes found on chromosomes contain the DNA codes for inherited traits.
21. In direct development, offspring have the same shape as adults.
22. One human trait that is not inherited is balance.
23. An example of incomplete metamorphosis is the life cycle of the grasshopper.