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Bones and Muscle Test Review Sheet!!!
1. 4 main types of joints and how they work.
a. Ball and Socket, hinge, pivot, gliding
2. Mineral that helps prevent osteoporosis?
a. Calcium
3. What must muscle tissue do for movement to occur?
a. It must contract
4. What happens to blood vessels when heat is applied?
a. They expand
5. Bones of the skeleton store which minerals?
a. Phosphorus and calcium
6. Bones of the backbone are called?
a. Vertebrae
7. Newborn baby’s skeleton is mainly made of?
a. Cartilage
8. Beneath the outer membrane of bone there is a layer of?
a. Spongy Bone
9. How dos exercise help you bones stay healthy?
a. Causes them to become stronger and more dense
10. Type of muscle in the heart?
a. Cardiac (Involuntary)
11. Type of muscle that controls digestion?
a. Smooth
12. Type of muscle that tires quickly during exercise?
a. Skeletal
13. What holds bones to bones?
a. Ligaments
14. What is the padding between bones?
a. Cartilage
15. What holds muscle to bones?
a. Tendons
16. What happens when a muscle cramps?
a. The muscle contracts strongly and stays contracted
17. Which bones protect internal organs and which organs do they protest?
a. Cranium – brain, Ribs – heart and lungs
18. Explain how skeletal muscles work in pairs.
a. While one muscle contracts the other relaxes and then the reverse happens to make the
opposite motion