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The Age of Western Imperialism
Andrus AP European History Ch 25 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 784-797
1.What is the New Imperialism?
2. Define imperialism:
3. When did the practice of Early Modern Imperialism begin to change?
4. Why did Canada develop a closer relationship with Great Britain?
5. What happened to slavery under the New Imperialism?
6. What was the Imperialism of Free Trade?
7. Why did the British fight the Opium Wars in China?
8. Apart from the US, what were Great Britain’s “Settler Colonies”?
Read “A Chinese Official Appeals to Queen Victoria to Halt the Opium Trade”
9. How does the Chinese official imply that the British are hypocrites?
10. What penalties were put in place to discourage opium sale and use?
11. How did Britain’s domination of India change over time?
12. What was the “civilizing mission”?
13. What caused the Sepoy Rebellion in 1857? What was the outcome?
The Age of Western Imperialism
Read “T.B. Macaulay Prescribes English for Indian Education”
14. How does he demean Sanskrit and Indian and Arabian literature generally?
15. How does he justify the utility of learning English for Indian students?
16. Which two new industrial powers joined the empire game in the late 1800s?
17. What is a “protectorate”?
18. What is a “sphere of influence”?
19. How did racism play a role in the New Imperialism?
20. What continent was completely transformed and almost entirely claimed in this era?
21. What are the economic theories of J.A. Hobson (adapted by Lenin) on New Imperialism?
22. Do facts bear out the Hobson/Lenin view of imperialism? What about the raw
material/new markets view? (pushed by US leaders McKinley, T. Roosevelt & Taft)
23. Why do you think some leaders believed that imperialism would alleviate the economic
Depression of 1873-1896?
24. What cultural, religious and social justifications for empire were bandied about?
25. How did the concept of “National Greatness” fuel the drive for empire?
26. How did declining “Eastern” empires (Ottoman, Mughal & Qing) impact European policy?
The Age of Western Imperialism
27. How did “strategic interest” play a role in expanding empires?
Analyze the illustration of “The French in Morocco” P. 795
28. How is French/European arrogance and racism on display?
(Also, be prepared to discuss your response in class)
Read “Two Views of Turn-of-the-Century Imperial Expansion” P. 796-797 (Required)
29. What are the characteristics that Schmoller ascribes to other contemporary
imperial powers?
30. What are the benefits Schmoller sees arising from colonies?
31. Why does Antole France equate imperialism with barbarism?
32. Why does Antole France believe that virtually no benefits result from imperialism?
33. How could writers looking at the European imperial enterprise come to such
different conclusions about what values inform it?