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Early Greeks were fishers, sailors, traders and farmers.
Greek citizens were free native-born men who owned land.
 In direct democracy, people gather at mass meetings to
decide on government matters. Every citizen votes on
laws and policies.
 With a representative democracy citizens choose a
smaller group to make laws and governmental decision
for them.
*Mycenaea was an ancient city in Greece. Mycenaens came
from Central Asia.
*Agamemnon was a Mycenaean king that used trickery to win
the Trojan War.
 The Mycenaens began trading with the Minoans (they
were known for trading) and learned much about the
Minoan culture.
 Mycenaens learned bronze work, ship building and skills
to navigate from the stars and sun
 Mycenaens could pay their taxes with wheat, livestock, or
Government firmly controlled the people of Sparta.
Women trained in running, wrestling, and javelin
Spartan boys left family at 7 years old could return at 30.
Boys went to school to learn math, how to read and write.
Girls stayed home and learned spinning, weaving and
household duties.
Government of early Athens was an oligarchy.
Athenian soldiers promised to protect the constitution.
Promised to pass on their fatherland in a better condition.
Solon reformed the government.
Peisistratus seized power 30 years after Solon’s reforms.
Peisistratus gave land to the landless farmers.
-Persian Empire (under Cyrus the Great) covered
northern Mesopotamia, Syria, Canaan, the
Phoenician cities, and Asia Minor
-Greeks in Asian Minor and the Athenians worked
together to defeat the Persians
-Herodotus wrote History of the Persian Wars
Persian Empire falls
-Royal family fought over who was to be king
-High taxes angered the subjects
-Empire was weakened by all of the wars