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Name: ___________________________________ Period: _________ Date:______________________
Chapter 12
The Nation Grows and Expands
Power Point Notes.
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution Begins
 What is the Industrial Revolution?
_______________________ replaced hand tools.
_______________________________ replaced human and animal power.
Where and when did the industrial revolution start?
What industry was first changed by the industrial revolution?
Who developed the spinning jenny and when?
What is a spinning jenny? What made it unique? (How was it different?)
Before the industrial revolution most spinning and weaving took place __________________.
How did the factory system change where spinning and weaving took place?
What is a factory system?
_________________ is needed to set up and operate a spinning mill.
What is capital?
What is a capitalist?
A Revolution Crosses the Atlantic
_______________ wanted to keep its new technology ________________.
Why would they want to keep it a secret?
Who broke the British law that forbids anyone from taking the plans for the new machinery out
of the country?
Why and how did he break the law?
What capitalist does Slater help? How? Where?
How did Slater’s wife, Hannah, contribute?
What are interchangeable parts?
______________________ came up with the idea of interchangeable parts.
What are the benefits of interchangeable parts?
How did Whitney sell his idea?
Lowell, Massachusetts: A Model Factory Town
 How did the British blockade in the War of 1812 boost the American economy?
_________________________________, a Boston merchant, found a way to improve on British
textile mills.
What was his idea?
What occurred after Lowell died?
________________________ were girls who worked for a few years in the mills before
returning home to marry.
How did the company reassure parents that it was okay to send their daughters to work?
Advantages/Disadvantages for working in the mill
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
Daily Life during the Industrial Revolution
 Why did most factory owners hire women and children (not grown men)?
Boys and girls as young as ____________ worked in factories.
Why were small children especially useful in textile mills?
Was using child labor at this time deemed to be cruel?
What were the working hours in a mill?
How did this compare to the farmers work day?
How did the Industrial Revolution affect the roles of women?
o Poor families:
o Wealthier families:
Growing Cities
 What is urbanization?
In 1800, _______________ of the nation’s population lived in urban areas.
By 1850, _______________of the nation’s population lived in urban areas.
By 1920, _______________ of the nation’s population lived in urban areas.
What were the hazards of growing cities?
What attractions did growing cities have?
Americans Move Westward
Traveling West
 What were the names of some of the routes to the west?
What is a flatboat?
Why were they suited to shallow waters?
What was required for a territory to become a state (Northwest Ordinance of 1787)?
Between 1792 and 1819 which territories applied for statehood (names and dates)?
Improvements to Roads
 What were the problems of many American roads?
____________________ built gravel and stone roads?
How were these roads paid for?
What is a turnpike?
The ___________________was probably the best road in the U.S.
What cities did it connect?
Why was it the best?
What is a corduroy road?
Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road?
For the first time, in 1806, Congress approved funds for a ______________________________.
The National Road
o Where:
o When:
o Why did it take so long:
Steam Transport
 Why would you want to travel on a boat rather than a wagon?
What is a difficulty of river travel?
In 1807 Robert Fulton launched his steamboat, named _________________________.
o Where did it travel:
o How long would a 300-mile trip take?
 Now people and _______________ could be moved more easily and cheaply.
The Canal Boom
 Why did Americans need to start building canals?
What is a canal?
The Erie Canal links __________________ with the ____________________.
Who thought that the plan to build a canal was farfetched?
Who ignored the criticisms?
What did the critics call the Erie Canal?
How long did the canal take to finish?
What was the impact of the Erie Canal?
Unity and Division
An Era of Good Feelings
 Why were Americans proud of their country?
______________________ becomes president in 1816. He was a ____________________.
This election showed how weak the ________________________________ was.
How did it show their weakness?
Who is Monroe?
What did Monroe hope to create during his presidency?
By the time Monroe ran for a 2nd term in 1820 he ran _____________________.
o Why?:
Three Sectional Leaders
 While conflicts between political parties _________________, disputes between different
sections of the nation ________________________________.
Name of spokesperson
Description of
Position on the War of
Position on Slavery
Government Size
Helping American Businesses Grow
 Why was America facing economic problems?
Why was this a problem?
How did states make this problem worse?
What group now realizes the need for a national bank and supports a law to charter the second
bank of the United States?
By _______________________ and _____________________ to the nation’s money supply, the
Bank helped American businesses grow.
What was another economic problem that faced our growing nation? From who?
Why were British goods cheaper?
What was the economic plan of some British merchants?
Americans want Congress to pass a __________________________ to protect American
industries from foreign competition.
In response to this request Congress passes the _________________ which raised the tariffs on
Who was against the tariff? Why?
Clay’s American System
 The disputes over tariffs reflected the growth of ___________________________.
 What is sectionalism?
What is the American System?
o Henry Clay’s program that would promote _______________________ for all sections.
o It supported…
What was Clay’s reasoning for having high tariffs?
What was Clay’s reasoning for building a better transportation system?
Clay’s system ______________________ went into effect.
Congress spent little on________________________.
Who disliked Clay’s plan? Why?
The Supreme Court Expands Federal Power
 Who is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
McCulloch v. Maryland-1819
o What happened?
 After Congress chartered the second Bank of the United States Maryland
_________________________ the Bank in order to _________________
o Who?
o Ruling:
o This ruling ______________________________ federal power.
Gibbons v. Ogden-1824
o What happened?
o Ruling:
o What is interstate commerce?
New Nations in the Americas
Revolution in Latin America
 What is Latin America composed of?
Define Creole:
Why did people in Spain’s American colonies want their independence?
__________________________ sounded toe call for Mexican independence in 1810.
Under his leadership rebels took control of several provinces, but he was _______________ and
________________________ in 1811.
 What did Jose Morelos, another priest call for?
Who opposed this?
Like Father Hidalgo, Morelos was also ______________ and _______________ by the Spanish.
In ___________________ Mexico gains independence!
Who was the best known revolutionary leader in South America? What was his nickname?
 Description:
How and when did he defeat the Spanish?
Soon after he became president of the __________________________________.
 Present Day:
Jose de San Martin led ____________________________ to freedom in 1816.
o What other countries did he help gain independence?
In 1821, the people from ____________________________ declared independence from Spain.
Two years later they formed the ___________________________________________________.
o What is this?
By 1825, Spain had lost all of its colonies in Latin America except _________ and _________
What colony won its independence peacefully? How?
The New Republics
 Who did Spain’s former colonies model their constitutions after?
How was gaining their independence different from when Americans gained independence?
The United States Gains Florida
 Why would the U.S want Florida?
Who were the “black Seminoles?”
The ____________________________ contained about 1,000 African Americans?
What happened to the fort when the Spanish did not listen to Jackson when he said to destroy it?
Why did Spain agree to peace talks?
Secretary of State, ______________________________, worked out the treaty with Spain.
What was the name of the treaty? When?
What were the terms?
The Monroe Doctrine
 Why were President Monroe and Secretary of State Adams worried after the Latin American
nations won their independence?
_________________________ agreed with the U.S. on this issue because they wanted to protect
the profitable trade they were conducting with the newly freed countries.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
What does it state?
The U.S. did not have the __________________________ to enforce the Monroe Doctrine.
Who did have the military power?
Define intervention:
As the U.S. grew stronger the Monroe Doctrine grew in ________________________________.
Presidents still used the Monroe Doctrine to justify foreign policy in the ___________________.