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Beginning of a New Nation to the War of 1812 Test (B)(CP)
Identify: Use the terms at the top of each section to correctly identify the definition or complete the sentence.
a. Alien and Sedition Acts b. Edmond Genet
c. John Jay
d. Thomas Pinckney
1. French Diplomat that caused problems by trying to recruit Americans for the war effort against Great Britain.
2. This American negotiated a Treaty with Spain.
3. Outraged Republicans called these laws a clear violation of freedom of speech under the First Amendment.
4. This American diplomat negotiated a treaty with Britain to evacuate parts of the Northwest Territory and
continue the fur trade.
a. Federalists (Hamiltonians)
d. Republicans (Jeffersonians)
b. Aaron Burr
e. John Marshall
c. judicial review
5. This group had a strict interpretation of the Constitution
6. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – appointed by John Adams
7. One of the potential presidents during the Election of 1800
8. Supreme Court has the power to rule an act of the government unconstitutional.
9. This group had a loose interpretation of the Constitution
Multiple Choice: Select the best possible answer for each question.
10. Which of the following was NOT a priority of George Washington’s administration.
a. Creating a cabinet
b. Establishing political parties
c. Getting the country’s finances in order
d. None of the above
11. The political disagreements between Jefferson and Hamilton led to the formation of the:
a. cabinet
b. the two party system
c. political parties
d. financial speculators
12. Which of the following was NOT part of Hamilton’s economic program?
a. funding the state’s debt
b. placing an excise tax on whiskey
c. creating the Bank of the United States
d. taxing the wealthy
13. The Bank of the United States was established in 1791:
a. with strong Jeffersonian support
b. based on a Constitutional provision
c. under the implied powers (elastic clause) of the Constitution
d. in the face of federalist opposition
14. The location of the capital, Washington D.C. was;
a. stipulated in the Constitution
b. the result of a deal between Jefferson and Hamilton concerning state debts
c. determined by a decision of the Cabinet
d. tied into the tariff rates
15. Washington’s handling of the Whiskey Rebellion
a. greatly angered members of the Federalist Party
b. supported the doctrine of States rights
c. proved the strength of the national government
16. Hamilton’s financial plan for the United States:
a. Favored the growth of an agrarian nation
b. Favored the growth of an industrial nation
c. Would encourage increased imports from Europe
d. None of the above
17. In 1794, Jeffersonians favored
a. an increase in the number of Federal officeholders
b. an alliance with England
c. strict interpretation of the Constitution
d. a powerful central government
18. The Jeffersonian party included:
a. loose constructionists
b. pro-British advocates
c. anti-democratic groups
d. southern farmers
19. Jeffersonians favored:
a. business over agriculture
b. states’ rights
20. The Federalists included
a. pro-French sympathizers
b. the rich and well-to-do
c. strict constructionists
d. poor farmers
21. The chief goal of President Washington’s foreign policy was to:
a. persuade Spain to grant independence to her American colonies
b. maintain the neutrality of the US
c. keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere
d. extend the boundaries of the US
22. In his Farewell Address, Washington warned against:
a. westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean
b. political parties and permanent alliances with foreign nations
c. corporate America
d. quarrels between families about the Constitution
23. The Alien and Sedition Acts were designed to:
a. put alien immigrants on a quota system
b. uphold the first amendment
c. crush the Jeffersonian Anti-Federalists criticisms of Adams
d. prevent aliens from becoming American citizens
24. A major contribution of the Federalist Party was:
a. the strengthening of the central government
b. the acquisition of new territory
c. the Alien and Sedition laws
d. an alliance with Britain
25. The case of Marbury v. Madison was significant in that it:
a. established judicial review
b. strengthened the implied-powers doctrine
c. upheld legislative supremacy
d. delighted states’ rights advocates
26. The practice of forcing people to serve in the British navy was called:
a. naturalization (becoming a citizen)
b. impressments (utilizing captive sailors to do nautical work)
27. Jefferson’s reaction to British and French interference was
a. a declaration of war on France
b. a trade embargo with both countries
c. a declaration of war on Great Britain
d. a bartering system
28. Federalists opposed the purchase of the Louisiana territory primarily because they:
a. were traditionally strict constructionists
b. believed in rigid economy
c. feared losing political power in the new Western states
d. hated all dealings with France
29. The Louisiana Purchase
a. doubled the size of the United States
b. forced Jefferson to reverse his interpretation of the Constitution
c. was the result of an offer to buy New Orleans
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
30. Which was a direct result of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory
a. an amendment to the Constitution permitting the federal government to purchase land
b. the opening of a vast region for fur trading and farming
c. the loss of Canada by France
d. the elimination of Spain from the North American continent
31. All of the following were underlying causes for the American declaration of war in 1812 except:
a. growing feeling of nationalism
b. slavery
c. Indian relations
d. British impressments
32. The War Hawks saw war with Britain as an opportunity to:
a. secure the rights of Native Americans
b. restore France’s empire in North America
c. take Louisiana
d. remove the British from North America and attain Canada for the United States
33. The Battle of New Orleans was:
a. a costly British victory
b. a costly American victory
c. fought after the signing of peace
d. a feather in the cap of General Harrison
34. The Treaty of Ghent provided for:
a. the return of all conquered territory and a return to pre-war conditions
b. the end of impressment
c. the disarmament of the Great Lakes
d. the removal of the British from Canada
35. The War of 1812 resulted in:
a. increased sectionalism
b. the growth of nationalism
c. growing dependency of imported manufactures
d. lessened diplomatic prestige
Identify: Read the following statements.
If the statement refers to Hamilton or a Hamiltonian philosophy, place (A) as your answer.
If the statement refers to Jefferson or a Jeffersonian philosophy, place (B) as your answer.
36. First Secretary of State
37. Wrote the Declaration of Independence
38. A Federalist
39. Supported states rights
40. He was from Virginia
41. Was killed in a duel
42. Support for his party was strongest in the south and west
43. Favored a strong central government
44. Supported a loose interpretation of the Constitution
45. First Secretary of the Treasury
46. Believed farmers were the backbone of the nation
47. Gained support from the wealthy and well educated
48. Supported the creation of a National Bank
49. Trusted the common man
50. Would become President of the United States