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Steps to Student Work Protocols:
Presenter: Shawna Dorso
1. Protocol Topic: Solving one and two step equations with fractions.
2. Define purpose of discussion
a. What does this work tell me about the student(s) and my instruction?
Overall, the students performed better on this quiz than in years past. First, I
spent more time on developing the how versus giving the students the how. I
also spent more time and was more consistent with how the students were
required to show their work.
3. Integrate work into curriculum
a. What feedback do I value or learn from the discussion?
I sometimes forget just how different math written work and other disciplines
can be. Students really need to learn how to read mathematically. For
example, a student should be able to read the equation: ⅓x – 10 = 12 as one
third times x minus 10 is equal to twelve. Students may understand that to
solve a multiplication equation, they need to use division. However, if they
cannot identify the operation in the equation then how do they begin to solve
4. How will I apply what I learned into my instructions?
I will keep the changes the implemented in the beginning of the unit and will also
have students read the problems out loud, so that they have to identify the
operation taking place in the equation.
Next Protocol Meeting Topic: ____________________________________________
Presenter: ____________________________________________________________
Date to Present: _______________________________________________________