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11th Grade Final Exam review sheet
Pregnancy & Childbirth
Concentration level of drugs women use during pregnancy
3 stages pf childbirth
Ectopic pregnancy
Heart and brain develop during when in pregnancy?
How long do eggs live?, Sperm?
Role of the umbilical cord
After 8th week of pregnancy is called
Fertilization is…?
What is menstruation?
HPV vaccine is for ?
How enlarged must the cervix be to begin pushing?
The male hormone?
Female hormone?
In a 28 day cycle, what does the 14th day represent?
When do most females begin menstruating?
Vasectomy is?
Hormonal method of birth control?
Virus that causes genital warts?
Herpes is cured by?
How is pubic lice treated?
What is the name of the INTIAL test given for HIV antibodies?
The HIV virus attacks what specific cell in the body?
An AIDS patient must have…?
Lymphocytes that IDENTIFY and kill pathogens are _____cells
Lymphocytes that produce antibodies and kill pathogens are _____cells
The Western Blot Test detects HIV antibodies and confirms _________
4 FLUIDS that transmit the HIV virus.
A blister is what sign of STD?
Which STD starts as a single sore and progresses to a rash?
How long do HIV antibodies take to develop?
Organ Tissue Donation?
How and when can a person be an organ donor? What are the age limits?
Ch 1 & 4
Personality types? Explain the different characteristics?
3 overall aspects of health and wellness
Which “type” has more stress?
What is first stage of dealing with an extreme stressful situation?
3 stages your body undergoes with extreme stress?
The release of adrenaline is what response?
First step in handling stress/
Physical and psychological response are ?
A type of stress beyond a person’s control?
Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
Disease in which the joints break down in the body?
What carries O2 in blood?
Fights Infections?
What type of pathogen penetrates the nucleus of a healthy cell?
Scarring of the liver is known as?
What is a vaccine?
Who developed 1st vaccine?
What tissues are affected in a person w/ lymphoma?
What’s is a stroke?
Spread of cancer is called?
A biopsy is?
Malignant vs. Benign
A time when cancer symptoms disappear?
Cardiovascular means?
Irregular heartbeat is?
Signs of cancer?
Most common cancer in young males?