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Name: ________________________
Communicable/ Infectious Diseases
Unit 8: P. 484
Immune System
Lymphocytes: White blood cells that help the body fight ____________
Two Types:
B Cells: produce _____________
T Cells: Signal B cells to produce ________________
Immunity P. 485
 The body’s resistance to disease-causing agents
__________: Resistance to ____________ due to the presence of antibodies
Passive: Introducing antibodies into a person’s blood stream
Vaccine: ____________ disease that is introduced into the body to give
_______________ (make ______________)
Communicable/ Infectious Diseases P. 487
 An illness caused by pathogens that can be _____________ from one living
thing to another.
Pathogens: Microbes which can cause ___________ diseases.
Contagious: Having the ability to be ______________.
Epidemiology: The study of the source & the spread of diseases.
What to know about types of pathogens P.487
 Bacteria: Microscopic, __________ celled organisms that cause disease.
 Fungi (yeast & mold): Simple organism, can’t make own food (ex:
__________ _______, ringworm)
 Viruses
 Protozoa: Single celled organism, can produce toxins that cause disease. Most
are _____________.
Unit 8 Notes: Wells
 Helminith (worms): Not micro organism; cause disease in human body by
infecting intestines, muscles, rectum (ex: round worms or Trichinosins)
 Microbes: tiny organisms that can’t be seen by the naked eye
 Viruses are not cells! Viruses cause disease by invading cells forcing them to
_____________ viruses. Some remain in the body for ________. Can live
outside the body for a short time but must _____________ inside.
*________________ disease causing pathogen
 Examples: rabies, polio, common cold, _____________, mumps, chicken pox,
shingles, and warts.
How Pathogens are Spread P.488
 May be spread from person to person through ___________ contact (shaking
hands, intimate kissing, sexual intercourse, receiving a transfusion of the
person’s blood, touching ulcers or sores, of handling bodily fluids like blood or
 May be spread in the ________ by coughing or sneezing
 Contact with contaminated _________ (needles)
 Handling or being bitten by an infected insect
 Contaminated _______ or water, not washing hands
Possible Causative Factors
 Host: person who is ill & is carrying the ________.
Environment: where the __________ lives.
Time: __________ of the year.
Agent: ___________ which caused the illness.
_______________: having a high chance of getting disease.
Relapse: recurrence of symptoms of disease after a period of _______________.
Unit 8 Notes: Wells
Defense Against Infection P.485
First line of defense: _____________
Skin (unbroken)
Mucous Membranes in the mouth, nose, and bronchial tubes
Digestive juices (stomach acids)
Second line of defense – ___________
 White Blood Cells
_____________ eat up invaders
 Lymph Nodes- gland like structures that serve as filters to screen out
Last line of defense- _____________
T-Cells: lymphocytes recognize invaders and active B-Cells
B-Cells: responsible for producing _______________ that destroy invading
Inborn Immunity: temporary immunity that an _____ has (acquired from
mother’s antibodies)
Bacterial STD’s
 Chlamydia: painful urination and unusual discharge from penis or vagina
 PID: Pelvic Inflammatory disease (Infection of the internal female
_______________ sys.)
 Syphilis: ____________ appears, if it goes away doesn’t mean STD is gone, its
Spirochete: bacteria that causes syphilis
 Gonorrhea: infects linings of the male and female genital and _____________
Gonococcus- bacteria that causes gonorrhea
*Bacterial STD’s are curable with _____________
Unit 8 Notes: Wells
Viral STD’s P.502
 Herpes I: blisters or sores appear on or around the mouth, only transmissible
when sores are _________
 Herpes II: causes blisters to appear in _________ region
 HPV: wart in genital area
(can cause cervical cancer in females)
 Hepatitis (A,B,C,D,E): viral infection of the ______
*Drugs that help produce antibodies: Vaccines*
 Parasites:
o Pubic Lice
o Trichomoniasis
HIV P.504
 Transmissible virus that attacks ________ of the immune system and
causes immune deficiency.
The virus that causes AIDS. Some people who become infected with HIV
become ill and die within ______ months. Others may remain in good health
and show no signs for six to ten years.
Opportunistic Infections: Infections like pneumonia or ___________, that
actually kill the person because ___________ system is low due to HIV
Ways of HIV Transmission (P.506)
-Contact with infected ________, semen, or vaginal secretions.
-Injection of infected blood or blood products
-Infected ________ to baby (Breast Milk)
High Risk Behaviors: Anal intercourse, injecting needles with multiple users,
vaginal intercourse.
Other Risky Behaviors: Oral sex, receiving blood (not too probably anymore)
*Ways HIV is NOT transmitted (kissing, hugging, coughing, bathroom facilities,
insect bites, sharing towels, prepared or served foods, swimming, sports
How HIV Takes Over the Body P.505
 The virus destroys the T-Cells & __________ their function of signaling the BCells to produce antibodies. With the immune system so low, the T cells are
Unit 8 Notes: Wells
not able to _______ off other microorganisms & cancer cells. The HIV cells
Early Signs of HIV
 Tiredness
 Skin rashes
 Night Sweats
 Loss of Weight
 Diarrhea
 Sore throat & fever
Incubation Period
 Word given for the time period when you turn from HIV- to HIV+
 It may take 6 weeks to 6 months before HIV antibodies will show up in the
___________. Most people develop antibodies in 6-12 weeks.
 Treatment Drugs: slows down the germs ability to reproduce. P.510
 Cure: _______
Tests P.512
 ELISA: _________ test that identifies whether a person has _____ antibodies.
If negative- retest in 6 months, if positive-another ELISA test is done to
 Western Blot Test: this is also an antibody test done to ________ the results
of the ELISA test.
 The last and _________ stage of HIV.
 When a person has _____ T-Cells or less they are considered to have ______.
After symptoms marking the beginning of AIDS development, most people die
within two years & the rest within five years.
Avoiding STD’s & HIV P.508
 _________ from sex until marriage
 Change you behavior and be tested for _________ and HIV if you have
become sexually active
 Have a monogamous marriage
 Choose a drug-free lifestyle
 Change your __________ if you use drugs
 Avoid sharing needles for tattoos or to pierce body parts
 Follow universal _______________
Unit 8 Notes: Wells