Download The following procedure will be followed when a player is injured at

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******2017 NRMF WALKERS POLICY******
No child should be left at a practice, game, competition or any other NRMF or
Pop Warner event without an authorized ride from either the child’s parent or
another child’s parent.
Any child that states they can walk home or take a taxi MUST have a written
note given to NRMF as well as their coach. This note MUST be retained on file
with the Recording Secretary and a copy MUST be kept in the team book. If
the note states the child may take a taxi home, the note MUST also be notarized
by an authorized NRMF representative.
This is the only way we will release the child from an event or practice.
In the event a child has not been picked up or states they can walk home
without a note, the coach WILL attempt to contact the parents.
If the coach cannot contact the parents, the coach will contact the Rockland
County Child Protective Services Hotline (1-800-342-3720) and notify them
that we have an abandoned child.
NRMF volunteers are not allowed to drive any participant home without prior
written approval. This note MUST be retained on file with the Recording
Secretary and a copy MUST be kept in the team book.
NRMF understands that everyone’s lives are hectic and it also recognizes the
time our volunteers spend and their desire to join their family when an NRMF
or Pop Warner practice or event ends.
Participant’s name _________________________________________
Parent/guardian name _______________________________________
Parent/guardian e-mail _______________________________________
Parent/guardian cell _________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature_____________________________________
Date ___/_____/ 2017
******2017 NRMF WALKERS POLICY******