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Name: __________________________
Period #: ______________
Date: ___________________
7th Grade Life Science Midterm Study Guide
Digestive System:
1. Which two organ systems work to break down food and deliver it to the body?
2. Trace the path of food through the digestive system starting with the mouth.
3. Explain how both chemical and mechanical digestion are responsible in the mouth?
4. Explain how food gets down the esophagus. What is that process called?
5. Give an example of a carbohydrate. What do you get from it?
6. Give an example of a protein. Do you get energy from it?
7. Give an example of a lipid. What do you get from it?
8. In which two organs does the digestion of food primarily take place?
9. What is the function of the esophagus?
10. Which nutrient is primarily digested in the stomach? What evidence do you have for
11. Where are most of the nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream?
12. What is the main job of the digestive system?
13. Which organ would most likely be the cause if you are experiencing diarrhea?
14. Where does saliva breaks down food?
15. Which organ digests proteins but not lipids? What evidence do you have for
16. The stomach exhibits this type of digestion by churning its contents with muscular
17. Your Halloween candy is likely to be high in these nutrients:
18. Oil is made entirely of these nutrients:
19. How can you prove that your body doesn’t need gravity to move food to the
20. How did you prove that you don’t need to chew food to digest it?
21. During the food-bag lab, we observed that there is a significant decrease in mass
as it passes though the small intestines. What accounts for that decrease?
22. Ms. Ryan orders a hamburger at Burger King so she can have it her way. Her
burger only has beef, lettuce, and mayonnaise between sliced bread. Write
down in what parts of the body each part of the sandwich will be digested.
Circulatory System:
Use the graph to answer the following: (23-25)
23. What is the best way to describe the relationship between area and velocity? In other
words: As area goes up, the velocity…
24. Which blood vessel has the highest speed?
25. Which blood vessel has the highest blood pressure and velocity?
26. Explain why your heartbeat speeds up as you exercise.
27. Which blood vessel has the highest blood pressure?
28. What is the main job of the circulatory system?
29. Where do nutrients leave the bloodstream to enter body cells?
30. What blood vessels are wrapped around the alveoli in the lungs?
31. Why are the lungs important for the circulatory system?
32. How do alveoli contribute to the contents of your blood?
33. What is blood made of? Name all 4 components and their functions.
34. What is the difference between arteries and veins? What does each do?
35. What is the function of the capillaries?
36. What happens to the blood while it’s in the lungs?
Respiratory System:
37. List the 3 main parts of the respiratory system.
38. Which organ do you breathe out of when you need extra air? Why?
39. List the correct path of air through the respiratory system.
40. Which two human body organs work together to make sure oxygen is transported to
other areas of the body?
41. What is the main job of the respiratory system?
42. Where does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur?
43. Which organ is most likely the cause of coughing up large amounts of mucus and
shortness of breath?
44. Why are there capillaries in the lungs?
45. Why do we need to breath? (and don’t stay to live!!!)
46. Compare the parts of the respiratory system to parts of a tree. (e.g. the alveoli
are like bark, the trachea is like twigs, etc.)
47. Explain the journey of an Oxygen molecule. Include how it enters the body, what
parts of the respiratory system it passes through, and what happens to it
after it exits the alveoli.
Cellular Respiration:
48. What is cellular respiration?
49. What does the circulatory system do to help us get energy in our cells?
50. Write the respiration equation in words?
51. Where do the materials of cellular respiration get processed?
52. How do the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
accomplish cellular respiration within the body?
Science Processes:
53. Make 1 observation about your house.
54. Make 1 inference about your house.