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Name _____________________________
Solar System Fact Sheet – A Closer Look
Use the Clark Planetarium Solar System Fact Sheet to help answer these questions.
1. Which two planets have NO natural satellites? _______________ and ______________
2. How many moons does this fact sheet say belong to Uranus? ______
3. How many moons does this fact sheet say belong to Saturn? ______
Note: the diameter of each planetary moon is given in parentheses (in km)
4. What is the diameter of the Uranus moon Miranda? _____________ km
5. Name the largest moon of Jupiter _______________ What is its diameter? _______ km
NOTE: Average distances to the Sun for the planets is given in 3 different units.
6. Which planet is about 19.2 times the distance of Earth to the Sun? _________________
7. Which planet is 149.6 million km from the Sun? _____________
8. Light from the Sun takes ______hours _______minutes _______ second to reach Neptune.
9. How long would it take a radio signal (traveling at light speed) to reach the Moon? ____sec
10.Name the planet whose day is longer than its year. ____________
11.Look at the orbital velocities for the planets. What pattern do you notice?
12.Which planet is about 95 times more massive than the Earth? ______________
13.Which planet has the lowest escape velocity? ___________
What is its escape velocity? ______________km/sec
Suggest a reason for this low escape velocity.
14.Which planet has the least difference between high and low temperature extremes? ________
15. Which two planets have only the same main elements as our Sun in their atmospheres?
_______________ and ______________
16. Which planet has the most satellites? __________________ How many? ____________
17. Which planet has the most eccentric orbit? ________________; the least? ______________
18. Which planet has a density less than 1 g/cm3 (water)? __________________
19. Name three planets whose inclination of equator to its orbital plane is greater than 90o.
20. Which planet has close to same surface gravity as Earth (1)? ___________________
21. Name the five dwarf planets of our solar system.
22. Which of these dwarf planets is the largest? _______________; the smallest? ____________